Chapter 131

Just when Lin Jun was making [Strike Freedom Gundam],

On the other side of the lighthouse country, things are starting to happen again.

January 11,

The top officials of the lighthouse nation convened a secret meeting.

“The rising trend of the Dragon Kingdom is becoming more and more obvious. We, the lighthouse country, cannot wait to die.”

“The Ministry of National Health has submitted a [Nuclear Bomb Trapped Dragon Project]. You can take a look and express your opinions. This meeting is top secret and will not be decrypted until 200 years later.”

Soon, all the senior officials got the “Nuclear Bomb Trapped Dragon Project.”

Content: Convene the friendly allies around the Dragon Nation, Africa, Nepal, Vietnam, the open country, the island country, and the Smecta…using the pretext of protecting the homeland from monster attacks, establish a nuclear bomb launch base to suppress and threaten the Dragon. (Equivalent to the Thad system in the Smecta country.)

The meeting lasted 3 hours in total.

In the end, 84% of the participants voted in favor of the implementation of the “Nuclear Bomb Troubled Dragon Project.”

The next day, January 12,

The Beacon State held the Earth Joint Military Defense Alliance Conference, inviting Victoria, Canada, Austria, the developing countries, the African countries…28…most of the developed countries.

There are also…Nigeria, Vietnam, Smecta, Neon…

The Austrian Emperor spoke with great affection at the meeting:

“I am deeply saddened by the disaster in Mammoth City and Gata City in the opening country…”

“In order to avoid this happening again, and to flexibly respond to future monster invasions, the Lighthouse Nation is prepared to build nuclear bases in various parts of the world to resist monster invasions and any other invasions at any time…”


Building a nuclear bomb launch base?

The representatives of many countries present were taken aback.

They reacted subconsciously: Is the Lighthouse Nation trying to counter the rise of the Dragon Nation?

Especially the neighboring countries of the Smecta, Neon, African, and Kaihang countries, the four dragon countries, reacted most violently.

The Great Emperor continued to speak: “The advantage of doing this: Once a monster invades, the homeland cannot effectively defend against the monster, then the nuclear bomb can quickly strike and kill the monster.”

The reason is very good.

And all the allies were moved.

This is indeed a good idea.

For example, in Mammoth City, after the offshore block fails, it is completely possible to throw a nuclear bomb directly over. Although it will cause some damage to Mammoth City, it is better than Mammoth City being destroyed, Gata City being nuclear-leveled, and 8 million people killed…

“I agree……”

“I agree……”

Soon, the major countries agreed.

Subsequently, the Austrian Emperor held a press conference and announced: “In order to resist the monsters, nuclear bomb launch bases will be arranged in various Earth Joint Military Defense Allies…”

At the press conference, the audience was in an uproar.

Longguo reporter: “Excuse me, Emperor Austria, is it possible that the Beacon Nation is going to provoke a global nuclear war at this time?”

The Austrian Emperor did not rush and said: “No, I am here to help the Allies resist the monster invasion. Why do you Dragon Congress think that a nuclear war is being initiated at this time?”(Read more @

Although Emperor Austrian said so, the reporters did not believe it.

They all realized that the Lighthouse Nation was a drastic response to the rise of the Dragon Nation.

Half an hour after the press conference,

The major media around the world have reported, the news spread, and there was an uproar, which caused countless discussions for a time…

“Is the lighthouse country really to deal with monsters?”

“I always think it’s to restrain the Dragon Kingdom!”

“Is there a nuclear war coming?”

For a time, everyone in the world turned their attention to Dragon Kingdom.

They are very curious.

“What’s the reaction of Dragon Congress?”

At this time,

In Longguo, it has been fried on the Internet.

“My heart is not dead, I want to threaten us with a nuclear bomb…”

“It’s disgusting, it’s a rogue country!”

“This shows that the rise of our Dragon Nation has already felt threatened by the Beacon Nation.”

“Yes, the lighthouse country panicked, so it made this kind of rogue action.”

“If it is really a nuclear strike, we don’t seem to be able to defend it.”

“Do we really have no way of countering it?”

“If they dare to bomb us, then we dare to neutralize the nuclear power of the lighthouse and be buried together!”

“I hope Lin Jun can develop technology to suppress nuclear bomb attacks.”

“Yes, Lin Jun should be fine.”

Organic methyl land.

“Nuclear threat?”

Lin Jun sneered.

In the past, Lin Jun has done deductions on the world situation. If the Dragon Kingdom really rises, it will inevitably threaten the Beacon Kingdom.

One of the worst cases is that the lighthouse state launched a nuclear peace plan.

Lin Jun had considered this serious consequence when he formulated the [Qianlong Ascension Plan].

However, Lin Jun has confidence!

Because there are several technologies for countering nuclear bombs in the system:

Technology 1: Neutron jammer, exchange popularity value: 5 million. From “Gundam Seed”

Technique 2: Collapse the cloud, exchange popularity value: 4 million

Technology 3: Particle beam weapon, exchange popularity value 2 million

Lin Jun finally chose a neutron jammer.

Neutron disruptor: The basic principle of nuclear reaction is chain reaction, bombarding atoms with neutrons to fission them. The neutron 660 jammer can interfere with neutron activity, and finally achieve the purpose of inhibiting nuclear reactions.

Another advantage of this technique is that it is a range weapon.

Within its range of effect, all nuclear bombs will lose their effectiveness!

Unlike the third technical particle beam weapon, it needs to hit a nuclear bomb.

Soon, Lin Jun held a press conference on behalf of Long Guo.

As many as 5,800 journalists from around the world participated in the press conference!

Almost all major TV stations, online media, and paper media in the world are included.

When Lin Jun appeared,


Keep taking pictures on site!

Lin Jun looked around, his face grim:

“Today’s press conference, Long Guo wants to announce a big plan to the world!”

“In view of the dangerous actions of the lighthouse nations that have threatened the world’s nuclear security and plunged the world into the fear of nuclear bombs, Long Country will implement a [Nuclear Bomb Suppression Program], using [Neutron Jammers] to suppress the global nuclear bombs…


ps: Recommend “Hong Kong Movies: I have a showdown, I am the first brother of the police!” “Is a good Hong Kong movie novel. It tells the story of a patriotic youth who was reborn as a policeman in Xiangzhou, combined with many Hong Kong movie plots, and then slammed foreign factions all the way to become the third policeman of the Long Guoren.

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