Chapter 148

Lighthouse country.

The black palace.

The Austrian Emperor once again summoned the intelligence director to inquire about the situation of the Long Kingdom Caiyun Province.

The intelligence director bowed his head and said: “Mr. President, I’m sorry, the supervision in Choi Yun Province is too strict. We lost more than 300 outstanding spy elites before we reached the [Underground World Base] 10 kilometers away.”

Emperor Ao suppressed the anger in his heart: “Is there any other way?”

The intelligence director looked up: “Yes!”

Emperor Austrian: “What’s the solution?”

Intelligence Director: “I suggest launching the “Impossible Mission Intelligence Agency”. Their strength is extraordinary, and they may have the opportunity to obtain intelligence from [Underground World Base]. ”


Emperor Austrian had heard of this intelligence group, the strongest special agent group in cia. The rumors were very powerful, and he had committed several world-class events, blocked the nuclear doomsday, and saved the earth.

The intelligence director is proud: “Yes, it is the IMF!”

Emperor Ao nodded: “Okay, then send them.”

Washington, a safe house somewhere.

Agent Ethan received a mission from the intelligence director.

“Spy on “753 Underground World Base”? ”

The “underground world base” can be said to be the most concerned place in the world at present, because it has found a passage through the underground world. A few days ago, Lin Jun even announced the livable area of ​​the underground world, which is one-ninth the size of the Dragon Kingdom, envying foreigners.

Agent Ethan knew how strong the security force of this base was, so he didn’t dare to underestimate it.

He quickly called in other partners: computer geniuses, mechanics, female agents…


Make a battle plan.

4 days later,

They dressed up as tourists, put on a variety of black technology tools such as: disguise masks, chewing gum bombs, gecko gloves, magnetic levitation coats, etc., and arrived in Longguo Caiyun Province by plane.

It took another three days,

They successfully infiltrated the base airport.

They looked at the base that was already lined with ‘high-rise buildings’, and their hearts were shocked.

Ethan sighed: “It’s unimaginable. It was built in less than a month. The potential of the Dragon Kingdom is really endless.”

After another day, Ethan used a disguise mask. Disguise became a soldier, stole the permission magnetic card, and entered the base all the way, close to the wormhole 100 meters away.

At this time, the imperial capital.

Lin Jun made new optimizations to [Freedom·Gundam] in the Mecha Grounds for the Pandora Star environment.

“Master, I found a more powerful spy who has breached the tenth level security system of the Caiyun Province base…”

Jarvis appeared suddenly.

Lin Jun was surprised: “Huh? Such a powerful spy? Show me…”

A projection appeared in front of Lin Jun.

Name: Ethan Hunt

Position: Mission Impossible Intelligence Agency (IMF) team leader, elite agent

Photo: Picture…

Resume: Protecting the former prime minister of Victoria, preventing the launch of nuclear bombs, and destroying the weapon “rabbit feet” of terrorist organizations…(Read more @


Lin Jun took a look at this picture.

The handsome guy in the picture is only slightly uglier than himself. Isn’t it the actor Tom Cruise?

Mission Impossible Intelligence Agency?

Could it be Ethan Hunt, the protagonist of the “Mission Impossible” series?

Lin Jun suddenly sneered.

King of Agents?

Did you ask me?

“Jarvis, inform the base and arrest him right away…no…”

Lin Jun suddenly thought of an idea.

“Jarvis, compile some materials for me and send a big gift to the Black Palace!”

Then carefully ordered it again.

Agent King Ethan is anxiously trying to get into the building where the wormhole is located.


Two researchers in white coats walked over from inside.

“Professor Zhang, this “Encyclopedia of the Underworld” is very precious. Don’t take it out casually.”

“I see, you are really annoying.”

“I just remind Professor Zhang that this “Encyclopedia of the Underworld” records 8 locations in the world that can lead to the underground world. Once these locations are leaked, the lighthouse countries will definitely go all out to dig for the entrance to the underground world. In that case, our Dragon Kingdom would not be able to monopolize the rich resources of the underground world.”

Listen to the conversation between these two people.

Ethan Hunt, almost jumped up without excitement!

Oh, God!

Unexpectedly, I encountered a big fish! !

“I must get this “Encyclopedia of the Underworld”!”

With excitement, Ethan Hunt followed the two researchers all the way.

Half an hour later…

Ethan Hunter successfully obtained the “Encyclopedia of the Underworld”, and did not dare to stay in this heavily guarded base anymore and leave quickly.

Just as he was about to rendezvous with the players…


Suddenly, a large wave of gunfire sounded at the base.

“There are spies!”

“We caught 4 spies!”

“Hehe, you are really looking for death, how dare you come to our base?”

Ethan looked at Bangui and Brandt with a cold sweat on his face. They were arrested by the soldiers of the Long Kingdom and detained into the base.

He stood there blankly.

He knew there was nothing he could do to save them.

The black palace.

Emperor Austrian looked at the “Encyclopedia of the Underworld” and laughed triumphantly.

“Hahaha~~~Long Country, aren’t you very good?”

“Isn’t it that I got the information?”

This encyclopedia records in detail the various animals, plants, ecosystems, and mineral deposits of the underground world… (made by Jarvis)

The eyes of Emperor Austrian are shining!

However, when he saw the list of 8 locations that might hide access to the underground world:

Lighthouse Country Black Palace…

The Kemlin Palace of the Bear Country…

Gotham City World Trade Center Tower 1…

Malaysia Twin Towers…

Neon Skytree…

Xiong Guo Mercury City Tower…

After reading,

Emperor Austrian: “………………”

How does this place feel weird?

Ling Ling Ling~~~

At this moment, the phone rang quickly!

“Mr. President, it’s not good, a new wave of monsters has appeared!!”

Robert, the mecha chief of Area 51, yelled in a panic.

. .

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