Chapter 163

Long Guo, national television station.

When the host learned that the “Dangerous Wanderer” had lost the GPS positioning signal and stayed in the sky, he immediately remembered the “Yahe Incident” of that year.

“It must be the lighthouse country, it must be they canceled the gps!”

The global audience was stunned.

What do you mean?

They don’t understand.

But soon someone who understood it explained it to them.

“The lighthouse country’s GPS is the world’s only satellite positioning system, which can accurately locate any corner of the world.”

“The Galileo system of the European countries, the Big Dipper of the Dragon Kingdom, and the GLONASS of the Bear Kingdom have not reached the technical strength of the lighthouse country…”

“The world needs to rely on the lighthouse country’s gps. Once the lighthouse country’s gps is shut down, the world’s shipping, aircraft, and aviation navigation services…all will be suspended!”

“Moreover, the global GPS is free.”

After listening to popular science, many viewers were surprised.

The lighthouse country is so awesome!

So selfless dedication!

But soon someone pierced this dream.

“Do you think that free is good? You are wrong. This is just a conspiracy of the Lighthouse Nation 753. This is to dominate the world’s positioning system business and prevent other countries from establishing positioning systems.

“It is equivalent to strangling the throats of various countries… If a war breaks out, the lighthouse country can turn off the GPS and throw the enemy into chaos. Missiles, airplanes… everything will be useless. In the war in the Zhongdong area, GPS played It has a great effect.”

After some popular science, many people suddenly realized.


Beacon Country, played a big chess game early!

Looking back at the “Dangerous Wanderer” of the Long Kingdom, this time I am afraid that I will leave in a desperate manner. I can’t even find the Eighth Fleet. How about destroying the Eighth Fleet?

Long Country, you will suffer a big loss!

Unexpectedly, after a few months, the Lighthouse Country would even get back a round.

Beacon State, Aeronautics and Space Administration.

A harsh siren sounded throughout the office building.

“It’s not good, someone invaded our network!”

“It’s too fast!”

“What a fast speed, who is it?”

When the supervisor heard the alarm sound, he hurried to the main control center, and then saw that the whole main control center had been completely messed up.

All employees screamed in surprise, like a headless fly.

The leader in charge shouted: “What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up to patch up the firewall to stop the enemy’s attack! Also, let me find out who is so bold to invade our Aerospace and Aviation Department!”

An employee anxiously said: “Unable leader, we are not strong enough to block the other party. If we separate the power to check the other party, we will collapse faster!”

Leader in charge: “…………………………”

Taking a deep breath, thought of two ways.

“Call the intelligence department and the Guofang Department immediately and ask them to assist in sending people to defend… Besides, don’t we have many hacker geniuses? Let them join the battle immediately!”

“Our Aerospace Agency must not be lost!!”

At this moment, the employees began to scream in horror.

“It’s not good, the other party is still speeding up!”(Read more @

“God, who is the other party? How can we crack our system so fast?”


Soon, the computers in the main control center began to turn red one by one.

The line above: “Keep struggling, the more struggling, the happier I will be…”

All the people jumped, gritted their teeth, and desperately blocked them.

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But still failing steadily.

At this time, two fresh forces arrived on the battlefield, masters from the Guofang Ministry and the Intelligence Bureau, coming to help.

For a time, the morale of the entire master control center was greatly boosted.

“Fight me back!!”

The supervisor shouted excitedly.

Unfortunately, he was too happy too early.

The other party slammed hard again, and the situation on the Aerospace Agency’s side began to collapse quickly. All the computer experts were sweating and frantically blocked, but it was useless.

A computer quickly turns red!

In less than 1 minute, the entire master control center and all computers completely crashed.

Enemy, come in!

They are defeated!

“From now on, gps is controlled by me…”

After a sentence popped up, the computers in the entire main control center began to crackle and smoke, all the computer chips were burned, the circuits were short-circuited, and the case burned…

Master control center, ruined! !


Deathly quiet!

Everyone in the entire main control center stood sluggishly, pale and panicked.

They worked so hard to establish the global gps system that they spent trillions of dollars to build, and it was so occupied by the enemy.

What makes them even more frightening, who can resist such a terrifying enemy in the future?

Isn’t the cyber security of the lighthouse nation a lamb and let others kill it?

“It must be Lin Jun! It must be him!!”


“Protest, protest!”

At this moment, countless employees were incompetent and furious, and roared unwillingly.

The black palace.

Emperor Ao’s face changed drastically.

“What? The gps permission was taken away?”

He panicked.

“It’s over! The Eighth Fleet is gone!”

He quickly called the Eighth Fleet Command Center and yelled anxiously: “You must evacuate now, at all costs, quickly evacuate, Longguo has snatched the gps!”

“Retreat to me right away!”

Pacific Ocean, Nansha Islands, Eighth Fleet.

Command center.

The captain, the deputy captain, and the others, drove frozen champagne, celebrating.

“Cheers to today’s good news!”

“Hehe, I want our soldiers to retreat. It’s a joke. Without the GPS of our lighthouse country, how can he find us?”

“I can already imagine that the “dangerous wanderer” has hit the sea like a headless fly. ”


“Think about what kind of naval exercises Long Country was going to engage in, and we turned off their GPS directly. The so-called naval exercises suddenly became a mess and became the laughing stock of the world.

“Cheers for “Dangerous Wanderers” to become the laughing stock of the world! ”


Bell Bell Bell…

Suddenly, the phone rang.


“You must evacuate now, at all costs, quickly evacuate, Dragon Kingdom has snatched the gps!”

“Ah? Who are you?”

“I am your president, please give me a withdrawal right away! Otherwise, you will be dead!”

The phone hangs up.



It can be heard!

The entire festive command center has become icy at this moment!

. . .

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