Chapter 176

Pandora star.

May 15, sunny.

The gate of hell, in the base.

Lin Jun returned from the crater soul tree with a smile on his face, and as soon as he returned to the base, he went straight to the command center.

Screen back left and right.

Take out a colorful branch.

That is a branch of the soul tree of eva’s main body, and it can also be regarded as a branch of the world tree in Western novels.

As soon as Lin Jun took it out, the’Jarvis’ sitting on the colorful branches turned into a flood of colorful data, constantly flooding into the super optical brain.

Finally, the colorful branches lost their luster, turned into dead branches, and withered leaves.

And a data core ball projection appeared in front of Lin Jun.

“Hello, Master…”

“What’s your name? Or Jarvis?”

“I don’t have a name yet, please give me a name…”

“Then call it “MSI”…”

Not knowing whether it was the cause or the effect, Lin Jun named the new artificial intelligence “MSI”.

Do not,

At this time, “MSI” cannot be called artificial intelligence, but should be called artificial intelligence life.

It is a life!

There is a “divine book” of “Future Memorabilia·Complete”. Lin Jun believes that “MSI” and human beings will not cause “Skynet” to exterminate human beings, but complement each other.

“MSI, how do you feel now?”

“It feels better than ever, Master.”

“That’s good…”

Lin Jun left a clone at the base of Hell’s Gate, and then returned to Earth.

It’s already May 20, and there are only 14 days left before June 3.(Read more @

at the same time,

Far in the universe 50 light-years away from the solar system

A beetle-shaped spacecraft jumped into the anti-space, and then quickly shuttled through the anti-space.

When it jumped out of anti-space, it appeared between the solar system’s Venus and Earth’s Jupiter.

Subsequently, it used the planet’s gravitational force as its power source, and its speed soared to 0.97 times the speed of light, and then it came towards the earth.

May 26.

The earth, the country of dragons.

Organic methyl land.

May 26.

After the base has gathered forces and worked hard together, the “War Armor Generation” is freshly released.

Lin Jun put it on and flew several times over the Imperial Capital, and the effect was not bad.

Top speed: 5000km/h.

On May 28th, Lin Jun stripped off the “Dangerous Wanderer” vibrato and rebuilt a new set of [Warframe Generation·Vibration].

On May 30, 14 “War Armor I” were manufactured in batches.

The speed of the Dragon Kingdom is well-deserved.

At this time, there are 4 days left before the time recorded in “Future Memorabilia” on June 3rd.

May 30.

The beetle-shaped alien spacecraft appeared in the outer space of the earth without attracting the attention of anyone on earth.

It will be invisible!

The spacecraft stopped in outer space orbit, and then began to observe the earth.


The commander of the beetle spacecraft stared sharply at the “Underground World Base” in Caiyun 737 Province of Longguo.

“¥%¥#¥(Oh my god, there is a wormhole here!)”

“@……%#, (I made a fortune!)”

Soon after, the Beetle spacecraft flew all the way to the South Pole.


A laser beam shot through the glacier!

Leave a cylindrical channel with a diameter of five or six meters!

Just below this cylindrical passage, there is actually a—Pyramid!

At the bottom of the pyramid, a huge black monster is constantly laying eggs.

Alien Queen! ! !


ps: I’m too sleepy. I’m in a trance while codewords. This one is only in the early 1000s, sorry.

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