Chapter 178

Caiyun Province.

At this time, the “underground world base” has expanded to a large area of ​​5 kilometers.

One after another military defense towers, reinforced concrete houses, warehouses, weapons depots, dormitory buildings…

Take up the entire “underground world base”.

At this time, the number of the entire base has reached 120,000, of which 40,000 are soldiers and soldiers.

The base is 10 kilometers away.

Two villager hunters who entered the mountain, Acha and Ada, were carrying bows and arrows on their backs and machetes, looking for prey everywhere.

Hunting is his way of living and making money. It is also his professional field and will not be discarded.

At this moment, a strange monster aimed at them.

It is more than 2 meters tall, looks like a dinosaur, has four legs, a long conjunctival tail, and its head has a pointed head, a hard exoskeleton, and its whole body is black…


A medium-sized alien appeared in Caiyun Province.

And looking at its appearance, it looks like a viper wolf, and there are two ‘tentacles’ tails behind its head, which resemble Pandora’s tentacles.

stop! !

Ah Cha suddenly raised her hand and looked around.

He felt something was wrong, as if something was coveting him.

A Da and A Cha are veteran hunters with rich experience. After seeing A Cha’s 753 movements, they also stopped, holding a knife on guard, and searching around with a pair of eyes.

After two minutes, nothing was gained.

Ah Da couldn’t help asking: “Does it feel wrong?”

Acha frowned: “I don’t know, I feel that something cold is staring at us. This feeling has never appeared before.”

Ah Da: “Tiger? Wild leopard?”

Acha shook her head: “It doesn’t feel like it, anyway, I feel sick all over.”

Ah Da: “Is it possible that the underground world came? I remember the last time the base informed that a group of viper wolves came to the ground, and I haven’t found them yet…”

Acha suddenly thought of something: “Ada, did the neighboring village say that someone was missing recently? Many strange traces were found in the missing place?

Ah Da was surprised: “What? You mean…”

The two looked at each other, panicked, and looked around vigilantly, but found nothing.

Acha’s sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger: “Let’s go, it doesn’t feel right here!”

Ah Da is not a mentally disabled teammate, nodded: “Okay.”

The two are going to evacuate, and they will go back. They will report to the base when the time comes. The base has always attached great importance to the viper wolves that disappeared without a trace, and should send someone to investigate.

Although the two wanted to retreat, the alien that aimed at them didn’t want to just run away like this. These are their meat. Now the alien queens need to eat, and those alien eggs need a host.

It didn’t attack rashly, but cautiously ran in front of the two of them, and found a huge banyan tree to ambush.(Read more @

Acha and the two passed by near the banyan tree,


He felt the pores all over his body seemed to be pierced by a needle, and he felt like a catastrophe was imminent. Without even thinking about it, he just shrank his head and rolled away.


Rolled to 2 meters away.


The air suddenly exploded!

I saw a black ‘whip’ thrown over, and the speed at the tip of the whip exceeded the sonic boom produced by the speed of sound.

Finally, the braid hit the air root of the banyan tree.


The whole thick-mouthed aerial root is directly fried into pieces.


Ah Cha and Ah Da finally saw the monsters that attacked them clearly!

Take a breath!

“What the hell is this!”

“Run away!!”

Ah Cha yelled and ran away, but Ah Da did not slow down and fled quickly.

The two fled quickly in the jungle.


How can they be faster than Alien?

Alien is an assassin-type monster, and the speed is naturally extremely fast, catching up with them in less than 4 seconds.

Pounced over.

Press Acha directly under the body and stun directly.

But Ah Da ran just a few steps, and stepped into the footsteps, was rushed over by the monster, and received a box of lunch on the spot.

Alien seemed to be very happy, carrying the two ‘corpses’, several long jumps, swishes… disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

After 5 minutes, it came to an abandoned copper mine.

Caiyun Province has large mineral reserves and a complete range of minerals. Known as the “Kingdom of Nonferrous Metals”, Longguo has discovered 142 kinds of minerals and 1,274 mineral deposits. It is an important national production base of tin, copper and phosphate fertilizers.

Therefore, in Caiyun Province, there are a lot of mines, especially the abandoned mines, which can be continuously mined from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties to modern times, so the number of abandoned mines can be imagined.

Entered the mine, went around very far, and finally came to the depths of the mine.

At this time a huge mine space.

More than thirty meters high.

More than 50 meters in diameter.

A huge alien queen is carrying a huge fetus. With the scream of the alien queen, alien eggs are slowly being produced.

In addition, the Viper Wolf has been alien, placing these eggs in a small cavity.

In this small cavity, the mud wall contained a lot of disgusting semi-solid mucus, which stuck to four humans, wrapped them in sleeping bags, leaving only the human face to breathe air.

In the middle of the cavity, there are 12 round shaped eggs that are slowly opening.


Underground pyramid.

When 20 mech pilots [War Armor One] arrived here, it seemed that a battle had taken place here.

“What the hell is this place?”

“Why are there these things?”

These guys were full of shock and curiosity in their eyes.

Soon, they found the huge space at the bottom.

The Alien Queen stayed there, but now it is gone.

Later, a small round hole was found, two bodies were found inside, and there was a huge blood hole in the chest.

“It seems that some monster has emerged from here!”

Everyone turned pale.

“We must report to Professor Lin immediately!”

“There must be something wrong!”

. .

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