Chapter 184

Lin Jun has finished explaining, naturally he doesn’t need to be merciful.

Hand hard.

Grab the face-holding bug in his hand directly.

With a clank, I don’t know where to draw a knife.

Brush and brush~~~

A burst of blade light flashed, and all the face-bearing worms cut in two directly, turning into a pile of fragments and falling into the air.

All dead!

The incubation nest fell silent all of a sudden.

The audience was shocked!

What a fast speed!

Can’t see clearly at all!

Lin Jun seemed to have done a normal thing, and finally picked up a worm.

Facing the camera.

“Finally remind everyone that the blood of the worm is strong acid, stronger than the acidity of aqua regia. It can corrode metals and flesh and blood. Don’t take it lightly.”

“Oh, yes, I forgot one thing…”

Lin Jun took the live footage to the wall of the incubation nest, where there was an empty pupa.

“This pupa should be the Zhang Qiang who was tied here, and then he was hugged by the face-holding bug to complete the parasitism…”

Lin Jun picked up a petrified face worm at his feet.

“Look at this face-holding bug, it has completed its parasitism, and then its whole body began to petrify…”

Hug face worm, science is over!

A bomb was thrown into the lair.


The entire nest was reduced to ashes.

Continue on the road.

Lin Jun took the other three mechas all the way forward.

“Didi di…The drone found an alien…”

Message from MSI.

Then, a map was projected, and a red dot was on another corridor less than 40 meters away from Lin Jun and others.


Lin Jun speeds up suddenly.

The entire global live broadcast audience was refreshed.

“Aliens are here!”

“It is said that this alien is very powerful, but I haven’t really seen it yet.”

Audiences around the world craned their necks and waited curiously.

Lin Jun’s speed is very fast, arrived at the scene in less than 10 seconds, the alien figure has disappeared, but MSI’s computer power is more than that, the lens is scanned, 0.0001s directly sweeps out the traces on the ground, and then 0.0001s pointed out the direction for Lin Jun to escape.

30 seconds later…

Lin Jun caught up with the alien who was fleeing quickly.(Read more @

Alien, the combat habit is assassin raids.

When it encounters it head-on, it will generally avoid it and find a chance to attack, even if it encounters an enemy weaker than it.

“Want to escape?”

Lin Jun sneered.

The power of the Jinjin Battle Armor was pushed to 10%, and the speed soared, and then caught up with the alien.

Grab the tail in one hand.


The entire alien was dragged back directly.

Popular science mode, start!

Lin Jun faced the live drone and started to introduce.

Pulling the alien tail, hand it to the drone camera…

“First of all, you can see this tail. It has a high hardness. The tail end is a sharp cone… That is to say, its tail can be swept or spurred!”

Just when Lin Jun introduced, the Alien’s Vibrating Armor that was aimed at Lin Jun was madly torn. As a result, the Vibrant Armor was undamaged, but the Alien’s claws were abandoned.

Lin Jun pulled his tail off with force.

The audience in the live broadcast room; “…………………………”


Alien felt a sharp pain and went crazy.

The tongue ejected from the mouthparts and slammed into the helmet of the vibrating armor.


Lin Jun stretched out his hand and grabbed the long mouthpart directly.

“Look, everyone, this alien shape is really insidious. The teeth in the mouth are not enough, and there is also a long ejection mouthpart. I estimate the hardness, at least as hard as titanium alloy. This is estimated to be stronger than the tail’s attack power. Be careful when fighting it in the future.”


Slightly exerted force on the wrist.


The alien forehead was broken by Lin Jun.

···········Ask for flowers········

Live audience: “………………………………”

“A thrilling battle has now become the popular science time of Lin Jun.”

“I can’t get nervous at all.”

“It’s not that the aliens are not strong, but Lin Jun’s mecha is too strong.”

“Alien-shaped flipping the table: ‘My mentality of stepping on a horse is broken!’!”

There is nothing to say next.

Lin Jun hit the alien body with a punch.

Punch on the spot!

Then pat its long head.


The hard head shattered directly…

This moment of live broadcast audience: dull and tasteless~~~~~

……. ….. …

The whole battle was like a joke.

Lin Jun’s mecha is too powerful!

In the next half an hour, Lin Jun, and the other three War Armor generations, solved the three aliens. In addition, three abilities rushed out of the cave, and they were still tenacious under the bombardment of a large number of mines, and finally died in a storm of armor-piercing bullets and shell fire.

Finally showed the alien’s concealment ability, attack skills, escape skills…

Now the global audience finally feels the power of Alien.

after an hour……

“Dididi………found the Alien Queen!”

After continuous search by thousands of drones, MSI finally found the Alien Queen!

Lin Jun is refreshed!

The spirit of the global audience is lifted up!

Alien Queen!

The most powerful and terrifying alien!

3 minutes later…

Lin Jun and the other three mechas passed through the complex and lost mine and reached a huge mine in the depths.

An 8-meter-high huge alien, cold, dark, and full of evil.

Presented in front of a global audience!


ps: Today on the Chinese Valentine’s Day, I have a romantic dinner with my wife (manual dog head). It is three shifts now. In the evening, five shifts if possible, and four shifts if it doesn’t work.

. versus.

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