Chapter 186


“Fuck, how come there are aliens?”

“Could this alien be this alien’s pet?”

Audiences all over the world exclaimed when they saw the three predators in the live broadcast.


Lin Jun flicked the alien queen, causing ripples in the air!

The alien queen weighing several tons directly cut through the air and hit the three predators.


The big hole trembled, and the earth and rocks flew down.

Although the three predators avoided, the alien queen was too big to break away at once.

Although the Alien Queen was stunned by the smash, but for enemies like the predator, it would naturally not let go of this opportunity.


The thick tail penetrated directly into the chest of a predator.

Wear it out from behind.

At this moment~~

A shining arc flew by.

It was a rotating flying saucer knife, which cut its tail directly.

Then another predator fired three energy cannons.

Boom boom boom~~~

Cut off the head of the alien queen directly.

Alien Queen…


It’s not that Predator 28 is too strong, but that the Alien Queen was smashed by Lin Jun and weakened too much.

The two predators pushed the alien queen’s body away, and pulled the third predator (the chest was pierced) out.

A dose of repair liquid was sprayed on the injured predator’s chest and set aside.

The two predators walked 10 meters away from Lin Jun and looked at Lin Jun.

Made a gesture.


They want to kill Lin Jun and use Lin Jun’s blood to accomplish their coming-of-age ceremony!

The global audience looked blank.

“What do they mean?”

“It feels like I’m going to talk about friends.”

“Fart, talk about friends? Bring the Alien here and want to talk about friends?”

at this time,

The battle began.

The two predators returned to Lin Jun, and one of them threw a dart and flew towards Lin Jun.

Flip left and right!

Lin Jun reached out and caught the dart.

At this time, the predator had already rushed to Lin Jun.

The most primitive battle!

It is also the fighting method in which the predator has accumulated the richest combat experience after going through the actual combat selections.


A pair of sharp claws stretched out directly and claws at Lin Jun from top to bottom.

As a result, Lin Jun raised his arm.



Steadily blocked the predator’s claws.

Even though the sharpness of the claws can cut steel of this level, they are still defeated in front of the bug metal vibrating gold.(Read more @

The predator was taken aback.

At this moment, Lin Jun pinched the iron-blooded neck with his right hand.

Power start!

It slammed on the ground.

boom! !

The entire ground suddenly spread around like a circular wave, forming a pit several meters wide.




At this moment, audiences around the world couldn’t help being shaken by Lin Jun’s figure.

At this moment~~

Boom boom boom~~~~

Three energy cannons fired from the shoulder of another predator and hit Lin Jun’s body.

As a result, Lin Jun remained motionless, and the shoulder gun did not harm Lin Jun at all.

Use your right hand hard.


The predator in the pit, die!

The other predator was angry at seeing this scene!


Pull up a spear and shoot.


Break through the air and shoot at Lin Jun.

Lin Jun relied on his fighting instinct to stay directly to his side, avoiding the spear.

At this time, two energy cannons came head-on.

Lin Jun blocked the two energy cannons with both hands.

As a result, at this moment, the predator had already swooped over and appeared in front of Lin Jun, only less than 1 meter away.

Predators are worthy of being a fighting race. They create opportunities in battle, and are good at grasping them. In just a few combos, people have the illusion of stormy attacks.

Lin Jun sneered.

The leg bent up and kicked out, hitting the predator’s heart.


I saw the predator bowed like a shrimp, shooting backwards like a cannonball, screaming in the air.

Lin Jun quickly followed up.

The predator just hit the rock wall with a backward shot and exploded. As a result, Lin Jun followed after 0.01s.

Punch! !

A punch hit the predator on the head.


Head burst!

The surrounding rock walls were cracked every inch, and the entire mine shook again.

The predator died tragically on the spot.

At this moment, all the audience stared blankly at the powerful figure of Lin Jun.

Just moved, neat and domineering!

Kill without blinking!

The global audience is shocked!


The last predator, who was pierced through his chest, watched the death of his two companions, and roared strugglingly.

The shoulder cannon was adjusted, aiming at Lin Jun, bombing and bombing~~ Constantly bombing.

As a result, Lin Jun did not change his face and walked in front of the predator with the energy cannon.


Passed directly through the chest of the predator.

Then 770 pulled out.

Holding a blood-red thing tightly in his hand.

There was a frenzy of brows in the audience around the world, and the hair was horrified.


“Heart out!”

“Is Lin Jun a zombie? Just get your heart out!”

At this moment, the ‘heart’ in Lin Jun’s hand struggling abruptly, constantly struggling in the air, making a sharp hissing cry.

The global audience was shocked on the spot! !

“I’m 芔芔芔!!”

“It’s an alien!”

“This predator was parasitized?!”

“I was so scared that I threw all the instant noodles on the screen!”

“My phone fell into the toilet in fright, Mahler Gobi!”

“What I am curious about is, when was this predator parasitized?”

“It should be the tail of the alien queen~~”

In the discussion of countless audiences, the battle ended.

Alien Queen, die!

Three predators, die!

For the next three hours, drones, troops, and the ground, jungles, and mines within 10 miles of each other continued to search.

In the end, no trace of survival alien was found.

Things seem to be done.

Lin Jun frowned.

It feels unreasonable!

There are 16 villagers missing. Where did these people go?

. .

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