Chapter 188

Banna City.

Dark night, 0:35 in the morning.

Over the city.

The iron-blooded elder on the iron-blooded spacecraft looked at the city below with a silent expression.

He put the remaining 85 alien eggs into this city in less than 4 hours.

Two-thirds of the aliens just broke their chests from the divine bodies of animals and humans.

The remaining third of the alien eggs have not yet found a host for the parasite.

As a result, humans started to react quickly.

Woo woo~~~~~~

In Banna City at this time, the long alarm has sounded continuously for half an hour.

The citizens of Banna who were sleeping in the whole city were awakened by the alarm.


At a loss!

“What happened?”

“Alert? Is it a monster invading?”

They subconsciously turn on the Internet, turn on the TV…

Yu’e Bao is a senior high school student.

He is now fully preparing for the college entrance examination, preparing to enter the Long Academy of Sciences University, catching up with the footsteps of the idol Lin Jun.

As a result, he was awakened by the long sirens just after finishing reading a set of test papers and going to bed.

“What happened? 770”

He quickly walked out of the room, only to see his parents also walk out of the room.

Three faces are blank.

“What happened?”

The parents were also very panicked.

“Something big must have happened!”

“Does the monster invade?”

“Watching TV, it must be broadcast on TV!”

As soon as I turn on the TV,

It happened to be Caiyun TV Station.

At this time, Caiyun TV Station is broadcasting news.

The news host changed from the familiar Jiang Qian to the majestic face of the supreme leader of Banna City.

“Dear citizens of Caiyun Banna City, I now tell you the very unfortunate news that the alien monster alien has arrived in Banna City.”(Read more @

“The city of Banna has opened a special level of security, and the army will soon arrive in Banna to garrison and destroy the aliens.”

“Before the army arrives, all citizens are requested to do all kinds of safety protection. If you encounter an alien, please try your best to escape and report it in time.”

“At the same time, the city is conducting a survey of missing persons. For all those who cannot be found or cannot make a phone call, relatives and friends please report in time.”

“Finally, all citizens, please evacuate as soon as possible!”

The family looked at each other.

A little panicked.


They watched the alien popular science live broadcast only 4 hours ago.

The horror of the alien can be said to be impressive.

If you really encounter a killing machine like Alien, ordinary people like them will undoubtedly die.

And now, these aliens have come to Banna City!

Suddenly there was a panic of imminent disaster.

“Let’s withdraw quickly!”

“Yes, withdraw quickly!”

They hurriedly took their mobile phones, power banks, and went out.

When they went out to the door, they also saw that the surrounding neighbors were all carrying things out.

On the way out to the main street, there were already many people in a hurry preparing to evacuate.

Countless people flocked outside the city.

Soon, they saw military vehicles continuously driving into the city of Banna.

One by one, the citizens gave way, and some even saluted the soldiers.

Because they knew that they were evacuating, and these lovely soldiers were risking their lives to fight aliens.

Under the attention of countless people, military vehicles continued to drive into the city of Banna.

At this time, the Internet has exploded.

“Oh my god, I’m still thinking about these aliens, what would happen if they went to a human city, I didn’t expect it would actually happen.”

“Trouble now.”

“I heard that most citizens of Banna City have begun to evacuate.”

“The question now is not how powerful this monster is, but the monster is too concealed. If we can’t find a trace of the alien, even if the firepower is strong, the alien can’t be killed.”

“Yes, Banna City can’t be closed down than the mine. Losing the terrain is as complicated as there are so many sewers and buildings. This difficulty is not comparable to a mine.

“Don’t be afraid, Lin Jun must have a way.”

“I believe in Lin Jun.”

“Inventing a device that scans aliens shouldn’t be a problem for Lin Jun.”

“I hope Banna City can overcome this difficulty!”



At this moment, no one in Longguo can sleep at all in the whole country, and they are all waiting for the latest news from Banna City.


While there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, Long Guo finally held a press conference.

This is also the world’s first time a press conference will be held at 24 o’clock in the middle of the night.

However, even so, the number of reporters participating in the press conference is very large, as many as more than 3,000, all of whom are reporters stationed in the imperial capital of the world’s major media.

This time, the news of aliens attacking Banna City touched the hearts of countless audiences around the world.

“Mr. Zhao Shuang, is the alien invasion incident in Banna true?”

“It’s really true.”

“But, the Alien Queen and Alien, have they all been wiped out on the mine side?”

“Everyone knows that during the mine battle, three aliens appeared. Our Professor Lin named them the Predator. Obviously, they are a higher civilization race, and these aliens are under their control. The aliens in Banna City were obviously released by them.”

“Mr. Zhao Shuang, does Longguo have the confidence to face this crisis?”

“Our soldiers, have confidence!”

“Can you tell me more specifically?”

“Because we have Professor Lin Jun, he has invented the biggest weapon against aliens!”

Zhao Shuang made an announcement about the scanner. .

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