Chapter 190

Downtown Banna.

More than 1 o’clock in the middle of the night.

Somewhere in a large supermarket.

“Here is an alien, not yet mature, 1.6 meters tall, hiding in the innermost shelf…”

“There are two citizens hiding in the storage room…”

“Wait our battle plan is to force the monster to stay away from the storage room, protect the citizens, and then set fire to kill it…”

Outside the large supermarket, team leader Wang Hong lit his arm’s microcomputer three-dimensional projection, and began to arrange a battle plan.

With the alien position provided by the scanner, the hiding of the alien becomes invisible, the threat to the soldier is greatly reduced, and it is also conducive to the soldier to specify the attack plan.

“One group drives, two, three intercepts, and sets fire! Do you understand?”


“set off!”

The team of more than 20 people began to sneak into the large supermarket, but it also alarmed the aliens with sharp organs.

The alien began to shrink and hide, quietly waiting for the enemy to take the bait.

This fits the team’s wishes.

Soon, they sent the two citizens, father and daughter, who were hiding in the storage room, out of the large supermarket.

Next, start the official battle.

The soldiers pressed on, constantly compressing the hiding space of the alien.

Finally, the alien was forced to a corner of more than 30 square meters.

At this time, the alien finally moved. Although it wanted to carry out a sneak attack, the soldiers did not give it room for the sneak attack, so it could only rush out.

Step on your legs,



Suddenly, the hard concrete floor was covered with cracks like spider webs.

Alien quickly told the locomotive’s momentum and rushed to the second group of soldiers.


At this moment, the gunfire broke out.


Set fire to the alien.

Alien stepped directly on the wall in the air, then his whole body bends, dodges the bullet, and rushes to the other side.

Whoosh whoosh…

All of a sudden, the alien smashed the glass, rushed out of the supermarket, and disappeared into the night.


“Damn it, it escaped!”

“It’s too fast!”

“It’s because we don’t have enough experience. We set the fire all at once. We can’t do this. At least we must set the fire in sections and block all the space around it, so it will definitely die!

After summing up the experience, the team set off again.(Read more @

Through the scanner, the soldier team can see the alien just now, hiding in the bottom of a large pickup truck, and wanting to attack their team.

This alien form can be said to be a must-have, sinister and vicious.

“It wants to attack us.”

“It’s really sinister. Fortunately, Professor Lin invented this scanner, otherwise we would really suffer heavy casualties.”

“If we are like this, we will do our best!”

Therefore, the soldier squad pretended to pass five meters away without knowing it.

Then, the alien suddenly rushed out and attacked.

As a result, the soldier squad all aimed their guns at…

Set fire.


A wave of fire that covered the entire space hit the alien body, making a honeycomb-like wound.

It was too late to escape.


The team cheered!

other places,

Fighting is also happening one after another.

In a certain section of the sewer, a team of soldiers encountered an alien who wanted to sneak attack the soldiers, but was lured to the place where the mine was buried and killed on the spot.

In a certain factory workshop, an alien hides in the boiler.

As a result, the soldiers squad took out eight or nine grenades, then pulled them out, and threw them in for a few seconds.

Before the alien had time to hide, the grenade exploded above his head. The terrifying shrapnel exploded and blasted it to shattered heads, and the dead could no longer die.

A certain district…

Some park…

Fighting everywhere has ended in human victory, and the casualties paid are not large, only 1 death and 34 wounds.

Human beings are powerful because they are good at using tools and strategies.

With the scanner, the aliens turn dark to light, and humans can be calmly arranged, either seduces, or persecutes, or stuns snakes…Various routines, plus many soldiers gathering fire, the aliens will eventually be unable to escape death… …….

At this time, 550 kilometers away.

The famous tourist city-Belvedere.

The iron-blooded spacecraft quietly arrived somewhere in the city with 10 alien eggs.

This is already the eighth city where the alien egg is placed.

After the Iron-Blooded Elder discovered the power of mankind, Banna’s plan to attract the enemy might go bankrupt, so he started throwing alien eggs frantically. Before reaching a city with a population of more than 1 million, he threw 10 alien eggs in and waited for fermentation .

These alien-shaped eggs are all cultivated using the’liquid’ of the alien queen, and then placed in the iron-blooded spacecraft culture tank.

This is what the Jagged Race often does (training aliens to train predators).

Two hours later…

Wormhole base.

Lin Jun took a long breath~~

After Lin Jun replaced a new radioactive particle as a scanning method, the second-generation scanner was finally successfully manufactured!

Scanning radius: 800 kilometers!

Volume: 0.25 cubic meters.

It just happens to cover the entire Caiyun Province!

3.5   and the volume is not large, easy to carry.

“Turn on~~”

“Didi di…”

With the energy provided by the Ark reactor, the second-generation scanner was successfully launched.

“Got you!!”

Lin Jun looked at the beetle-shaped spacecraft floating above Belvedere 500 kilometers away on the three-dimensional map.

Showing a cold look!

Five minutes later…

The “Free Wanderer” flew out of the base and flew towards Belvedere all the way.

The iron-blooded spacecraft also quickly discovered the “Free Wanderer”, but the iron-blooded elder directly ignored it.

Elder Jagged has a kind of arrogance that looks high above the earth’s human technology.

He didn’t think the earth had any weapons that could threaten the iron-blooded spacecraft.

. .

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