Chapter 192

Boom boom boom~~~

In the sky, the light of a high-energy particle energy cannon is constantly shining.

Time after time the energy cannon flew towards the “Free Wanderer”.

The distance is too close, and the energy speed of high-energy particles is close to the speed of light. This speed is basically impossible to avoid, so Lin Jun has no intention of avoiding it.

Plasma shield,

Turn it on!

Vibrating gold shield,


Boom boom boom~~~~

Repeated attacks were blocked by the “Free Wanderers”.

On the 500-meter-long iron-blooded spacecraft, the iron-blooded elder was extremely shocked by the vibrating gold shield in Lin Jun’s hand.

“Immediately analyze what material the shield is made of? Why can’t our energy cannon cause any damage to it?”

Soon his subordinates reported to him:

“Elder Hui, this shield has a relatively static molecular structure, not only invincible, but also resistant to heat and kinetic energy…”

“What? Impossible!”

The elder took a breath, and his eyes showed extreme excitement!

“There is still this kind of metal in the universe!”

“These ants… really enviable luck!”

He decided that he must get this metal!

Using it to build your own combat armor is definitely the biggest improvement in his strength. Perhaps, he can continue to challenge the Iron-Blooded Emperor, one-on-one duel, and promote the new Iron-Blooded Emperor!

“Kill him for me! I want to get his shield!”

The great elder couldn’t wait to shout with excitement.

Subordinate: “Elder, with the strength of the opponent, I am afraid we need to dispatch our main guns!”

Grand Elder: “Then activate the battleship’s main gun 々〃!”

Subordinates: “Yes!”

Soon, a hatch slowly opened in the abdomen of the iron-blooded spacecraft.

A huge muzzle with a diameter of more than 7 meters reveals its hideous true colors.

“Didi di…”

At this time, in the cockpit of the “Free Ranger”, MSI’s sirens were sounding frantically.

“Warning! Warning! Super energy response is detected, the iron-blooded spacecraft has turned on the battleship’s main gun!”

Lin Jun is extremely calm: “Execute the first battle plan!”

5 seconds later…


A huge white rainbow light, with the color of death like magma, cut through the sky and hit the “Free Wanderer” vibrating shield!

The whole night sky is as bright as day!

The sky is full of red clouds!(Read more @

Everyone in Belvedere looked towards the sky at this moment.

“It’s hot!!”

“Lin Jun is over!”

“What a terrifying cannon!”

In the center of the rainbow, there is no “Free Wanderer” in sight, and it has been submerged by the red magma.

Over the entire Belvedere, a terrifying heat spread.

Everyone looked up at the sky and couldn’t help but worry about Lin Jun’s safety.

The live broadcast room is even more sad.

“Impossible, how could Lin Jun die so easily!”

“I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!”

“Ms. Lin Jun will be fine!”

Countless viewers shouted, angry, sad…

On the other side of the Black Palace, the Austrian Emperor who had received the news laughed loudly, patted the table wildly, and danced to celebrate by the way.

suddenly! !

The situation has changed suddenly!


The main gun of the iron-blooded spacecraft exploded directly!

The iron-blooded spacecraft let out a whine and a bang, and a huge cave was directly exploded in the abdomen.

And at this time,

Everyone in Belvedere and the audience in the live broadcast room saw a golden-red figure, rushing straight up, crossing a distance of several hundred meters in 0.1 seconds, and rushing into the abdomen.

Then, the entire iron-blooded spacecraft halted suddenly, and thick smoke came out of it.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

Countless people from Longguo shouted in surprise at this moment!

They recognized it!

This is Lin Jun’s small mecha!

And the small mecha directly rushed into the iron-blooded spacecraft!

“I knew how Lin Jun could die so easily!”

“Lin Jun is awesome!”

“Now that spaceship is over!”

The whole country was boiling, and countless people from Longguo cheered and shouted with excitement.

Lin Jun, just awesome!

Inside the iron-blooded spacecraft.

Elder Jagged’s face changed drastically.

The gutter capsized!

An ant actually broke into the iron-blooded spacecraft.

The elder Jagged after a long battle, decisively ordered:

“¨” Immediately close all channels and block the opponent! ”

“Leap immediately, leave this planet, I will kill him in space!”

The subordinates quickly responded: “Elder, all access doors have been closed and locked, but the explosion caused the gravity engine to malfunction, and it was impossible to jump!”

Elder Jagged is about to get angry…


Suddenly the door of the command room shook suddenly!

A huge fist mark blasted out suddenly, with endless violent and noisy, domineering.

The predators in the entire battleship command center stopped at this moment, hanging to their throats.


There is a huge fist mark!

Boom~~Boom boom boom~~~~

boom! ! Block!

The entire 30cm-weight huge iron gate flew out directly, hitting a predator, and finally smashed into the wall. The predator caught in the middle turned into blood foam on the spot.

The atmosphere is dead.

Lin Jun walked in, wearing a vibrating armor.

Every step taken is like strangling their throats.

Death is coming!

There is a horror of life and death!


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