Chapter 197

After the level 6 monsters were eliminated by the Dragon Kingdom…

The next other monsters continue to invade other countries.

July 2nd, 4 pm.

A level five monster landed in the lighthouse country, and the lighthouse country sent 50 new mechas with stronger defenses and more powerful weapons, and carried out a siege.

However, the shield of the level 5 monster was too strong and the skin was too thick. In the end, 43 mechas and 86 mecha divisions were sacrificed before the level 5 monster was completely killed.

The lighthouse country finally gasped, proving its strength.

In the following 24 hours, Canada, Mozambique, Pakistan, nest country, Vietnam, Nigeria, Singapore, and opening countries…

Invaded by monsters one after another.

Some countries used nuclear bombs to kill monsters, but they also caused heavy losses to the cities and turned them into extinctions.

Some countries have spent a lot of money and asked Longguo to make it, starting at RMB 500 billion for a monster.

It is worth mentioning that Batie was once again attacked by a Tier 4 monster, and then spent 10 billion to ask the Dragon Kingdom to take action and kill the Tier 4 monster.

Pakistan Railway 10 billion…500 billion for other countries…

Other countries are so sour to explode!

When Longguo’s licking dog, there is such a benefit.

July 5.

Cape Town, the capital of the Southern Black Country, fell into chaos.

Monster invasion, here comes!

Level four monster.

Monster: Domineering Xunlong

Level: Level 4 monster

Height: 78 meters

Weight: 2900 tons

Target: Cape Town (distance 300 kilometers)

At a distance of 100 kilometers, at the speed of a level four monster, it only takes 2 hours to reach it.

However, two hours is not enough to complete the evacuation of Cape Town, which has a population of 3.8 million.

As for the nuclear bunker?


Moreover, although the southern black country is known as a developed country, its economy is concentrated in three capitals, and Cape Town is one of them.(Read more @

If it is destroyed, the Southern Black State will lose at least one-tenth of its economic power.

“We can’t lose Cape Town 々〃!”

“We can’t accept this kind of loss. We try our best not to use nuclear bombs to save Cape Town!”

The President of the Southern Black State shouted.

The subordinates are weak and weak: “But I have contacted the lighthouse country just now, they have lost too many mechas and will not come to the southern black country again…”

That’s right, the lighthouse country is scared!

There are three more monsters in this eighth wave.

What if the remaining 7 mechas rushed to the street while assisting the southern black country, and another monster suddenly rushed to the lighthouse country, wouldn’t it be because the lighthouse country wanted to use a nuclear bomb? Destroy a city?

Therefore, the lighthouse country directly refused.

The President said loudly: “Then we can let the mechas of the Dragon Kingdom come, and their mechas should still be in the Pakistani Iron Country… Money, we can afford it, isn’t it 500 billion yuan?!


He had to tell his president a fact: “Just 10 days ago, our Southern Hei Nation had already severed diplomatic relations with Long Guo… I called and asked, Long Guo did not agree to send mechas, and 500 billion won’t work.”

The lighthouse country almost destroyed the remaining 7 mechas, lost a city, and finally killed the monster.

Napoleon was smashed into two cities by monsters, and finally killed by Napoleon’s late arrival.

This “Napoleon Mecha”, like a tortoise shell, is huge and bloated, moves slowly, and is full of electromagnetic guns. The disadvantage is huge, because it is too slow, so after destroying the two cities, it rushed to kill the monster.

At this point, the eighth wave of monster invasion has officially ended.

The Dragon Kingdom is still as stable as Mount Tai, killing level 6 monsters is like cutting melons and vegetables, and the loss is almost negligible.

The losses of other countries are not small.

The southern black country suffered the most and suffered the most.

And at this time, 100 light years away.

A huge spacecraft with a width of 550 kilometers is coming and blocking the earth.

Organic methyl land.

The alien flying saucer seized from the State of Victoria gathered many scientific researchers at this time.

Each one looked solemn.

Professor Lin has a serious face.

Subordinates report to him.

“¨”Professor Lin, the alien spacecraft has been sending out signals continuously during the recent period, and the frequency has become higher and higher…”

“It has also transmitted signals before, but we thought it was a natural signal of the spacecraft, so we didn’t care… Now it seems that things are not right…”

. .

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