Chapter 237

Marvel Universe.

Dragon country.

The Foreign Education Department received a question from the Foreign Education Department of the Lighthouse. Condemned, and there is a video.

In the video, the Long Kingdom army carried out a “massage” against the soldiers of the Lighthouse Kingdom.

At this time, the Foreign Education Department looked dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Is this behavior of our dragon country?

Send someone to investigate quickly.

Nowadays, the national power of the Dragon Kingdom is not strong enough. It is blocked by the international economy and technology. The lighthouse countries and other alliance countries have provoked and oppressed the Dragon Kingdom in various ways.

Although the Dragon Kingdom can resist, it kills a thousand enemies and hurts itself eight hundred, which is not cost-effective.

In short, in the past few decades, Long Country has been very frustrated.

And now, what kind of “incident” the Lighthouse Nation uses to suppress the Dragon Nation is really deceiving!

“Balloff, I can tell you very clearly that we have no relevant actions against your lighthouse country…Excuse me, where did this video come from?”

Balloff sneered: “You don’t care where it came from. Anyway, your Dragon Kingdom slaughtered our young man. This is a fact! Your Dragon Kingdom must apologize, otherwise…”

The threat is obvious!

Long Wai Fai’s face was blue, and his heart was full of anger.

The lighthouse country, it’s damned! Relying on your strength, you will show off your strength everywhere and act domineering!

Gotham City, here is the Wormhole.

General Ross received a call from Balloff.

Balloff triumphantly said: “I have already called Longguo, and I reprimanded that side, hahaha~~”

General Rose was delighted when he heard this: “Bolev, I’ll buy you a drink when I go back!”

Balloff laughed loudly: “Okay~~~”

The two of them hung up in a good mood.

“General, general, it’s not good!!”

Suddenly, a soldier ran in in a panic.

“General, something got out of the wormhole, it’s big, big…”

The soldier exhaled and inhaled, his face panicked, and said in a panic.

Something came out of the wormhole?

General Rose’s face changed, and the opponent must be attacking here.

This is Gotham City, the economic center of the lighthouse country. Once it becomes a battlefield, the economy of the lighthouse country will inevitably be cut by 20%.

Don’t let it go!

General Ross rushed out quickly, and he saw a behemoth, a steel monster more exaggerated than a tank, coming out of the wormhole.

Its shape gives everyone a heavy deterrent.

This is definitely not an ordinary war weapon!

Rose’s heart sank and ordered.

“Shelling!” “!”

Soon, 10 muzzles were aimed at the steel monster.

Boom boom boom~~~

There was a series of explosions, but the whole body of the steel monster was rippling with a thin film, which was difficult to break through.(Read more @

The entire military garrison was thoroughly fried.

The faces of all the soldiers changed drastically!

“General, maybe this is the range of the wormhole, and the wormhole is protecting it…we let it come out first and then bomb!”

Shouted a ‘wise’ lieutenant colonel.

General Rose suddenly realized that he gave the order!

“All muzzles are prepared!”

“All fighters lift off!”

“I want to cover it with shelling the first moment after it gets out of the wormhole!”

The order was issued, and the army began preparations methodically, the guns were all aimed at, and the fighters lifted into the air.

10 seconds later…

General Ross, all the soldiers are horrified!

Very scared in my heart!

Because that steel monster is getting bigger!

The ‘huge’ part they saw just now was just a small part of the steel monster, and it was less than one-tenth the size of the ‘main body’ that appeared later!

“Back…all fronts, all 500 meters back…”

General Ross quickly ordered!

10 seconds later…

A new subject that is 10 times larger has appeared!

When the “steel monster” completely appeared in front of everyone, all the soldiers almost weakened their legs!

A huge, dark body over 700 meters wide…

The hideous appearance seems to show that it is a bloody war machine…

“My goodness!!”


“Uh, uh (panic and silent)…”

“It can fly…”

“This is… an aviation battleship!!”

“Is this hitting like this?”

“What monster did we provoke!”

“Isn’t the opposite Dragon Country? Who can tell me what’s going on?”

All the soldiers looked at the terrifying behemoth above their heads with horror, sweating all over, with cold hands and feet.

Some even knelt on the ground with soft legs.

General Ross wakes up the fastest. He knows that he is in big trouble. With the hideous appearance of this aerospace warship, he looks like a terrifying killing machine for war. Those who came from the other side of the wormhole obviously did not bring Come in peace.


“All artillery fire, all fire!”

General Rose roared.

All the soldiers woke up one after another, controlling the gunfire and bombing the Knight battleship!

Boom boom boom~~~~~

Within 3 seconds, thousands of shells hit the Knight battleship in the sky. As a result, a wave of rippling waves appeared directly on the surface of the Knight battleship.


Nothing to do!

The Knight battleship is like a rock, and this cannonball is like a wave, and the wave will never break through the rock.

The entire garrison army, its jaw dropped to the ground!

“protecting mask!”

“Our artillery fire has all been blocked!”

“Oh, God!”

At this time, in the Knight battleship command room, Lin Jun sneered at the lighthouse army below.

With these ordinary artillery fires, you thought you could break the plasma shield of the Knight battleship?

Under the terrifying interstellar engine function, this plasma shield can defend against the attacks of level 6 Kaiju beasts. Check it out!

MSI ran out at this time.

“Master, I have successfully invaded the network of this world… I just found a piece of news about the Dragon Kingdom in this world. The diplomat of the Lighthouse Kingdom just called and threatened the Dragon Kingdom over there…”

MSI said the matter again.

Lin Jun’s face is slightly cold.

Although this dragon country is not a dragon country in another world.


Lin Jun still has a sense of identity with the blood of the descendants of Yan Huang!

“Dare to bully my Longguo people?”


“MSI, give me a good lesson to this General Rose and charge some interest!”

Lin Jun’s eyes swelled with dangerous light.

MSI: “Master, what level of interest do you want?”

The corner of Lin Jun’s mouth twitched: “Let’s destroy the army below…”

. .

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