Chapter 249

In order to kill this level 7 monster this time, Canada directly dropped 30 nuclear bombs, hitting them together and exploding.

A level seven monster was killed on the spot.

Countless poisonous clouds, poisonous gases, poisonous water… spread.

However, this is not the most serious problem.

More serious is the earthquake.

The west coast of Canada is where the Pacific and American plates meet.

Thirty nuclear bombs exploded together and directly moved the gap between the two continental plates.

Suddenly, the Pacific plate, the American plate, and the Asia-Europe plate began to tremble.

Then, on the edge of these three plates, a large-scale earthquake began to erupt!

The first to bear the brunt is the Canadian mainland.

On the first day, 51 extinct volcanoes erupted on the spot, and 31 earthquake sources appeared directly, with a maximum magnitude of 7.5.

Then it was the Lighthouse Country. 23 volcanoes including Yellowstone Park erupted from the eruption distance. Infinite magma covered the sky, and the earthquake also appeared 12 fragile plate nodes, with the highest magnitude of 6.3.

In addition, seven or eight volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occurred in the oceans of the northeastern Pacific Ocean, and then tsunamis were generated, which directly impacted the west coast of North America and destroyed coastal cities.

On the second day, large-scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions also occurred in the neon countries in the northwest of the Pacific plate, the African countries in the west, and the western edge of Europe in the Eurasian continent.

Endless ash from volcanic eruptions, bushfires…

The collapse of the city caused by the earthquake…

lost heavily!

Other regions, including the Dragon Kingdom, were not affected because they were not on the edge of the continental plate.

Victoria is anxious and frustrated. You Canada is invaded by a level 7 monster. Isn’t it okay to stay there and not resist? Well now, we have 300,000 casualties in Victoria, and 8 cities have been destroyed. You will lose money in Canada!

Napoleon also screamed. They lost 3 cities and killed more than 200,000 people. They felt that even if Canada died, they would have to bury them together.

The neon country and the African country are also furious, because they are even more unjustified. I am implicated in such a distance on horses. Would it make people feel better? I feel that the world is full of malice.

On the lighthouse country side, Emperor Austrian and everyone looked at each other. I don’t know whether to be lucky or cry. Although the level 7 monsters did not wreak havoc in the lighthouse country, their losses are not small. The volcanoes in Yellowstone Park have been erupting endlessly. The air in a radius of 100 miles is full of various carcinogens. .

For the next half month, the whole world has been immersed in healing.

Countries such as Victoria, Napoleon, Africa, Neon… and so on have all scolded Canada for abusing nuclear bombs internationally, causing them to suffer disasters and they must be compensated.

Canada became angry and said that we have been miserable enough, and those of you who have no conscience want me to compensate? no way.

Finally, Long Guo, the big boss, said that in the future, Long Guo will strictly control the global nuclear bomb review and will not allow the large-scale use of nuclear bombs at the converging position of the continental plate.

At this time, many countries silenced their voices.(Read more @

Of course, many people feel weird.

Why is it that every time a monster invades, the countries that have suffered the most losses are those that are hostile to the Dragon Kingdom?

Organic methyl land.

“Finally done…”

Lin Jun looked at the “X Gene Tester” in front of him and smiled with satisfaction.

Although they are preparing to recruit mutants, the members of the Brotherhood of Mutants are rebellious one by one, so they still need to be controlled.

Therefore, Lin Jun took Magneto’s blood, analyzed the genes of the mutants in it, and built a “X gene tester” that can scan the entire world.

In the future, even if he recruits mutants, he will not escape Lin Jun’s palm.

“start up!”

“Didi di…”

Soon, a data globe appeared in front of Lin Jun.

Two red dots appeared in front of Lin Jun.

One is Magneto, in the imperial capital of the Long Kingdom, a certain prison…

One is impressively in the lighthouse country.

Lin Jun: “???”

Who is this?

Lin Jun frowned.

Soon, he came to Magneto’s prison.

Magneto was taken aback. How did Long Guo know Ruiwen?

He did not dare to hide: “She is Ruiwen, my subordinate…”

Lighthouse country,

Black House number three.

“What? There is someone from another world lighthouse nation outside the Black Palace? Want to see me?”

“Let him in!”

Soon, Emperor Austrian saw Ruiwen, a devil girl (disguised as a man at this time).

“Welcome friends!”

Emperor Ao enthusiastically shook the hand of the devilish woman, crying with excitement in his heart.


The tragic lighthouse country is saved!

The other party is so awesome, he can deceive Longguo and send people over!

“Mr. Raven, I want to know what is happening in the lighthouse country in time and space, can you tell me about it?

Ruiwen probably said it again.

After listening to this, Emperor Ao was filled with gratification and excitement!

“Okay, well… Much better than ours… By the way, the smartest Tony Stark you mentioned just now, where is he now? We urgently need his kind of talent…”

Emperor Austrian looked forward to it.

1.7   Ruiwen: “After he entered the wormhole, he disappeared. It is estimated that he was caught by the Dragon Kingdom.”

(Lin Jun: Hey, I seem to have forgotten something…)

Emperor Austrian: “………………”

What a terrible Nima!

Falling into Long Guo’s hands, there is no hope.

However, the world over there seems to be quite dangerous, all kinds of weird monsters, superpowers, and the president’s safety cannot be guaranteed…

It’s miserable!

Three days later, Emperor Austrian sent Ruiwen to board the plane to Dragon Kingdom.

“Mr. Raven, we beacon country, I beg you!”

“I hope you can bring good news next time!”

. .

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