Chapter 251

after one day,

Magneto walked out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Building.

He finally regained his freedom.

Just an hour ago, he received a pardon from the Black Palace, lifting the wanted order from the Beacon Country.

Nick Fury: “Eric, I hope you don’t do anything stupid in the future!”

Magneto glared at him angrily: “I’ve already said that I didn’t kill President Kenlin. In the rest of the matter, which time did you not force us?”

Nick Fury sneered: “Don’t you dare to say that you didn’t commit a crime?”

Magneto snorted, not wanting to discuss the matter with Nick Fury, and asked instead, “Where is Ruiwen?”

Nick Fury: “I’m sorry, we just agreed to forgive you, but we didn’t say to forgive her!”

Nick Fury knew that people like Magneto couldn’t control it, so they could only grasp some of Magneto’s weaknesses, such as Ruiwen.

Magneto trusts Ruiwen very much. He has known each other for decades and has a deep friendship. Although it is not the Achilles heel of Magneto, it can also make Magneto jealous.


Magneto was full of anger.

“You, great!”

This Nick Fury hasn’t changed at all, but it is still the old silver coin of scheming!

“You know my character, it’s impossible for her to control me!”

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and left.

He was unwilling.

But with his strength, there is no way to save Ruiwen. Only after Lin Jun crosses the border one month later, there will be a chance to rescue Ruiwen.


After half a month,

Golden Four Corners area.

Magneto King Eric brought together 70 or 80 mutants.

“Leader, summon us, do you want to do a big thing?”

“I don’t know where our goal is this time?”

“Blow up the Black Palace?”

“Or destroy Gotham City?”

The young mutants of the Brotherhood of Mutants looked at Eric one by one with enthusiasm in their eyes.

“Whatever the leader says to do, we will do it!”

Scream one by one.

Magneto: “……………………”

The center of the eyebrows jumped wildly.

Are these gangsters all saboteurs?

Ma Dan, is it really good for these people to go to Long Country? Will it be cut directly by Lin Jun?


Magneto coughed a few times, heartbroken: “How can you be so violent? Do you know how to fight and kill all day, can’t you be calm? There are still many people in this world~~”

Mutant spirit guy: “……………………”(Read more @



There are still many people in this world?

What is the fat of the leader?

Wasn’t it a violent boss before? Did you always think about destroying the lighthouse country?



In the next ten days,

The spirit guys of the Mutant Brotherhood continue to gather from all over the world to the Golden Four Corners.

The number reached 123.

Magneto began to incarnate as a kind uncle, explaining the core values ​​of “harmony, freedom, integrity, and friendliness”…

Mutants: “………………”

S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Building.

Nick Fury has been monitoring Magneto, after receiving information from Jin Sijiao.

Nick Fury: “……………………”

A look dumbfounded.

What does Magneto do?

How did it become like this? It’s not like him at all?

Nick Fury felt that Magneto’s behavior was too abnormal, and something must be hidden from him.

“Could it be that he is deceiving me?”

“Yes, it must be so. He gathered so many mutants, it must be because of some big action!”

at this time……

“It’s not good, Director Nick, on Base X, a mysterious man took the Cube of the Universe…” An agent broke in.


Nick Fury suddenly got up, his face changed greatly: “What? The Rubik’s Cube was snatched?”

Agent: “Yes.”

Nick Fury waved back the agent, frowning.

Combined with Magneto’s weird behavior, he thought Magneto might have something to do with this mysterious person.

(Magnetic King: “???” I am really innocent when I step on a horse!)

He started calling the black widow and gave the black widow a task.

Came here to Captain America.

Invite Captain America to join the Avengers.

Then Loki appeared in Europe, the American team arrived and captured Loki, and then Thor arrived and left Loki…

After a dazzling process, Loki escaped, and then the Avengers formally formed a team to complete.

This time, because Tony Stark rushed to the street, the Iron Man player was missing.

Aerospace aircraft carrier, officially set off!

Forced! !

The first goal: Magneto! !

Nick Fury was thinking that since he couldn’t find Loki, the master messenger of the conspiracy, it should be no problem to catch Magneto.

Before going to the Golden Four Corners, Nick Fury went to the Xavier Youth School. With the consent of Professor X, he picked up the X-Men and went with him.


Dragon Country, Mecha Land.

“Professor Lin, all mecha head helmets have been changed to the latest metal helmets…”

The assistant reports to Lin Jun.

“it is good!”

Lin Jun smiled.

After he got the helmet from Magneto, he analyzed and imitated it, found exactly the same material, and then completely replaced all mechas.

When I go to the Marvel world and attract mutants, I will most likely fight against Professor X, so this helmet is very important.

“All mecha divisions, gather!!”

Following Lin Jun’s order, the whole machine started to move.

Soon after, all the mechas lifted into the air and entered the Knight battleship.

“Go to make up!”

Lin Jun waved his hand.

Knight battleship, fast to the wormhole!


ps: Today I spent a lot of time in the hospital, so I can only do four more changes. Sorry, I will work on tomorrow~~ (Examination result: the inflammation of tonsillitis spread to the lymph nodes, causing inflammation of the lymph nodes, not serious)

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