Chapter 262

The productivity exploded in the Dragon Kingdom is extremely terrifying.

After the success of the first “Gene Pharmacy No. 1”, the subsequent production rate is basically 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000…every few days, it will take a big step.

Although the rare element is located in the brain of the monster, there are many monsters that cannot be killed, and the monsters are huge in size.

There are so many ingredients!

In March 2023, the first batch of genetic drug injections-scientists in the country, comprehensively assessed by MSI from all dimensions of morality, politics, and scientific research, selected 200,000 people and received all genetic enhancement.

Some officials wanted to enjoy it first, but they were directly rejected, and some officials even wanted to get involved in the city, and were eventually dismissed.

In April 2023, the second batch of genetic drug injections-senior high school students, totaling 10.71 million, covering all senior high school students.

After the gene is strengthened, memory, thinking ability, and understanding ability will be significantly improved. It is estimated that this year’s college entrance examination will become a hell-level challenge site.

In May, June and July 2023, 10 million people will be injected into the third, fourth and fifth batches of gene medicine…

At this time, the college entrance examination 747 officially ended in 2023, and the college entrance examination scores really showed a hell-level high score. Last year, the total number of candidates with more than 700 points was 484 nationwide.

And this year, the number of 700 points is as high as 140,000!

Soaring 300 times!

As soon as the college entrance examination results were announced, the country was boiling!

Countless people waited eagerly for them to be lucky enough to be the next batch of lucky ones, to inject “gene medicine.”

And abroad…

I was already envy and jealous.

Even rose to hatred!

The gene medicine of the Dragon Kingdom was jealous, and even shouted: “This is the welfare of mankind, and the Dragon Kingdom cannot be used exclusively, it must be shared with the whole world!”

Then, he was ignored by Long Guo.

Go and die!

Nowadays, the Dragon Kingdom has risen strongly and threatened in a mere way, just a shit!

This attitude of the Dragon Kingdom made the citizens of the ‘great white countries’ around the world explode in place!

For a time, there was an’anti-dragon tide’ around the world.

Various countries began to reject the dragon descendants, all kinds of beating, smashing and looting…

But… they found the wrong target.

The dragonborns who remain abroad are basically the scum left behind by the dragon kingdom. These dragonborn are very repulsive to the dragon kingdom and admire the western developed countries, and then they are refused to join the dragon kingdom.

These dragon descendants are now being bullied by foreigners. Not only are the people of Longguo not angry, but they have to reach out to praise them-well done! !

Imperial capital.

The twenty-second middle school,

Judy,(Read more @

-Mutant, 16 years old.

——Variation ability: Generate microwave energy, control it to form heat and fly.

——Identity: A native of Marvel Lighthouse, now a nationality of Dragon, a sophomore student in the Imperial Capital.

She carried her schoolbag and stepped into the classroom.

“Ah, there are so many homework in high school!” (crappy Chinese pronunciation)

Judy wailed and looked distressedly at the desk filled with books, test papers, and problem sets on the desk.

Think about it, in the lighthouse country before, how great it is, there is no need to do homework!

Unexpectedly, after coming to the Dragon Kingdom, he would be beaten by the education system of thousands of troops crossing the single-plank bridge!



However, she was 10,000 unwilling to let her return to the lighthouse country!

Because in Long Country, she is so happy!

Happiness that you can’t even dream of.

Friendly classmates~~

Kind teacher~~

Kind neighbor, aunt and uncle~~

Compared with the days when the bereaved dogs were hunted everywhere, it was heaven!

Although she has only come to Long Country for half a year, she has completely fallen in love with Long Country!

I love Long Country!

Long live the Dragon Kingdom!

Judy is in her heart every day, shouting gratefully several times.

At this time, several girls walked into the classroom.

“Hey, Judy, this fried dough soy milk for you…”

“Judy, this is a snack my mother made this morning, and she said it brought you… Damn, my mother spoiled you even more, who is her biological daughter!”

“Judy, how about going to the movie tonight, “Mecha” is released today, I heard that the movie is very passionate, and Professor Lin has a friendly guest appearance…”

“Thank you, thank you~~~” Judy smiled, and happily took the dough tiao soy milk and dim sum.

Judy’s identity as a mutant is known to the whole school, but it only aroused the slight curiosity of the classmates, but it was nothing more than that, and did not bring any impact on her life, just like an ordinary person.

The mutants were announced six months ago.

This did not cause much disturbance in the Dragon Kingdom. After all, in the eyes of the Dragon Kingdom people, there are silicon-based life transformers, and genetic medicine has also come out. It is not unusual for a mere mutant to be.

Then, the happy day of the class ended happily.

Judy happily took the homework assigned by the teacher, went to the cinema with her classmates, watched the movie “Mecha”, and felt the romance of Mecha…

At 22 o’clock, she returned home.

Then complete the homework.

The next day is Sunday, so there is no need to go to class.

Judy went to the mutant base.

Train her mutation ability.

She wears a watch on her wrist. On the surface, it is a watch. It is actually a variant ability restrainer developed by Lin Jun. It is controlled by the MSI clone, which can restrain the ability of mutants, so as not to be too young to control the ability of variants and to the surroundings Cause damage.

Judy’s daily life is to attend classes every week, and then go to Base 3 (mutant base) on Saturdays and Sundays to train her mutant ability.

As long as she uses her abilities proficiently, she can formally release the restraint, and she can switch and control it freely by herself.


“Aunt Ruiwen!”

“Brother Hank~~~”

After Judy came to the base, he greeted many mutants’ brothers, sisters, and aunts one after another.

After six months of continuous recruitment, a total of more than 400 mutants were recruited and came to the Dragon Kingdom. They are now adapting to life on this side of the earth in the base, and then they begin to contact the outside, and finally they are completely integrated into the Dragon Kingdom society.

The entire base is filled with an atmosphere of happiness and joy.

All mutants are living a life of being screamed and beaten by everyone in the Marvel world.

Now I come to Long Country, accept the baptism of Long Country culture, and get a safe and free life. Naturally, I am grateful to Long Country.

The sense of belonging exploded!

There is even a sense of mission: “I want to make a great contribution to the Dragon Kingdom, so that I will not lose the grace of the Dragon Kingdom.”

. .

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