Chapter 272

Longguo, Imperial Capital Airport.

The three planes landed at the airport, and the new heads of state and the senators of the old country walked off the airport one after another.

“I’m coming!”

“They are down!”

The global live broadcast focused on the new head of state and the great veteran.

Let the global audience clearly see their stinky faces.

The Long Kingdom’s diplomatic ambassador did enough to greet him personally, and took the new heads of state and senior veterans into the bus.

“I don’t know you, when are you going to kowtow and apologize?”

“Is it today?”

“Or tomorrow?”

The new head of state said with a cold face: “Go over now…”

Ambassador Longguo smiled: “No problem…but we’re going to change a place…Temple of Heaven!…By the way, the rooftop is where our Dragon Kingdom worships heaven and earth and prays for abundance.

The new head of state and others: “…”

Doesn’t this make them worship the gods of the Dragon Kingdom? Will the Brahma God be angry?

But what can they say?


Are they still eligible to object?

At this moment, they just want to kneel down quickly, and then go back to the country.

Then, the bus started to the Temple of Heaven in the Forbidden City. Along the way, countless people from the Long Kingdom stood on both sides of the road, waving red flags, ‘welcome in the road’.

The faces of 547 people in the country were livid.

The bus also deliberately took the road, circling the first ring, second ring and third ring.

An hour later, I came to the Temple of Heaven contentedly.

Then there are various complicated preparation procedures.

Long Guo audience:

“I’m coming!”

“We won the luck of the country, just recently!”

“Open up the country’s air luck, suck and suck~~~”

“Who thought of the bad idea, haha~~ I like it!”

After half an hour.



Nearly 5 billion spectators around the world watched this scene.

Open country.

All the people watching all this,

Click~~A sound.

The arrogant, aggressive, and passionate backbone in their hearts is broken!

that moment,

They seem to have lost something very important.

In the lighthouse country, the Austrian emperor snorted: “Opening the country, it’s not working.”

Victoria, the prime minister lost his mind: “Long Country…is it really invincible?”

Napoleon, Bear Country, Austria, Canada…

Each country has mixed feelings.

…(Read more @

after one day,

Long Guo completed negotiations with Kai Hang Guo.

The opening country pays for 1 trillion worth of minerals from Longguo.

The output of barite, iron ore and bauxite in the opening countries ranks among the top five in the world.

12% of the thorium ore and 60% of the mica in the world are produced by the opening countries.

These are all needed by the Dragon Kingdom.

Hmm… Although the opening country is very strong in technology, it is not useful for the Dragon country, so in the end, it can only ask for all the minerals (national land issue, can not be written).

According to the standard of 1 trillion yuan, it is enough to hollow out half of the remaining mineral reserves in the open country.

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom must completely break the backbone of the country and prevent it from rising.

April 30, 2024.

Longguo has made a move!

It was still the Knight battleship, at a speed of more than 10 times the speed of sound, reaching the sky over the Holy River in Kaihang Country, which was in a forest and mountains 90 kilometers away from the place where the Zerg meteorite fell.

It’s still a global live broadcast,

The audience reached 4 billion.

The world is paying attention, and many people get up and stay up late to watch the live broadcast.

They are all very curious about how Dragon Kingdom solved the Zerg.

But apparently Long Guo’s actions confuse them!

“Why did the Dragon Kingdom battleship go to this place?”

Is there anything peculiar here?

It is estimated that Long Kingdom has some secrets…

At this moment, the global audience saw a surprise scene.

The appearance of the knight battleship seemed to have disturbed something, that forest mountain, suddenly a large number of huge zergs gushed out.

Plasma Worm!

Hundreds! !

The world is already familiar with the species of Zerg.

Plasma insects are the “artillery” of the Zerg, and they are very powerful.

“Fuck, in the previous battles with the Kaihang country and the coalition forces, there were not so many Plasmaworms.”

“When the Dragon Kingdom battleship came, so many plasma insects appeared in this place at once, obviously there is a problem with this mountain!”

“Could it be that the Zerg command center is here?”

“Nonsense, the Zerg has a command center?”

“Didn’t the experts of the Lighthouse Nation say it? The Zerg is very likely to have female worms, and this has now been confirmed.”

Just when the whole world was discussing,

Hundreds of plasma worms all lit up and swelled.

Boom boom boom boom~~~~

A series of huge plasma cannonballs hit the knight battleship like meteors.

But the whole world knows the defense of the knight battleship, knowing that this kind of attack can’t shake that layer of battleship shield at all.


The battleship knight stood still.

And the battleship’s main gun slowly opened, and the huge main gun with a diameter of more than 20 meters was aimed at this mountain…

Charge up!

The muzzle was filled with white light and it was very dazzling.


A thick beam of high-energy particles was emitted, the sky and the earth struck, and hit the mountain.

One second…

Two seconds…

The ground starts to shake~~


explosion! !

Boom boom boom boom~~~~~

The entire 1,000-meter-high mountain, like a sand bunker on the beach, collapsed instantly, turning into countless dust and flying around!

Then the surrounding area was 5 kilometers, and the earth squeezed, shattered, and collapsed wildly!

The dust blew up thousands of meters high.

The sky is shaking, the sun and the moon are dark, the wind and clouds are surging, the wind is howling…

10 minutes later……

All the smoke is dispersed.

The 1,000-meter-high mountain directly disappeared, but turned into a tiankeng with a radius of 20 kilometers…

knight battleship.

Lin Jun: “After the fight, let’s call it a day!”

at this time……

News from Marvel World came from MSI.

“In the Triumphal City of Victoria, a huge spaceship appeared…”


Lin Jun took a look.

Isn’t this the spaceship of “Thor 2 Dark Elf”?

Technology + mysterious power = spaceship?

This kind of warship is exactly what Lin Jun wants to study.

do not miss it.

. .

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