Chapter 282


A Smecta executive slammed the cup.

“Damn it, as the descendants of the sun, how can we succumb to jade instead of complete! Prime Minister, let’s get a nuclear bomb!”

“Yes, we got a nuclear bomb and exploded a level 5 monster! We only lost three cities!”

“Yes, losing three cities is better than being controlled by the Dragon Kingdom!”

One by one showed a determined look.

Full of unyielding, righteousness, dying for the country, dedicated to the country, and the temperament of the people.

The Prime Minister was so excited when everyone said so!

Pat the table!

“Okay! Just do it!”

Soon, the Prime Minister reported to the helm of several oligarch families in the Smecta country.

The economy and politics of the Smecta country are controlled by the oligarchs, which is something that the world knows. For such a big matter, it is natural to ask the Patriarchs for advice.

When the oligarchs heard the conditions put forward by the Dragon Kingdom, they would naturally not agree, because this would harm their interests.

“Use a nuclear bomb, it’s better to break the jade than to complete it!”


The Prime Minister was instructed to quickly apply for nuclear bomb permission from Longguo, and then fired 15 nuclear bombs to three coastal cities-Pucheng, Jecheng, and Belvedere.

Boom boom boom~~~~

The huge mushroom cloud rises in 563 three cities~~~

The earth is shaking!

The world has changed color!

The ocean is shaking!

The millions of Smectas who were too late to evacuate were completely wiped out in the nuclear bomb.

When countless smoke passed,

The eyes of audiences from all over the world looked at these three cities.

Three super giant pits appeared in the original locations of the three cities.

The sea is flooded, the tsunami hits…

The level five monster, along with the city and millions of people, completely disappeared and died under the nuclear bomb.

Moreover, in the next few hundred years, these three city sites will become three huge life forbidden zones!

Smecta country up and down, it’s quiet!

“Nuclear bomb?”

“No! How can a nuclear bomb be used!”

“My daughter, you died so miserably!”

“My dad is still there, he dropped a nuclear bomb!”

“Why don’t you ask Long Guo for help?”

Countless people of Smecta were desperate, mad and yelled, their clothes soaked with tears…

But the oligarchs of the Smecta state toasted to celebrate.

The level five monster finally died.

They avoided major losses.(Read more @

This nuclear bomb is simply perfect!

As for the wailing of ordinary people?

It’s my shit!

The lighthouse country, the Victoria country, the Napoleon country, the Canadian country, the Austrian country, the opening country…

They were surprised at the hard-heartedness of the Smecta country.

Not bad, my little brother, you have a backbone!

They called one after another to express their condolences and gave some benefits to comfort the little brother’s injured heart.

And when the whole world thought that the Smecta country saved the country with a nuclear bomb,

The situation changes again!

The monster that originally went to other places, now it’s fried!

“Nuclear bomb? Isn’t this our mission to invade the earth?”

“Brothers, there is a bully here, let’s stand side by side!”

“The previous few invasions failed because we only focused on the same target. This time the pioneer asked us to be flexible.”

“That’s it, rush, brothers!”

Then, the 8 monsters that went to the bear country and Alazhou, 2 were at level 6, 3 were at level 5, and 3 were at level 4.

On the “Monster Invasion Road Map” shown to the world on the Dragon Kingdom official website, 8 red dots turned a corner, and they all rushed towards Smecta.


Billion face stunned!

Has the monster evolved?

Even know how to change goals?

This is something that monsters have not shown in the past.

On the side of Smecta, seeing 8 monsters attacking, I almost didn’t frighten to shit.

The Smecta nationals turned pale, as if the sky was falling apart and the world was apocalyptic.

“It’s over, we Smecta is over!”

“8 monsters, and there are 2 level six, how to fight?”

“Do you want a nuclear bomb again?”


“Hurry up and ask for the Dragon Kingdom!”

The ordinary people were wailing.

The country of Smecta itself is very small. If nuclear bombs are used, the entire Smecta country will be destroyed.

And the oligarchs, at this time one by one vomiting blood for three liters!

“How is it possible? Why does the monster change direction!”

“Level 6 monster, can a nuclear bomb really kill it?”

“Are we really going to lose the rule of Smecta? Give it to Dragon?”

“No, absolutely not!”

The oligarchs are greedy by nature and indifferent and selfish.

As for the Xiong Country, he is already laughing crazy!

“Haha~~~ Thanks for the great contribution of Smecta!”

Ten minutes later, under the global live broadcast of Longguo’s military satellites, under the attention of 4 billion viewers, 24 Smecta nuclear bombs lifted into the air and smashed onto the heads of 8 monsters.

Boom boom boom~~~

The entire Smecta country felt a violent tremor, and felt that the peninsula was about to collapse.

On the side of the Neon Country, Futu Mountain, the spiritual and cultural classic symbol of the Neon Country, which has not been detonated in the previous few earthquakes, has directly erupted this time!

The people of Neon Country: “……………………”


Tens of millions of old blood spurted out!

Countless neon people roared to the sky:

“Smecta, this hatred is not shared!”

Smecta country,

The nuclear explosion passed,

The smoke cleared.

Shown in front of everyone are 13 erupting volcanoes, 8 huge craters tens of kilometers wide, and enemies that have been severely damaged and polluted in a radius of more than 100 kilometers!

Lost population, more than 10 million!

Land loss, more than half!

All the “surviving” people of Smecta: “…”

At this moment, tears were streaming down my face and crying silently!

. .

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