Chapter 302

December 3, 2025.

Just after the earth ended again due to the invasion of the evil spirits, after four months of calm…

On the other side of the wormhole,

Pandora Star World.

Outer space 55.5 billion kilometers away from Pandora.

A human cosmic fleet is coming to Pandora.


Every battleship in this fleet is not an industrial spacecraft like the last “Star of Entrepreneurship”.

All kinds of weapons and equipment can be said to be armed to the teeth, and the power of the main gun is at least 30 times stronger than the “Star of Entrepreneurship”!

The entire fleet is extremely powerful!

In the battleship command center, the captain and deputy captain stood in front of the glass, looking at the huge Polyphemis in the distance.

Captain: “Have you made contact with Hell’s Gate?”

Crew: “Back to the captain, I have sent out two communication requests, but no response has been made.”

The captain’s face was deep: “Stop communication.”

Since entrepreneurial stars sent back news about “wormhole” and “another parallel world” 4 years ago, there has been no news.

367 on the blue star’s side has already been fried.

If the news is correct, it means that a new world is waiting for their development.

Today, Blue Star is in the midst of rapid interstellar expansion, and its thinking is extremely radical. As the world’s hegemon, the Lighthouse Country has established the Lighthouse Alliance, which reproduces the barbaric and bloody predatory style of the Blue Star’s great nautical era.

Once it encounters a planet that can be developed, the blue interstellar military group will be like a shark that smells blood, pounce on it, bite, and eat.

Therefore, after the news was lost at the Gate of Hell, the Blue Star Interstellar Military Group dispatched one of the most elite cosmic fleet formations to Pandora’s side.

And Captain Willis, who has the nickname of Colonel Jagged, is well-known in the Blue Star Beacon Alliance military group.

Captain Willis: “At our speed, it will take 46 hours to reach Pandora… Let everyone wake up and rest, and prepare for battle tomorrow…”

Crew: “Yes!”

Soon, the order was issued.

All the freezer compartments opened, and the elite soldiers walked out of it.

Eat, recover, and then put on pieces of armor.

These armors are obviously much more advanced than the exoskeleton mechas of the Hell’s Gate Garrison 4 years ago. They are not so bulky and more flexible and free.

The next step is training…

Pandora, the base of Hell’s Gate.

As a transit point for the earth and Pandora, the Gate of Hell shoulders a major scientific task.

Both Lin Jun and Longguo Academy of Sciences value this place very seriously, and the natural defense facilities are extremely tight.

Especially this gate of hell robbed this world’s blue star human beings, and the opponent will definitely come back with an army.

Therefore, in the detection and early warning of outer space, it is natural to make a heavy investment.


Dididididididididi…(Read more @

Suddenly, a long sirens sounded from the base of Hell’s Gate, cutting through the sky.

All researchers and garrisoned soldiers raised their heads.

His face changed drastically.

“It’s a first-level alert!”

“An enemy is coming!”

At this time, MSI’s voice sounded from the base’s broadcast.

“Warning! Warning!”

“Detected an unknown alien fleet, suspected to be the Blue Star Human Fleet, 26 ships in total, coming towards Pandora…”

“Estimated time of arrival in Pandora: 46 hours…”

“All researchers are requested to carry out material protection and safe evacuation in accordance with the first-level alarm response measures…”

Dr. Grace, Nome and others, you see me, I see you, their minds are complicated.

Do you want to reverse the water?

Or continue to be a researcher in the Dragon Kingdom?

Finally, Dr. Grace shook his head. They got used to living in Pandora, and watched the live broadcast of the earth every day (the new communication method of wormhole was researched by Lin Jun and applied to Pandora wormhole), and then tasted the dragon country cuisine .

Moreover, they also enjoy the benefits of the Dragon Kingdom-medical treatment, genetic medicine.

They don’t want to break this quiet and peaceful life.

Moreover, they do not think that the Lighthouse Alliance Interstellar Military Group can surpass the 1200-kilometer Tiansha mothership.

Even the Tiansha mothership was destroyed under Longguo, how could the Lighthouse Alliance win?

Therefore, they decided to stay in the Dragon Kingdom.

One minute later.

Earth, Dragon Kingdom, Mecha Earth.

Lin Jun received Pandora’s request for help.

“Humans over there, are coming?”

Lin Jun is not nervous. In his eyes, Blue Star’s human technology has fallen far behind the Dragon Kingdom, which is nothing to worry about.

However, he can take the opportunity to try a technique he developed himself.

Wormhole technology.

Soon, Lin Jun gave orders one by one.

Then one by one the supplies were carried on the knight battleship.

“set off!”

after an hour,

The knight battleship arrived over the wormhole base in Choiyun province.

At this moment, countries all over the world that have launched satellites have discovered the move of the Dragon Kingdom.

“What does Longguo want to do?”

“It really doesn’t stop at all.”

The Great Emperor Austrian, who were hostile to the Dragon Kingdom, felt angrily and very upset in their hearts.

Lin Jun snapped his fingers, and then the parts fell from the sky around the wormhole.

start up! !


The blue energy began to converge, forming a huge aperture, which was injected into the wormhole…


The wormhole is stretched!

3 meters in diameter…

10 meters in diameter…

50 meters in diameter…

200 meters in diameter…

The huge energy support finally made it into the size enough to accommodate a knight battleship.

This is a technical application from the Tiansha mothership, which is now used by Lin Jun.

1 minute later…

The knight battleship entered the wormhole, arrived at Pandora, and flew all the way to the sky above Pandora’s orbit.

Quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

The knight battleship after modification is more than a hundred times more powerful than the original.

The strength of the crushing class!

. .

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