Chapter 304

Hell’s Gate Base,

“Go and see, Professor Lin has captured a lot of prisoners back.”

“I heard that this time the enemy sent a large fleet back, and they were all killed by Professor Lin.”

“Go, go and watch!”

Soldiers and researchers rushed out of the base one after another.

A researcher just passed by Dr. Grace, Nuomu and others, and asked quickly.

“Dr. Grace, a lot of prisoners came back from outside, do you want to go see it together?”

After the researcher finished speaking, he realized that Dr. Grace and the others seemed to be ‘captive’ too.

An awkward and polite smile appeared immediately.

It is true that in the past few years, Dr. Grace, Nome and others have been doing their best to join the Dragon Kingdom. The two sides are not separated and get along well, so this fact is ignored.

Dr. Grace forced a smile: “Okay, let’s go and have a look.”

Then he took Nuomu and other “ball rapes” to the outside of the base.

Watch those captives vigorously.

Who knows, among the captives, there was an engineering mechanic named Catherine Grace, who happened to be Dr. Grace’s biological sister.

Then she saw Dr. Grace.


“Sister, aren’t you dead?”


Grace was also taken aback when she saw her sister.

Whether it was the people from the base or the captives, their eyes were immediately attracted.

Unexpectedly, the two sides still knew people.

Grace said to a garrison colonel: “Colonel Zhang Qi, her name is Catherine Grace. She is my sister and an engineering mechanic, not a soldier. Could you please help me…”

The colonel knew that Grace was a relatively senior researcher at the base, and even Professor Lin Jun personally praised it.

Since it’s not a soldier, but an engineering mechanic, it can be accommodating.

However, the identity still needs to be checked.

“MSI, please check for me, what is the identity of this Catherine Grace…”

At this time, MSI had already invaded the fleet’s intranet, and it took 1 second to pull out Catherine Grace’s personal resume report.

Colonel Zhang Qi examined it. This Catherine was really a mechanical engineer, she had never joined the army, and she was not a fanatical nationalist.

Apply to the superior, and soon the superior replied: “Approve.”


A soldier brought a wrist and put it on Catherine Grace’s wrist.

“Next, you can’t walk around at will, otherwise the wristband will alarm and explode.”(Read more @

“you’re free.”

Catherine Grace did not expect to be able to regain her freedom, and was overjoyed.

Excitedly, he pounced on Dr. Grace’s body.

“Sister, thank you.”

Dr. Grace comforted: “It’s okay, as long as you don’t run around, it’s fine.”

Catherine Grace had a boulder in her heart, although she was full of all kinds of doubts, such as why her sister was with the enemy, and she seemed to get along well…

Catherine Grace’s escape caused an uproar among the captives.



Many others looked at Grace with hatred and hatred.


At this time, among the captives, there were also several Dragonborn who were arrested together.

“I seemed to hear Chinese just now?”

“is Chinese.”

“In other words, this force is a dragon country in another world?”

“Unbelievable, I thought the wormholes and parallel universes reported in the report were fake.”

“Does anyone speak Chinese?”

“No, I haven’t learned it.”

“Except for those old people, who still learns Chinese.”

At this time, a young man Yin Xi said triumphantly: “I can speak Chinese. I used to be from Longguo.”

This Yinxi, formerly a native of Long Country, was a genius in physics. After graduating from university, he went to Lighthouse Country, joined the nationality of Lighthouse Country and became a glorious citizen of Lighthouse Country…

The others were overjoyed and hurriedly to please Yin Xi: “Why don’t you go and beg the colonel and let us go?”

Yin Xi triumphantly: “No problem, wrap it on me.”

Patting his chest.

Then, Yin Xi shouted in Chinese to the soldier next to him: “This little brother, I am from Longguo, can I accommodate you?”

The soldier glanced at Yin Xi in surprise: “Are you from Longguo?”

Yin Xi nodded: “Yes, I am from Longguo.”

Colonel Zhang Qi heard the movement and came over: “Say your name.”

Yin Xi pleased with a smile: “My name is Yin Xi, I am a professor of physics, not a soldier.”

Zhang Qi: “MSI, help me check the profile of the person in front of me.”

MSI replied after 1 second: “This person’s information is: name: Yin Xi, nationality, lighthouse country, identity: physicist, resume…”

Zhang Qi read the resume of Yin Xi and frowned.

It turned out to be a penny dog!

Zhang Qi hates this kind of person the most, and feels disgusted.

Yin Xi frowned when Zhang Qi frowned, and said, “Colonel, I…”

Zhang Qi glanced at him in disgust and waved: “Come on, take him down at 1.7 and go to the mining area to mine for a month… By the way, let’s take care of them together.


Several soldiers suddenly promised to take Yinxi and several dragon descendants away.

Yin Xi was stunned.

Several dragon descendants were also dumbfounded.

who am I?

where am I?

what happened?

Afterwards, the colonel asked MSI to search all the prisoners and found 3 scientific researchers with the nationality of the Dragon Kingdom, and asked MSI to investigate their resumes.

No problem was found, so they wore the following monitoring watches, let them free, only restricted their area of ​​activity.

As for the other prisoners…

Send it all away to mine!

. .

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