Chapter 318

The return of the Tinder Empire has plunged the earth into a boil.

“The kind mother has a thread in her hand, and a wanderer’s top. Before leaving, it is tightly stitched, fearing that it will be delayed. Whoever says nothing, will return Sanchunhui.”

“Welcome home!”

“Compatriots from afar, welcome to return to mother’s embrace~”

Solar system people-kind, the Internet is boiling.

Subsequently, through the Internet, it took only three days to spread across the entire galaxy of human colonization star domains, causing countless humans to boil over it.

People are excited!

What if the enemy comes?

At this time, Zhu Wu, the prime minister of the Tinder Empire, with the blood of the Dragon Kingdom, and a group of prime ministers, fell to the Earth Emperor (formerly the Dragon Kingdom).

“Is this the legendary imperial capital?”

“It is rumored that the Lord Prophet preached here and opened up countless hopes for mankind.”

“If it were not for the foresight of the Prophet, I am afraid that mankind would have already perished.”

“I don’t know if the Prophet is really alive as historians say.”

Come to the imperial capital one by one, as if looking at the history, looking at the course of great mankind, looking at the glorious history of human struggle.

In the end, like a pilgrimage, they came to the Museum of the Membrane Site of Long Academy of Sciences University, where the preservation is extremely intact, and the living conditions of Prophet Lin Jun 1000 years ago are deeply restored.

“Mr. Zhu Wu…”

At this time, MSI walked out with the projection.

“Master MSI…”

Everyone saluted MSI.

MSI: “Master is still alive and wants to see you…”

Prime Minister Zhu Wu and the House of Representatives were taken aback: “Huh? Really?”

Immediately excited.

“The prophet is really not dead!”

“Oh my God!”

A person cried with joy and screamed as excitedly as a child, without the stability of a star empire with a population of hundreds of billions.

Soon, they met the Prophet Lin Jun.

“My Prophet!”

After they saw Lin Jun, it was exactly the same as in the video, young and full of majestic faces, then look through the unique temperament of the future…

Excitedly gave a big gift.

“I didn’t expect to see Prophet Lin Jun in the rest of my life, this life is worth it!”

“After I die, I can talk to my old friends for a lifetime.”(Read more @

Lin Jun looked at the elders of the fire empire who looked like descendants of the Dragon Kingdom, and felt full of emotions in his heart.

Lin Jun: “I call you here because I need you to get a copy of “Encyclopedia of Tinder Empire Development”…”

Prime Minister Zhu Wu’s heart moved.

They faintly knew that Prophet Lin Jun could enter the past and future dimensions. This “Encyclopedia of Tinder Empire Development” was obviously written for the new Tinder Empire more than 900 years ago, avoiding hundreds of years of detours in the Tinder Empire.

“Yes, Lord Prophet!”

Zhu Wu bowed his chest with one hand.

at the same time.

Outer solar system.

A rugged battleship, about 10,000 meters in length, has drilled out of anti-space, and is coming fast toward the solar system.

The captain stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the dark universe in the distance, where the sun and the earth were in the direction.

His face was worried at this moment.

“I don’t know if the mother star has discovered that MSI is an artificial intelligence life that attempts to subvert humanity…”

“I hope I can catch up…”

This fleet is from the second batch of interstellar colonies, which is the “Tinder II Interstellar Colony Project.” However, the No. 2 Tinder colony made a straight turn before reaching the target planet (the destination S star determined before departure) and headed all the way to the Andromeda Galaxy.

At that time, the deputy captain who was supposed to be in the hibernation chamber was awakened because of the hibernation chamber failure, and then discovered that MSI had changed the direction of the spacecraft without authorization and went to an unknown galaxy (in fact, the first destination S star was Lin Jun’s false target for deception. The real destination is w star).

The deputy captain talked to MSI, while secretly searching for a way to destroy the artificial intelligence MSI.

Three days later, he found an opportunity to use a high-concentration bottle of vodka to directly hit MSI’s mainframe and destroy MSI.

Then he awakened the chief officers of the other fleets, began to turn around, and turned back to the S star.

Regarding artificial intelligence, they found some documents in the broken host data, such as words such as ‘tampering with history’, ‘deleting any data on the earth’, etc., making them even more convinced that the artificial intelligence MSI is going to rebel against mankind.

· ·········Ask for flowers········

However, it was precisely because of this “artificial intelligence rebellion” that the host computer was destroyed, the star map was destroyed, and the way to the earth could not be found, so there was no way to return to the earth to notify this “major news.

And because many scientific and technological materials were also destroyed when the host was destroyed, and without the assistance of artificial intelligence MSI, the development history of this second batch of interstellar colonization humans can be called a nightmare level.

It took 300 years for the S star to completely eliminate the main indigenous enemies and occupy the S star.

Next, the development was also very slow, almost like a snail, it took 600 years to gain a foothold on the surrounding planets.

… …….. 0

Then he was invaded by an alien and almost shit.

In short, development has gone through twists and turns.

Now, it took them 160 years to return to the outer solar system.

And they only sent one space battleship, really because they are the greatest support to the earth.

“Mother Star, we are finally back!”

“I hope you are well!”

One crew member, crying with excitement!

at this time……

A huge oval spacecraft, about 15 kilometers in diameter, is blocked in front of it.

A voice appeared in the command center: “Unknown space battleship, this is the Earth’s outer solar system fleet, please indicate your identity immediately, otherwise the Earth fleet will counterattack…”

The captain was overjoyed and hurriedly yelled: “Report to the Mother Star Fleet, we are the second batch of Tinder Humans, and we are now back…We have important intelligence to report urgently, and it is a matter of human survival!”

Outer Solar System Fleet: “……………………”

Soon, the battleship was introduced into an oval spacecraft.

Then Captain S saw the captain of the Outer Solar System Fleet and… MSI.

Captain s: “………………”

Face pale!

Cold sweat!


MSI still exists!

Mankind is going to perish!


ps: The back of this book has a bigger brain…difficult to write…

.a few.

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