The area is very large, covering an area of ​​210,000 square meters.

What is this concept? A commercial plaza, taking the most famous Yida Plaza as an example, is almost 200,000 square meters.

In addition to places for dining and accommodation, all entertainment facilities are available.

Moreover, the designs of all the buildings in Century Palace are by the international famous designer Kane Roger - this designer has designed the country's National Library and the National Palace of Culture.

After driving in, there is a square first. In the square is a fountain. The statue in the center of the fountain is the internationally famous ideal statue of the Little Boy of Brussels.

The fountain pool is dark and made of black square bricks, which is quite textured.

The hotel does not have an underground parking lot, but a corner of the square is the hotel's dedicated open-air parking lot.

The parking lot is spotlessly clean, and many waiters are waiting for customers to park their cars.

As for the interior of the hotel, the floor tiles are natural fossil tiles customized by Fio. They are not smooth to the touch, but have mirror-like reflectivity, and the entire hall has a light golden color.

The door is greeted by a high-quality girl who is 1.785 meters tall. Her words are crisp and moving, and her movements are uniform.

There are decorations everywhere, whether it is the calligraphy works of literati hanging on the walls or the antiques and cultural relics placed in the corners.

All of them highlighted one word.

That's expensive.

The overall design is in a nouveau riche style, giving people the feeling of being superior to others as soon as they come in.

Undoubtedly, this is the best place to demonstrate the so-called"strength".

Both Bai Ziyi and Tian Yu showed no signs of surprise as they were both people who had seen the big world.

In fact, the cost of this hotel is not necessarily the highest in Jiangcheng.

But the design here is undoubtedly the most luxurious in Jiangcheng.

Bai Ziyi actually doesn't like this style very much, but Bai Ranran said so, so just follow that concept.

As soon as they entered the hotel, a waiter came to guide them.

"Sir, what services do you need? Bai

Ziyi got straight to the point:"I'm going to have a meal here at noon. I want to see your lobby manager."

The waiter remained polite and said with a smile:"Hello sir, the manager is generally not responsible for actual business. If you want high-quality service, I can arrange it for you.""

Bai Ziyi didn't want to talk nonsense with him, not for anything else, but because he has good eyesight.

Anyone who likes to eat here must be pompous.

Since he wants to call their manager by name, it will be useful.

Bai Ziyi directly gave Ya a wad of banknotes. Slap him on the face and ask him to do as he is told. Of course, the tip should not be less.

"Is it so difficult to meet your manager?"

The waiter was naturally elated. No one can have too much money.

The key is that this man has a great aura and has goals and ideas as soon as he comes. He is definitely not someone he can entertain.

Accept the tip silently. He responded:"I’ll ask our manager to come over right away."

About five minutes after Stoudemire left, a middle-aged man in his thirties came here. He had a crew cut, but he was wearing a smart suit. He took a look, it was Gucci.

He was obviously more discerning and valuable than Stoudemire just now. Much more.

After coming over, he said hello cordially, and then began to ask:"Hello sir, I am the manager on duty today of Haoting. My name is Remus. What services do you need?"

"How much is the maximum price for a meal here?"Bai Ziyi asked directly

"That depends on what kind of person you are entertaining, sir."Remus said this

"oh? Bai Ziyi was quite surprised,"What else is there in this?""

"Sir, it’s funny."Remos replied,"Haoting is determined to become the top service hotel in Jiangcheng. We naturally have to meet everyone's needs."

"If your husband is entertaining a big shot in politics, or a customer whose identity is sensitive and should not be publicized, our highest level will have top chefs from various cuisines cooking the simplest dishes, such as the simplest fried pork with chili, Dongpo pork, Boiled fish, etc. Our dishes may seem simple, but they are definitely the best in China."

"In this way, my husband's friends can experience the best service, and the title"a certain senior official spends hundreds of thousands on a meal" will not become a hot search topic."

"But if your husband is entertaining a wealthy businessman and a customer who likes luxury taste, then our most exquisite ingredients will also be there, such as shark fin bird's nest, Australian abalone, R country wagyu beef, top quality truffles, etc., which can also impact his visual nerves."

"So everything depends on the wishes of Mr."

After listening to Ramos's words, Bai Ziyi nodded.

Sure enough, this industry is all about service to the end.

Being able to consider status into the banquet, Bai Ziyi can only say that they are attentive.

"What are the prices?"Bai Ziyi asked

"The price is naturally not low. Remus replied,"The former custom-made home-cooked banquet for you is 1.88 million per table, and the latter is 1.66 million.""

Bai Ziyi didn't expect that the latter's banquet with top-quality ingredients would be cheaper than the previous one.

Sure enough, sometimes the labor cost is much higher than the material cost.

Obviously, the former mainly pays for the chef's labor costs, while the latter pays for the ingredients The price is not cheap, but the prices here are still reasonable at Bai Ziyi.

If you can drink two million people in one night, why do you care about a meal worth more than one million?

"What about wine? Is it included?"Bai Ziyi continued to ask

"Drinks are not included, and the customer's personal consumption wishes are also taken into consideration."

If you want to ask which wine is the most luxurious and famous, it is naturally the 1982 Lafite.

It is the most successful marketing case in the history of red wine.

According to today's specifications, Mr. Bai must be thinking directly about the 1982 Lafite.

After all, this is not a class reunion, and there is no need to consider the taste. Naturally, the bigger the reputation, the better.

But as a result, Remus asked:"How much does a Lafite in 1982 cost?""

"Eighteen thousand Chinese dollars."

Shall I go?

Bai Ziyi was shocked.

It's so cheap?

It's not even as good as the two wines at Yang Wei's birthday party.

So the legendary 82 artifact is not ranked among the famous wines at all.

"If sir, you need a more high-quality and famous red wine, I would personally recommend the 1969 Lafite. The highest price ever sold internationally is 231,000 rice yuan, which is 1.4 million Chinese yuan. Our Haoting price 990,000 Chinese dollars"

"Of course, if you are still not satisfied, we in China also have quite luxurious famous wines. The century-old Gujing Gong Liquor costs 1.38 million yuan a bottle. It depends on which one you want, sir."

Haha, which one do you need?

Only children need choices in the world. Adults naturally need them all.

"Then have a bottle of each."Bai Ziyi said,"Then for the so-called banquet, I want the first one. I am more accustomed to Chinese food."

The main reason is that the price is also more expensive.

Since we are going to create a big scene today, let's go as big as we can.

"OK!"Remus knew Bai Ziyi's consumption level, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect,"I'll tell the kitchen to prepare it right now.".......................

PS: Fifth update! Please subscribe! Please customize! Please order in full!!!

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