Noisy, Bai Ziyi finally climbed up.

Except for the reef below that has been soaked in water for a long time, the stones on the entire rock wall are actually very hard.

Moreover, there is an upward slope on the slope, which is not terrifyingly vertical.

Then climbing such a rock wall is not particularly strenuous.

There is no doubt about Bai Ziyi's physical strength, even the most powerful special forces from Jianmang's group cannot stand up to him.

All the way up, Bai Ziyi didn't even stop.

Because he was afraid of falling, Tian Yu hugged Bai Ziyi's neck tightly the whole time.

She could clearly feel Bai Ziyi's breath and his temperature.

From bottom to top, Bai Ziyi's physical fitness exceeded Tian Yu's imagination. He climbed all the way to the top without stopping almost.

Just when he was close to the top, Tian Yu suddenly didn't want this journey to end so quickly.

She felt like she was on a deserted beach cliff, being carried up on the back of a man she had only known for a day, smelling each other's breath, and sending each other's heartbeats together. Such an experience might never happen again in the rest of her life.

This Bai Ziyi is really a very special existence in his life.

An experience he had never had before, a strange feeling surged up in his heart, and Tian Yu's eyes became moist again.


It was not difficult. Bai Ziyi carried Tian Yu, who weighed only 45 kilograms, as if he weighed nothing.

There were sparks and lightning all the way, and when I reached the top, I was just a little sweaty and barely panting.

Putting Tian Yu down, he noticed that this girl's eyes were a little red.

Bai Ziyi said,"What, you're crying again?"

Tian Yu stumbled to the side, wiped the tears that were about to come out with his hand, and denied,"Bai Ziyi, tell me how long it has been since you took a shower." My head is over, it’s too smokey!"

Bai Ziyi:"……"

"You can make this excuse a little more blunt."

But Bai Ziyi can't do anything to her. This person's character is like this. Even if someone sees through something, he will never give in.

"Find a car first. I'm going to the hospital for a check-up. I'm afraid that the treatment you gave me will leave sequelae!"Tian Yu said.

Bai Ziyi was speechless. Sometimes he thinks such a woman is very interesting, but sometimes he still feels speechless.

Without further words, Bai Ziyi helped Tian Yu walk along the Binhai Road, and finally succeeded in stopping him after ten minutes. They arrived at a car.

The two of them sat in the car and walked towards the city. Before leaving, Bai Ziyi looked back and glanced at the Ferrari that was almost submerged to the top by the tide. This matter is not over yet.


All the way back to the hospital, Bai Ziyi accompanied Tian Yu to undergo a series of examinations.

It's not a big problem, it's all trauma after the collision.

The wound on the leg where the marker pen was inserted was the most serious. It injured the muscle layer, but no bones were injured, so it would only take a few days to recover.

Tian Yu originally wanted to ask Bai Ziyi to check it out, but seeing that he was so lively and energetic, he didn't look like an injured person at all, so he thought about it and let it go.

After sending Tian Yu to Bai Qianqian's ward, Bai Ziyi quickly withdrew.

In the corridor of the hospital, Bai Ziyi answered someone's phone call

"Grandpa Tian, ​​something happened."Bai Ziyi addressed Tian Yihai with an honorific for the first time.

He felt that it was necessary to tell Yiyihai about this matter.

But Tian Yihai seemed to have news:"I already know the matter, and I am coming over now."

Actually, if you think about it, you will know that it is impossible for Tian Yu to be completely without Tian Yihai's eyeliner.

"Who do you think could have done it?"Bai Ziyi asked

"have no idea."Tian Yihai said,"I'll talk about it when I get there."

After saying this, Tian Yihai hung up the phone directly.

You can feel the anger in Tian Yihai's words.

As the commander-in-chief of the entire Jiangnan Military Region, there is no need to think too much about the status of the Tian family.

However, those who dare to make trouble on the Tian family's head, He is really courageous.

Jiangcheng will also face a wave of turmoil tonight.

Bai Ziyi also wants to see what kind of energy Tian Yihai, one of the five marshals of China, has.

Time flies.

Bai Ziyi sat in the corridor of the hospital for an hour before Tian Yihai came. He was very tall, even half a head taller than Bai Ziyi.

He was nearly seventy years old, but his body was extremely strong.

He was beaten on the back. Upright, wearing a military green windbreaker, with deep-set brows, he carries a calm but powerful demeanor.

This is the first time the two of them have met.

You can tell who Tian Yihai is from his demeanor.

Standing up, Bai Ziyi He was still very serious when he was doing business.

He reached out and the two of them briefly said hello and then started talking about serious business.

Tian Yihai asked:"Did you see the license plate of that truck clearly?

Bai Ziyi shook his head:"I never thought that something like this would happen at that time, and I didn't pay special attention to it.""

"What car model is it?"Tian Yihai asked again

"Strong east wind, but with a trailer. Bai Ziyi said,"There is a container pulled behind it. The body is very long, otherwise I wouldn't be squeezed in by it.""

"Trailer. Tian

Yihai repeated, and then immediately said to Fang Bin beside him:"Xiao Bin, call Wang Changlin immediately and ask him to immediately block all seaports around Jiangcheng.""

Wang Changlin is the boss of the entire Jiangcheng police situation.

In fact, the military and the Ministry of Public Security do not belong to the same faction.

No matter how senior Tian Yihai is, there is no way to mobilize the police in Jiangcheng.

But Tian Yihai is too senior. Wang Changlin was brought out by Tian Yihai when he was a soldier. He didn't dare not agree to an order.

But at the moment, Wang Changlin, who was on the top floor of the Jiangcheng Police Station building, immediately jumped from Fang Bin's phone call. stood up on the chair

"It's okay, I can handle it. Don't worry, Mr. Tian. The gangster today won't be able to fly out of Jiangcheng even if he had a pair of wings."


After hanging up the phone, the entire Jiangcheng public security force was mobilized.

Patrol police, criminal police, civilian police, armed police, special police, all police types under the public security banner were dispatched. Not just the seaport, but also all stations. , airports, and highway entrances and exits were all blocked.

Such an action would actually come at a high price.

A complete blockade of all traffic, even for just half an hour, would have a huge impact on the city's economy.

However, they implemented it unconditionally.

All of this was It was just because of an order from Tian Yihai.

This old marshal, who had guarded China all his life, could still cause shocks with his feet when he parachuted into their city.

Then, the big guys from all sides called Tian Yihai Telephone.

Municipal Office:"I'm sorry, General Tian. We didn't know that your daughter came to Jiangcheng. It was our negligence that the safety protection was not in place, but we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

Highway Bureau:"General, we will track the traces of the vehicle across the board. In a quarter of a minute, I will find out the specific location of the perpetrator."

SWAT Headquarters:"Mr. Tian, ​​you are scared. We will bring the gangster to you within half an hour. You don't have to worry."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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