This is the review across the internet

"Brothers, I don’t know about you, but I’m hard."

"Harden slightly to show respect"

"The kimchi girl group has tens of millions, Song Xi and Yoona are half and half. Yoona is so cute that the sky is full of cuteness. Song Xi touches the netherworld."

"Hengpi: I can’t stand it anymore!"

What can I say? I can only say that Song Xi's stage is indeed very contagious, but this contagiousness is the kind of contagiousness that stimulates male hormones.

If her clothes and skirts were shorter, maybe this show would be better. There is no way to broadcast it.

But she has a good grasp of her speed. Every move is very seductive, but she doesn't do it passionately.

It's like using a feather to keep tickling the atrium of the heart, making people feel itchy.

That kind of beauty and sexiness, women want to own it, and women want to occupy it.

It is indeed unique, and her popularity is not in vain.

After this performance, everyone became more worried about Ye Yinuo. No I should call it worry, it would be more appropriate to say gloating.

"Oh, GG, the game is over!"

"Gil, there's no time to play. This cute little girl doesn't even have half the aura of Sister Xi when she stands up. How can she compare now?"

"I think it must have exploded. You don’t need to watch the following performances."

"Good news, the Huayu group has been wiped out, and the collective Class B will be eliminated directly if it is repeated by people from Datang in the next period!"

Seeing this, Bai Ziyi also became a little worried.

Bai Ziyi watched the rehearsal in the morning. The song was wonderful and above average, but it was difficult to beat Song Xi.

Everything on the stage was fought to the end. Contagious.

Wen Jing's infectious is very strong, because she takes everyone back to that era ten years ago.

Jin Nian's infectious is very strong, because she moves the entire venue from their seats.

Song Xi is even more different. A performance that can make 80% of men have physiological reactions. You can say she is vulgar, but you can never say she is not sexy.

Song Xi takes the word sexy to the extreme.

Ye Yinuo's The odds of winning were very low.

Everyone at the scene was worried about Ye Yinuo, but only Ye Yinuo looked quite calm.

After Song Xi left the stage, Ye Yinuo stood on the stage.

Originally, according to the previous rehearsal, she The next performance must be completed with the cooperation of microphone, harmony, and stage design.

But after walking on the stage, Ye Yinuo put the microphone on the microphone stand and said to the program team:"Director, can you Can you bring me a stool and a guitar? I might want to change a song"




Everyone made a sound of surprise, including Bai Ziyi.

The audience around him was even more puzzled.

He suddenly sang when the live broadcast was approaching, just like a sudden change of tactics before a battle.

Everything that was planned at the beginning was reset to zero. Prepare, there is no unexpected response, everything relies on on-the-spot reaction.

This is actually a very dangerous operation.

Bai Ziyi frowned slightly as he sat in his seat, wondering why the little girl would make such a choice.

Chief editor and director Xu Yuanyang also quickly ran up from the stage and asked her:"Are you sure?"

Ye Yinuo nodded calmly, as if he had never made an appraisal before.

"Because I thought about it, if I use the song from the morning, I don’t think I can win against this sister."

"It should be said that I feel that none of my songs can win against this sister, so I can’t win anyway, so I might as well sing what I like to sing."

She smiled, and her smile looked particularly innocent.

Xu Yuanyang said to her seriously:"You have to think clearly, the decision you made is very risky. We have not rehearsed, and the song you have practiced these two days is not that song. The probability of problems is much greater than the song being rehearsed"

"It doesn't matter, I mainly want to sing."Her smile was still calm and calm.

This smile gave Xu Yuanyang a sense of peace of mind. He finally nodded:"Okay, I agree to your request."

As for Bai Ziyi, when he saw Ye Yinuo's eyes, which were pure and without any magazine, his heart calmed down.

Follow the choice of your heart.

Maybe sometimes it can have unexpected results.

He wants to win , but the winning rate is not high, so why not be more willful?

Bai Ziyi did not stop him. He felt that Ye Yinuo had her reasons for her choice.

There was not much preparation required, just a microphone stand and a stool. Finished the guitar.

The staff, especially the band teacher, were so happy that they didn't have to do it themselves.

The lights suddenly dimmed.

She took the guitar and simply tuned it, and after connecting the speakers, she spoke He spoke:"I want to ask everyone to forgive my willful behavior, but I think I may not be able to win against you, Sister Song Xi, so I will sing a simple song for you. This was written to me when I was twenty years old. The song I sang when I was fourteen years old was called"That Summer"》"

After saying that, the girl sat upright and played the guitar. The string position changes in her left hand were not complicated, and the chords in her right hand were also very simple. A slightly hoarse voice came out of her mouth.

Simple, peaceful, the whole studio was quiet

"Are you standing in the late autumn dusk and feeling your heartbeat?"

"Whether, the mask of hypocrisy runs through your life"

"Have you ever been emotionally shattered by little things?"

"Have you forgotten what the throbbing of the soul is?"

"That year, midsummer, playground, tennis shoes"

"Hold hands, promise, don't forget, the past"

"Tear off the mask of reality, you are just a fragile child!"

"Time cannot be retained, immersing yourself in the mind is called memories"

"Slow down, remember the girl walking by the window"


From beginning to end, the whole song had no ups and downs of melody. Ye Yinuo sat in his position, like a storyteller, telling a story to everyone who listened.

The theme is simple, memories.

But her lyrics are simple yet touching.

How much can a girl in her early twenties miss?

The pressure of work shattered her once sensitive nerves, and the best things in her memories could only be expressed in songs.

In the summer when she was fourteen years old, studying was everything. Her deskmate was a handsome boy, and she had a crush on him. Then, as time went by, she gradually drowned this feeling.

Ye Yinuo's song tells such a simple thing.

But, it just resonates with people.

Just like writing a song about mother, who doesn’t have youth in their life?

Who doesn't have a favorite girl or boy in his youth?

But who can still remember the thrill of falling in love with someone for the first time?

That feeling can never be found again.

Just following Ye Yinuo's song, everyone returned to that midsummer.

After the song finished, you could hear the drop of a pin in the scene. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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