
Chen Fengxian never asked anything when helping Bai Ziyi. He rushed over from the manor quickly after receiving the call.

He brought many people with him, but everyone was waiting below the group building.

Only Chen Fengxian came up.

Without any nonsense, Bai Ziyi asked Bai Qianqian:"Qianqian, do you have the information of all the staff in the laboratory?"


I don't know what Bai Ziyi wants to do, but Bai Qianqian now unconditionally believes in Bai Ziyi.

Only Bai Ziyi can stop this company's crisis.

"Give me that"


Bai Qianqian rushed out of the laboratory without hesitation, and came back from upstairs with a stack of documents in a short while.

Those were basically the resumes of all laboratory staff, including their names, place of origin, and families. The address, the number of people in the family, and even the names are all there.

Because the experimental project is very important, Chuan Sheng Group conducted detailed background checks on everyone before joining the company.

It is not unusual, but at this time, they were sent It came in handy.

After taking a look at all the files, Bai Ziyi handed all the files to Chen Fengxian.

What kind of company monitoring, computer access records, who else has permission to access the company's server, these He is too lazy to do anything.

He just starts with people, simply and crudely.

"Bring me all the family members mentioned there."Bai Ziyi said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone in the laboratory was frightened.

According to Bai Ziyi's intention, I am afraid that he will take action against their family members.

And his words were firm, everyone, all family members, no matter what differential strafing

"Mr. Bai, don’t be like this! Some people were horrified,"It's just what they did. If there was no one who did it, you would still bring them here. Wouldn't you be unjustly accusing a good person?""

"I do not know what to do. Bai Ziyi said,"I don't want to hurt innocent people, but you are a team. You can only pray that the person who did this will come forward quickly, otherwise all of you will suffer together.""

"Trillions of profits, I don’t want to joke with you."

If this matter is handled well and the information files are brought back from Hengyuan Group, Hengyuan has no way to release them, and the matter can still be undone. If the matter is not handled well, Hengyuan will be the first to release it and seize the opportunity in the new energy market. Hengyuan Group The market value has increased sharply. Even if Chuansheng Group enters the game again later, it will only be a matter of defendant's infringement. The losses will be more than trillions by then?

So the best time to deal with this matter is today.

If it is not handled well today, then tomorrow Hengyuan announced that everything was late.

In all special times, it is necessary to be ruthless. Everyone started to make a fuss:"The matter is a business matter, you blame our family?"

"That’s right, you’re a businessman, can’t you do it?"

"Also, if you are so damn good at doing this, stand up right away. If you let everyone suffer along with you, won’t your conscience hurt?"

"Damn it, if anyone gets caught by me, I will definitely kill you!"

However, the scene was still very quiet and no one responded.

Bai Ziyi sat there coldly, waiting quietly for Chen Fengxian to come back.

Everyone was also very timid, but they just didn't know what Bai Ziyi would do to their family.

Just like that in the laboratory. After staying for two hours, Chen Fengxian and his bodyguards finally brought all the families of these scientific researchers back.

Because they came to work at Chuansheng Group, the group would provide accommodation for their families, so basically everyone has a house in Jiangcheng. It was easy to find family members.

There were many, including elderly people in their seventies or eighties, children of several years old, and even pregnant women.

They were all family members of the laboratory workers.

These people all looked at each other, not knowing what they were about to face.

The scientific researchers were worried, wondering if Bai Ziyi would do anything excessive.

After all, this matter is really big.

"You have one last chance. Bai Ziyi said,"Who sent our documents to Hengyuan?""

"who is that!"

Some people are about to collapse emotionally. The fear of the unknown is always the strongest, because before that you never know what will happen to you.

A man yelled:"Which bastard did this? Stand alone. Come out, you have caused so many people to suffer, and your conscience is being eaten by dogs?"

"That's right, grandson, you have brought down so many people on your own, remember this for me, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

However, Bai Ziyi showed such strong anger, how could the real perpetrator dare to stand up?

The situation suddenly reached a stalemate.

"very good."Bai Ziyi gritted his teeth and whispered,"I admire you very much. Let's change the venue!"

Because the space here is too narrow to move around, Bai Ziyi directly asked Chen Feng to take everyone away first.

The convoy drove back to the manor.

Next to the artificial lake in the manor, on the golf course, Bai Ziyi sat on a chair, next to him All the laboratory staff, and opposite them, are the group of family members.

On the periphery, they are all Chen Fengxian's bodyguard team.

The manor is large and the career is very broad, but Bai Ziyi is the only master of the site.

The hands are still It was everyone's resume information.

Bai Ziyi casually pulled out someone's resume and looked at the name:"Li Xin, right?"

The bodyguard immediately pushed out a person from among the scientific researchers and brought him to Bai Ziyi.

"Graduated from Oxford University. Bai Ziyi looked at the information and murmured,"You have a son and a daughter, they are very cute.""

After closing the resume, Bai Ziyi immediately asked Li Xin:"Did you do it?"

The battle was too big, and everyone at the scene was scared, including Li Xin. Li

Xin's teeth chattered and he didn't know how to answer. He stammered:"Mr. Bai, I, I have been since joining the Chuansheng Group. I have always been loyal. Even if I die, I can't betray the group. I, I really don't know!"

"Are you telling the truth?"Bai Ziyi squinted his eyes, like a judge

"I'm telling the truth."He said

"It doesn’t matter what you say, Lao Chen, where is his son?"Bai Ziyi didn't listen to Li Xin and turned directly to ask Chen Fengxian

"it's here."Chen Fengxian immediately pushed out a little boy, about seven years old, with a crew cut.

"Um."Bai Ziyi nodded in agreement and winked at Chen Fengxian.

Then Chen Fengxian suddenly picked up the little boy from the ground, put it under his arm, and took him all the way to the artificial lake.


The little boy struggled and asked Li Xin for help:"Dad, save my dad!""

And Chen Fengxian didn't let the little boy say too many words. He threw the little boy directly into the artificial lake with a wave of his hand.

With this, Li Xin knelt on the ground with a thud.

Fei Lu reminds you: Three things to read things-collection,

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