Now, everyone is scared!

That's not the edge of the lake, that's the center of the lake!

The water level at the edge of the lake is only two meters, but there is definitely a few meters in between, let alone more than ten meters. It is not a problem to drown a person.

And after sending them all into the water, the speedboat left quickly without any intention of rescuing anyone.

Seeing this, the crowd immediately fell to their knees.

Cries and screams for mercy kept coming and going.

"Master Bai, please let them go!"

"Mr. Bai, it really wasn’t us who did it."

"Master Bai, there must be a misunderstanding here."

"Even if we did it, our family members are innocent, so don’t do anything to them!"

Many people are struggling in the lake, and everything in the lake is shocking.

Think about it, you are on the shore, your family is about to drown in the lake, but you can't do anything.

This time This kind of spiritual shock, this feeling of powerlessness is so uncomfortable.

At first, it only happened to Li Xin. As bystanders, they couldn't bear to look directly at it, let alone that it had already happened to them.

This is not something ordinary people can endure..

The sound of the splashing water in the lake became smaller and smaller, and many people ran to Bai Ziyi to kowtow and beg for mercy.

Bai Qianqian couldn't bear to see it, and kept pushing Bai Ziyi, interceding for these people like everyone else.

The atmosphere was quite surprising. Strange.

Finally, under such strong psychological pressure, someone couldn't hold it any longer.

A man in his thirties, who looked very young in the team, walked up to Bai Ziyi and knelt down. , then said:"Mr. Bai, I'm sorry, I did it, please let my dad go.

Bai Ziyi looked at this person and then said:"Did you do it?""

"I did it."He said,"Yesterday night I took Professor Dong's fingerprint and used silicone to simulate a fingerprint. The permissions of the company's server can be opened with their fingerprints. I stole the research report, and All research data!"

"What about time?"Bai Ziyi said in a deep voice.

"At one o'clock in the morning, after everyone gets off work"

"How to avoid surveillance?"Bai Ziyi continued to ask, because he didn't want someone to come out and take the blame for no reason.

"I had established a relationship with the security guards of the building before. I bought them wine and treated them to a meal, and took some sleeping pills. The surveillance building was closed from 1 to 2 o'clock yesterday evening!"

Almost without thinking, Cai Bin told the entire method of committing the crime.

It seemed that the psychological pressure had been unbearable for a long time.

This time, it aroused the crowd's excitement.

A man rushed up and kicked Cai Bin in the face. Cai Bin kicked out

"My stupid Cai Bin is actually you! Others rushed up at the same time:"You damn bitch, if anything bad happens to my daughter, I will definitely kill you!""

"Tui! Grass mud horse!

A wave of people rushed to Cai Bin to beat him. A wave of people rushed to Bai Ziyi to beg for mercy.

"Master Bai, everyone has been found. Please send someone in quickly."

"My son can’t swim, how long has he been in the water!

Bai Qianqian on the other side also urged Bai Ziyi:"Hurry up!" Hearing this

, Bai Ziyi laughed to himself, looked up at Bai Qianqian, and then looked at the other employees in front of him and said,"Am I so cruel in your eyes?""

Everyone was speechless.

There were Xuri Technology and Liu Changyuan in front of them.

There is no need to describe how miserable those two groups of people died.

But in your current state of action, people are killed at every turn. If you are not ruthless, are we ruthless?

Seeing everyone Looking worried, Bai Ziyi immediately took out the walkie-talkie and said to Chen Fengxian:"Okay, Old Chen, everything is settled. Let's bring them all here.""



"What's the meaning?"

Everyone was confused, what did he bring here? Didn't he go down to save people?

Everyone was obviously in the lake.

Then everyone looked into the center of the lake.

The people who were struggling on the lake just now were now They all swam to the shore.

The cool and useful movements, smooth splashing of water, and even a comfortable carp thrust under the water, the water quality was very good.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they all marveled at their sons and daughters. When did they develop such good water skills?

As they got closer, everyone discovered that that group of people were not their family members. They were all very skilled bodyguards in the manor.

So the people in the water were all bodyguards. Then they before Where are the family members who were taken away?

At this time, under the leadership of Chen Fengxian, a group of people quickly ran over from the open grassland on one side.

Each of them walked easily, not to mention water on their bodies, and they were not even dirty.

And with At the same time, the little boy who was thrown into the water by Chen Fengxian, Li Xin's son, also jumped up from the ground and looked at Bai Ziyi to claim credit:"Uncle Bai, my acting skills are not bad. Li

Xin also said on the side:"Mr. Bai, you have really found the right people for us. There is no father and son more suitable for today's scene than us.""

And the bodyguards who got up from the water also said as they walked:"Hey, it's been a long time, but it's over."

"I am a swimming champion, and it is simply impossible for me to act in a drowning role!"

"Young Master, whatever you do tonight, you have to eat extra!"

The atmosphere that was originally extremely oppressive changed drastically in an instant. The staff of the scientific research team were all stunned in place.


What happened?

Why was everything the eyes saw fake ? ?


Go back in time, half an hour ago.

Bai Ziyi pulled Li Xin from other cars to his own car.

Why is it Li Xin?

Because the background check showed that Li Xin had been on a business trip since last week and didn't get off the plane until this morning.

Air tickets, credit card usage, hotel receipts, etc. can all help him prove it.

So Bai Ziyi never doubted Li Xin from the beginning.

Li Xin is not the person to do this, so you can ask him to help with one thing

"You will act out a play with me later. Also, can your son swim?

Li Xin replied:"Children's Palace Swimming Champion""

"Okay, then when we get to the manor later, you and your son help me. I will ask Lao Chen to throw your son into the water. Your son needs to cooperate with Lao Chen and act out drowning.……"

"Mr. Bai, do you want to kill him as a warning to others?"Li Xin asked

"It’s not really about killing people as a warning, it’s just a show! If you help me with this matter, I won’t treat you badly if you get the benefits later! Li

Xin:"Don't worry, I also hate doing this. I will definitely perform it well for you!""


Then there was the subsequent wave of father-son drama.

It's not real, but it still puts psychological pressure on everyone.

To say that killing one person serves as a warning to a hundred people does not mean killing one person serves as a warning to a hundred people.

Bai Ziyi's move today was actually very simple, he just killed the chicken and showed it to the monkey.

It doesn’t matter whether you kill or not, what matters is that the monkey sees it! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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