"There are all kinds."Jiang Tong said simply,"But I don't know what the specific basis is, but since the Ming Dynasty uprising, their family has been rampant in the Jiangnan area and has a very deep foundation."

"Since you are from the Jiang family, you don’t know anything about these things?"Bai Ziyi was very confused.

Jiang Tong shrugged:"Do you think I am very familiar with these things? In addition to knowing the four families of Jiang, Qin and Xianghong, I even have incomplete settlement of my family's property. My father will not let me touch"


Bai Ziyi sighed and shook his head. He originally thought he was a king, but it turned out that he was actually a bronze like himself. The real kings, the parents of the Hong family and the parents of the Jiang family, have already sat at the front.

I just don't know that the second uncle Bai Chengyun If it came to today's occasion, what rank would it be?

I don't know, let's go and see.

Today's auction is actually more like a large-scale social gathering.

Many giants who usually don't show up are there.We get together here, chatting and talking about the mountains.

Some were talking about business, some were talking about politics, and some were talking about the international situation. Anyway, the tone today was not business-oriented, but more serious.

At about this time, another person came in from the back of the auditorium.

Of course, Bai Ziyi didn't know him.

But when that person came in, the system detection radar suddenly issued a warning.

When Bai Ziyi turned around and saw the woman, the detection radar showed up.

Name: Liuyang Feihua.

Appearance: 100 points.

IQ: 98 points.

Emotional intelligence: 80 points.

Regardless of the scores for the next two items, what happens to the first item?

One hundred percent?

When Tian Yu appeared, it was surprising enough to score 98 points, but now this woman actually has a score of 100 points!

Willow poplars and flying flowers?

Dual surname or R person?

Bai Ziyi didn't know, but after seeing this woman, Bai Ziyi realized that true appearance had nothing to do with dressing up and makeup.

No makeup or even any grooming.

She just sat there with no makeup on her face, and her hair was just tied into a simple ponytail behind her back.

He is wearing a men's suit and eight-point men's trousers.

The overall style is sassy, ​​but it does not affect her beautiful appearance at all.

Wherever you sit, you will have filters, beautification, and various plastic surgery techniques.

Let's put it this way, Bai Ziyi couldn't find any words of praise to describe this face, he felt that as soon as she appeared, his eyes could not help but be attracted to her.

It's a pity. Judging from her overall appearance, she must be quite old, at least in her thirties.

But Bai Ziyi was still amazed by the appearance ceiling that appeared for the first time.

Bai Qianqian on the side was a little dissatisfied, pinched his arm hard, and said,"What are you looking at? Your eyes are staring straight at me."

When Bai Qianqian followed his eyes and looked over, he also said.

What a beautiful woman!

She showed off her forehead so confidently, even without applying any makeup, and still had such a beautiful face.

To be honest, Bai Qianqian was jealous.

It's jealousy, not envy.

Envy means asking for something but getting it, jealousy means asking for something but not getting it.

It's no wonder that Bai Ziyi's eyes are attracted to her. Even he, a woman, is so attracted that he doesn't want to turn away, let alone Bai Ziyi.

But he was still a little emotional:"Humph, Bai Ziyi, I can see you clearly, you scumbag."

Of course, it doesn't matter how beautiful a woman is if she is not hers.

The scene of Bai Qianqian blocking the gun for him is still vivid in my mind.

Therefore, Qianqian is the most beautiful and does not accept refutation.

Bai Ziyi is no longer the pure loser she was in college. Although she still has sex occasionally now, she can still control her heart.

Bai Ziyi turned his head without being attracted by Liuyang Feihua for too long.

Liu Yangfeihua sat in the last row of the auditorium and had already seen Bai Ziyi.

Is this the young man with ancient martial arts?

It doesn't look that difficult to deal with.

It's far behind Tang Chuan at that time.

Liuyang Feihua came here today for two main purposes.

The first is to see if Bai Ziyi is as difficult to deal with as her two apprentices said.

The second is that there is something she wants in today's auction.


Come on, everyone. After everyone has almost arrived, the auction will begin.

After the host on the main stage said a few words, the first item went on stage.

When I was at Fuchun Manor, I worked as an auctioneer. This is the first time I have been a real bidder.

But Bai Ziyi is not very interested in these things.

Because the official auction is more meaningful than actual, and communication is greater than real bidding.

So most of the things are ordinary goods.

For example, the first mahogany chair, although the carving is exquisite, is just a modern handicraft.

The transaction price was only a little 280,000.

Several items after that, such as the Qinghua porcelain plate from the Qing Dynasty, the ruby ​​agate stored in Arabia, ordinary paintings by third-rate painters, etc... were all sold for less than one million.

So, the main purpose of today was already achieved in the first 20 minutes?

Getting to know Jiang Mingzhou—really just a simple acquaintance.

After stretching his waist, Bai Ziyi quietly pinched Bai Qianqian's belly, shook his head and said,"Zhenjier is boring. The items in the auction are too boring. They can't even compare to a collection from the previous auction!"

Think about it! The previous auction items include the dragon heads of the twelve zodiac signs in the Old Summer Palace, Tang Yin's"Mountain Appreciation in Four Seasons", and the later painting that he painted himself.

300 million, 800 million, or 1 billion transactions, none of them will crush the existence here.

I guess I won't be able to find the price of one of these all night long.

Bai Qianqian frowned and was very dissatisfied with Master Bai's little move. She hit him and said,"This is the case for all official auctions. If the value of the auction items is too high, it will have a bad impact on the political world. Many people at the scene have different identities." too sensitive"

"Otherwise, you can just take a photo. Bai Qianqian advised him,"Anyway, it's just idle time. Let yourself feel a little involved.""

"I'm not that stupid to spend money to shoot a bunch of trash and go back. I'll take a nap first and call me when you're done."

Bai Ziyi yawned, and was really about to fall asleep on Bai Qianqian's shoulder.

But just as he was squinting, Bai Qianqian pushed him and said,"Ziyi, look at this on the stage. necklace."

Bai Ziyi looked at the stage sleepily, and then he saw that there was an item on the stage at this time, a crystal necklace from abroad, from the famous foreign jewelry designer Amber Lane. The crystal was in the shape of a crescent, It was polished very delicately, and the necklace was made of platinum. It was small and exquisite.

How should I put it, it was the kind of style that girls would prefer.

It was still the same as before, the items were not precious, and the starting price was 200,000.

Bai Ziyi was sleepy and yawning Asked:"What, you like it?"

"yes."she says

"If you like it, buy it. Bai Ziyi said nonchalantly,"You are richer than me anyway, why do you want me to do that?""

Hearing this, Bai Qianqian looked over fiercely.


An alarm sounded above Bai Ziyi's head.

There was a thunderstorm ahead, please be careful to dodge!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - Collection,

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