"It is! Tian Yu immediately jumped out and grabbed Bai Ziyi, saying,"It's not like you're on the side. We can definitely calm down and do it.""

"Yes, that’s right!"

Bai Jingjing and Bai Qianqian also found the exit of the pouring, and chased Bai Ziyi behind.

"You are so annoying!"

"You just want to see our jokes"

"You don't even know how to respect girls!"

Being chased by three girls, Bai Ziyi ran out quickly, saying as he ran:"Conscience of heaven and earth, did I tell you that this event was unreliable from the beginning? Now that you have been punished, can you still blame me?"

"Moreover! Bai Ziyi stood still and said loudly,"If you can't get it right, it's entirely due to your technical problems. It has nothing to do with talking to me.""

"Pooh! Tian Yu said,"You know how to speak with your mouth. If you have the ability, go ahead!""

"that is."Bai Jingjing also said,"Onii-chan knows how to talk big words, you don't even know how difficult this is."

"You are so proud, can you perform a show for us if you can?"

To sum up the above sentence: Look at the oil, look at the nobb!

Bai Ziyi walked around the stall to avoid being chased by several girls, and changed hands with a hundred yuan bill and slapped the landlady directly on the face:"I want ten, too."

The landlady smiled brightly, I don't know how happy she is.

What I want is your kind. If one doesn't work, come two, if two don't work, come three. If you don't like it, take it.

I like it.

Money is flowing.

In a blink of an eye. He gave ten hoops to Bai Ziyi and a wave of blessing buffs:"I wish you good luck."

When the other girls saw that Bai Ziyi was really having sex, they all stopped and followed Bai Ziyi's example, hugging their shoulders and saying,"Tsk, tsk, tsk, we want to see how good you are!""

"If you don't get it right later, don't blame us for being ruthless."

"I just want to see how powerful you are"

"Yo yo yo, Onii-chan, come on!"

She has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and has the demeanor of an ancient madam.

But Bai Ziyi has long seen through the tricks of this boss lady.

Moreover, after the throwing of several girls just now, he could see clearly from the side and almost turned the iron All the relevant data of the ring are clearly laid out.

How high can you jump when you land, how much force can you reach at what position, how to operate to maximize shock absorption, etc.

I didn't want to mess with this boss lady, But the four girls were pressing hard, so they had no choice but to show off.

The proprietress smiled brightly, as if she had ushered in the second spring.

But Yu Qiushui, who started to stand on the same front as Bai Ziyi, was also very strange.

She thought to herself A very smart young man at first, suddenly became confused again.

These props were clearly meant to deceive people, but Bai Ziyi followed suit, looking for deception, wasn't it?

Everyone had various emotions.

And Bai Ziyi's first hoop had already been released.

Without any warning, in full view of everyone, it drew a perfect arc in the air, returned, and then accurately framed the head of the ceramic doll Bai Jingjing wanted to put on it in the first place.

With a bang, the iron ring fell to the ground.

It was not a crisp collision sound, but a dull sound of landing.

The iron ring fell to the ground like a dead fish without any waves.


Damn it, smoke and dust were everywhere after the iron ring fell to the ground. But it is as motionless as if it is coated with 502 glue.

The ceramic doll is framed in the middle. There is nothing better than a standard set of rings.




The reactions varied, but most of them were surprised.

What a weird situation?

He actually got hit!

The street stall proprietress was the most puzzled, her eyes popped out twenty centimeters, and she couldn't believe it. What are you doing with a hammer?

Can this actually hit?

This thing is Could she not be clear about her? In order to increase the elasticity of the iron ring, the entire iron ring is hollow. To put it bluntly, it looks like an iron ring from the outside, but in fact it is light and fluffy inside. It takes off when it lands.

Basically, it has to bounce back after landing. Several meters.

If you aim and throw as usual, you will definitely not hit what you want. If you want to hit it, there is only one situation, and that is to throw it closer and let the hoop bounce to something on its own.

But this probability is very low. Only people with extremely good luck can hit it.

According to probability theory, he must have made a profit.

It’s just that Bai Ziyi’s wave is a bit unscientific.

Land steadily without any traces. Elasticity, is this a hollow iron ring or plasticine?

It's stained!

The other girls also looked strange.

Bai Jingjing raised the corners of her mouth and tilted her neck, looking in disbelief.

The other two girls reacted in the same way.

Yu Qiushui looked puzzled. She never expected Bai Ziyi to be so awesome.

The slap in the face was caught off guard.

Young Master Bai also imitated Brother Xiao Long and touched the tip of his nose, arrogantly saying online:"Who said I can't do it just now? I'll trouble her to stand up." come out"


Bai Qianqian and others gasped strangely, wondering:"Why were you able to get it?"

"I already said it was a technical issue. Bai Ziyi waved his hand,"You are all unskilled women.""

Three girls:"……"

The proprietress quickly sent the ceramic doll to Bai Ziyi, and she still had to abide by the rules.

Reluctantly suppressing a smile, the landlady said,"Young man, that's good. Congratulations. I hope you will keep up the good work."

Bai Ziyi handed the ceramic doll to Bai Jingjing and said,"Here, here it is for you."

It's not expensive. It's not beautiful, but the game is still very meaningful.

And Bai Ziyi was the first to give her the things. Bai Jingjing was very happy:"Thank you, Oni-chan. I knew that Oni-chan was the best to me."

Tian Yubai Qianqian rolled her eyes.

She is a snake-skinned white woman, and her stance is too unstable.

The two girls didn't bother to praise Bai Ziyi, and immediately said:"It's just good luck.""

"that is."Tian Yu agreed,"You will be considered powerful only if you can keep getting caught."

"Give me a hundred, and maybe I can win one."Bai Qianqian replied.


Bai Ziyi said in his heart, then I can only convince you to lose.

The second iron ring was shot again in an instant.

Everyone's eyes were locked, especially the boss lady.

She also wanted to see it Is Bai Ziyi just lucky or really powerful?

The result is still shocking.

It is still exactly the same as the scene just now. The iron ring falls to the ground without stirring up any dust, does not move or jumps, just like throwing a handful of mud on the ground.

Everyone is even more unbelievable. , both looked at each other in confusion.

Bai Jingjing even jumped up from the ground:"Wow, Onii-chan is so powerful, do you want to loot all today's prizes?"

Bai Jingjing is laughing, and the landlady is a little panicked.

If she keeps playing like this, her stall will burst!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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