The door of "Huanxi Sha" was rudely kicked open, Mao Xiaokai rushed in angrily, and what caught his eye was Bai Bing standing in front of Yang Xian aggrievedly, and Yang Xian condescended to teach people.

The frightened security guard staggered in, his face was pale, his mouth was blue, and he glared at Mao Xiaokai with hatred in his eyes, and then begged for mercy pitifully.

"He broke in, and I couldn't stop him. "

Waved his hand again and again while speaking, his heart was full of resentment, he had discussed it on the way over, carefully designed a coincidence, and unexpectedly arranged for the two to meet, where did he think that when he first arrived at the nearby location, Mao Xiaokai was like a wild beast, and rushed in with a full anger value.

The development of the matter is unclear, so that the security guard is not clear, and he is even more frightened in his heart, and blurted out: "I heard him say at the door that he came to find his girlfriend." "

The young ladies in Hanfu were all stunned and involuntarily retreated.

And Wang Xiaocong and everyone were also confused.

What the hell is that idiot? Sweeping their field!

also said that he came to find a girlfriend, but the only possibility on the spot except for the waiter was - Bai Bing?

How can it be?

Could it be that grasshoppers meet chickens - they have lived to the end~!

After a few seconds, there was a bang.

Everyone stood up with great momentum, especially the eldest brother Zhou Yi, who had taken the lead before, also got up angrily and asked angrily.

"Boy, who are you?"

Mao Xiaokai was so anxious that he didn't bother to pay attention, he glanced at the audience, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he walked straight in the direction of Bai Bing.

Zhou Yi was deflated again and again, and he was annoyed in his heart, even if Yang Xian's strength was strong, why didn't he know that strangers who appeared anywhere could look down on him?

Could it be that the name of the little devil in the bar broke out in vain?

Take a few steps forward with horizontal eyes and block in front of Mao Xiaokai.

glanced at him and sneered: "Boy, grandpa is here, get out of here." "

Because of his personality, coupled with the blessing of Wang Xiaocong, and his back to Yang Xian's Buddha, now he is only afraid that the king of heaven and Lao Tzu will come.

The tone of his voice is also extraordinarily arrogant.

"Get out!"

In Mao Xiaokai's eyes, where can he tolerate others, and with a push, Zhou Yi staggered back.

Zhou Yi, who fights every day, is comparable to Mao Xiaokai as a sports student.

The one who was repelled was very frightened, angrily greeted his whole family, picked up the beer bottle with red eyes and rushed up, without charging a little interest, and his face fell to the ground today.

Where can the others tolerate good brothers being bullied, they all take action.

"Mao Xiaokai?"

Bai Bing couldn't help but be stunned for a few seconds when he saw Mao Xiaokai kicking the door open, and then shouted reluctantly, and at the same time looked at Yang Xian's attitude, for fear that he would misunderstand.

Zhou Yi and the others heard his shout, and the wine bottle he put down forcibly took it back.

It's not to give Bai Bing face, he just wants to consider Yang Xian


"You wait for me, groove!"

For Mao Xiaokai, Zhou Yi's kind of shelves don't need to be taken into account at all, as long as the wine bottle dares to fall, the head must be the other party, and then rushed to Bai Bing in ecstasy.

"What are you doing here?"

"Aren't I here to save you, hurry up and follow me, I'll deal with these people. Mao Xiaokai wanted to hold Bai Bing's delicate hand when he spoke.

It's rare to encounter a chance for a hero to save the United States, how can you just let it go?

And when I came in, I glanced around, about a dozen people, and thought about it, if I started to do it, I would definitely be able to put down some of them, but if I took the opportunity to get injured and win Bai Bing's favor, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

How could Bai Bing let him succeed, took a step back and walked sideways to Yang Xian's side, and said with doubts and disgust: "Save me? "

The moment Mao Xiaokai appeared, Bai Bing was stunned in place for a few seconds, and then his look of annoyance spread.

Finally, there is a chance to gain the upper hand in front of Yang Xian, and maybe he can take Yang Xian in one go, where do you know that the emotions that have been brewing for a long time have been interrupted.

A little annoyance on Bai Bing's face is cute!

Yang Xian adhered to the posture of not caring about himself and hanging high, glanced at Mao Xiaokai casually, and focused on the food in front of him, I have to say that the imperial family really knows how to enjoy it.

As for fighting?

I used to do it at will a few times before, and the opponent basically didn't end well, either losing his life or being crippled for life, and for people who have no reason, then he is even less interested!

"Bing'er, with me here, there's nothing to be afraid of. Mao Xiaokai was still immersed in his own thoughts, thinking that Bai Bing was threatened.

A sentence instantly ignited Bai Bing.

Stand up with a whoosh!

"It's a joke, I have nothing to be afraid of, it's just that the person who is most afraid of this is you. Bai Bing responded with a sneer, and then solemnly continued, "Please remember clearly, my name is Bai Bing." "

ran away angrily because of "being blind date", and originally had a little apology in my heart, but Mao Xiaokai's affectionate title made the apology disappear in an instant, and all that was left was hate.

Especially more importantly, I don't want Yang Xian to misunderstand!

Hearing Bai Bing's more and more decisive words, Mao Xiaokai's mentality exploded and he laughed at himself fiercely.

"Afraid of me? Hahaha, you're afraid of me. "

"Is our relationship now reduced to this, can't you feel my love for you, or am I not qualified to love you?"

The onlookers also woke up from their confusion, and their eyes widened in an instant.

This thing is simply a big deal.

Could it be a love triangle?

Yang Xian is also one of the protagonists.

Mao Xiaokai's answer made the incident even more ambiguous, Bai Bing couldn't help but stare at his feet, and then I looked at Yang Xian with pity.

"This is the person who forced me to marry before. "

"What? It turned out to be him. "

Wang Xiaocong showed an expression that was the same, and then looked at Mao Xiaokai with righteous indignation.

"Of course you are qualified, and I have the right to refuse you. "

"Why do you want to refuse me? Am I not good to you, as long as you want, even if it is a star in the sky, I will try to pick it up for you. Mao Xiaokai roared hoarsely, and his tone was full of unwillingness.

"It's really funny, it's as if you can really pick the stars in the sky!" Su Huai's inopportune interjection made the atmosphere instantly embarrassing.

The others immediately laughed.

Mao Xiaokai's sharp eyes instantly silenced everyone.

"There are some things that can't be forced, so you might as well give up. "

"As long as you give me a chance, I will make you the happiest woman in the world, and then you will know that I am the person who loves you the most in the world. "

"I don't need to. "

"Why, exactly?" Mao Xiaokai's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared loudly with excitement.

"There is no reason. "

"But do you know what your family will pay if you don't marry me then?"

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