After checking the time to finish school, An Ziping said goodbye to Yu Zhi and left the kindergarten.

"It seems that I need to find a way to make some money."

After leaving the kindergarten, An Ziping walked alone on the street and thought secretly.

After all, if you want to give your family a better living environment and future, you still need a huge amount of wealth.

And if you want to improve your strength quickly, you have to spend money to buy a lot of resources.

Otherwise, according to normal cultivation, it will take a long time to recover your cultivation.

After thinking for a while, An Ziping decided to go to the commercial street in the south of the city. After all, that is the department store trading market in Ningnan City, where everything can be sold, whether it is various daily necessities or various jewelry and jade.

Not only that, there are all kinds of people there, and you might find some good things there, and it is also easier to make a lot of money there.

After thinking it through, An Ziping took a taxi and headed for Chengnan District, Ningnan City.

About half an hour later, An Ziping arrived at Chengnan District, Ningnan.

The commercial area of ​​Chengnan District covers an area of ​​about 300,000 square meters. There are shops on both sides of the street, and the shops are filled with a wide variety of goods.

From the shops on both sides of the street, you can occasionally see some gorgeously dressed men and women choosing goods in the shops.

After An Ziping casually observed the surrounding scene, he walked towards the center of the commercial district. This is a huge square, and the square is full of stalls and vendors, selling all kinds of strange things.

There are even a few Taoists setting up stalls to tell fortunes, which looks quite mysterious and attracts a lot of people's attention.

An Ziping walked along the way, looking along the way. The things here are indeed very complete, such as food, clothing, and medicinal materials. It is dazzling.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at a stall set up by a Taoist priest from an unknown Taoist temple. There were many talismans on the stall, some of which looked quite profound, and there were some mysterious patterns drawn on them.

A Taoist priest was holding a yellow talisman paper and muttered: "This talisman is made by me. Just stick it on the door to ward off evil spirits and protect people's health. Let me demonstrate the use of this talisman to everyone."

Then he was seen muttering: "Yin Yang Qian Kun Borrowing Method, Quick!"

The talisman in his hand flew out, burned in the air, and spread rapidly. A red light continued to spread, and everyone who was swept by the light felt warm and comfortable.

"Wow~~~ It's amazing."

"Yes! This talisman is really effective. It seems that I must buy one to try."

"I want to buy one too."


The crowd of onlookers talked about it.

Many people gathered around the Taoist priests and asked, "Master, how much are these talisman papers?"

"These talisman papers are divided into three levels: high, medium and low, and the prices are also different. The high-quality talisman papers are 20,000 yuan each, and the ordinary talisman papers are 10,000 yuan."

At this time, several other Taoist priests also interrupted and said, "Our talisman papers are drawn with gold and silver threads. They are powerful and very effective."

An Ziping frowned slightly when he heard this, because his spiritual sense just scanned over them. These talisman papers are ordinary yellow talismans. Except for the one demonstrated by the Taoist priest just now, the rest are yellow talismans without any special effects.

Although they look good, you will find that they are useless when you buy them home. These people are just cheating people.

However, this also gave him inspiration. He could make some simple talismans to earn some start-up capital. With the capital, he could do other things.

He did it as soon as he said it. An Ziping immediately went to buy some talisman paper, cinnabar, wolf hair, chicken blood and other supplies for making talismans.

Although it is impossible to make the best talismans, it is easy to make some simple basic talismans such as the Qingxin Talisman, the Exorcist Talisman, the Evil-Repelling Talisman, the Bodyguard Talisman, etc.

After buying it, he found a place where no one was, and An Ziping sat down to prepare to make talisman paper.

An Ziping first mixed cinnabar and chicken blood together.

Then he injected a little spiritual energy into it, and then began to draw simple talismans on the yellow talisman, a total of three talismans, each of which represents a symbol.

An Ziping drew one of each talisman. After finishing, he folded the talisman paper, put it in a wooden box, and then came to the square again to sell talismans.

He found a place and put a piece of black cloth,

After laying out the talisman papers, a piece of paper was placed next to each piece of talisman paper with the effect of the talisman paper written on it. An Ziping began to sell talismans.

As soon as he set up the stall, a middle-aged couple came up to him.

"Honey, look, there are talismans here to ward off evil spirits. We didn't get the talisman from the Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple just now, so I wonder how this one is."

"It's really like the real thing, honey, look, this talisman seems to be better than the one from Qingfeng Temple. Boss, how much is this talisman?"

The middle-aged man asked An Ziping.

An Ziping didn't expect that he would have business so soon. It seems that the Taoist priests' propaganda work just now was very successful. However, listening to the conversation between the couple, it seems that they have sold out the talismans.

"This talisman to ward off evil spirits is 50,000 yuan per piece." An Ziping replied.

"What?! 50,000 per piece, isn't this more expensive than the ones sold at Qingfeng Temple? It's better to wait until the next time Qingfeng Temple sells them."

When the middle-aged couple heard the price, they shook their heads and retreated. Obviously, they thought it was too expensive and didn't want to buy it.

An Ziping didn't try to persuade them to stay. After all, his talisman paper was different from the ones sold at Qingfeng Temple. It was real and effective.

But what disappointed An Ziping was that after nearly two hours of display, there were many people who came to ask, but no one bought it.

Gradually, his stall became famous, and many people came to see what the talisman paper that cost 50,000 per piece looked like.

After all, the talismans produced by the famous Taoist temple Qingfeng Temple were only 20,000 per piece at most, and An Ziping actually sold them for 50,000. This price could buy two of the best talismans from Qingfeng Temple plus an ordinary talisman.

But everyone shook their heads after seeing it. The talisman paper of Qingfeng Temple was brightly colored, with gold and silver threads wrapped around it, which looked very gorgeous and sold very well.

The talismans of An Ziping were very small, only the size of a palm, and the colors were very dull, without any light. At first glance, they looked like the low-quality talisman paper used by street scammers.

If we must say that An Ziping has any advantages, it is that his talismans look much better than those of Qingfeng Temple, and the symbols painted on this talisman paper also look more charming, with an indescribable mysterious feeling.

However, no matter how beautiful An Ziping's paintings were, these people just looked at them and left, and no one was willing to buy them.

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