Yang Yixiao was born in 1700 in the Yanhuang calendar, which was the 39th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign.

He was born on the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, a very auspicious day. His parents named him Yang Yixiao, implying that they hoped he could face everything with a smile.

But I don't know if it was because he was born with bad luck or what.

No matter what he did, he would be extremely unlucky and could not do anything well.

At first, he went to a private school, read books, studied, and took exams like other children.

But since he was 18 years old, he took exams for five consecutive years, but he did not pass any exams.

He felt that he was not good at studying, so he turned to martial arts. He hoped to pass the exam and become a martial arts champion.

But every time he practiced, something strange happened, either he fell or got hurt.

The most serious one was that he was in a coma for a day before he woke up.

This incident attracted the attention of his family, and then they invited many masters to see him through their connections. In the end, they found that this kid had a very poor foundation and was a loser in martial arts. He was not suitable for martial arts.

But he still did not give up, and still insisted on exercising every day, although he was exhausted every day.

In the end, he achieved some success.

And the exam went smoothly inexplicably, and he came to the last level all the way.

But when it came to the last exam, something went wrong.

Somehow, on the day of the archery test, he was clearly aiming at the target.

But in the end, he shot the examiner to death with one arrow.

Then he was kicked out of the examination room and was told that he could not take the imperial examination in the future.

There was no way, Yang Yixiao could only go into business, fortunately his family still had some family background.

Some capital for doing business.

But because he had no experience, he was cheated of all his money the first time he went out.

He had to go home and prepare again.

This time he was much more cautious and was not cheated.

But when he was resting in an inn, he was stolen by a thief.

Yang Yixiao had no choice but to go home again and prepare again.

With the experience of the previous two times, he changed a way this time.

He bought local specialties from his hometown with the remaining money and prepared to transport them to the capital to sell.

Thinking that he would not bring money with him this time, nothing would happen, right?

Who knew that not long after he transported the goods out of the city, a group of bandits suddenly came and robbed his goods directly.

And he himself was beaten, not only bruised all over, but also knocked out several teeth.

Fortunately, these bandits did not kill him and saved his life.

Now the family has no money, can not do business, and can not take the imperial examination.

If an ordinary person encountered so many disasters, he would have collapsed and gone crazy and could not continue to live.

But this did not bother Yang Yixiao at all.

Before his parents passed away, they left him a small piece of land so that he could be self-sufficient when he was desperate.

That is to say, he could still make a living by farming.

But God seemed to be targeting him. In the first year of farming, he encountered a severe drought and had no crops.

He ran to the temple to pray to the Bodhisattva to save him. The Bodhisattva was merciful and it rained!

So in the second year, there was a flood, flooding the farm and destroying all the food and grass.

Helplessly, he ran to the temple again and prayed again. This time he prayed for good weather and good harvest.

So in the third year, there was good weather and good harvest, and the crops grew well.

However, in July, when the crops were about to be harvested, locusts passed through and pests were rampant, causing the crops to be harvested. There was also a plague, and the entire village was infected with the plague.

Yang Yixiao fled to the forest and survived by chance.

But when he was avoiding the locusts, he was bitten by a snake in the forest, causing his legs to be disabled.

Because he had no money to see a doctor, in order to cure his legs, Yang Yixiao began to learn medicine by himself.

Although he failed to cure his legs, he also learned good medical skills through his own efforts.

He began to help some poor people with treatment.

With his help, those infected patients gradually recovered.

Yang Yixiao's kindness was loved by everyone.

Even many people were willing to donate money to support him.

After he had money, he began to study the prescription for treating his legs.

Finally, his efforts paid off, and he successfully developed a set of prescriptions.

After preparing this prescription and paying it, Yang Yixiao died.

His friends in the same village wrote an epitaph for him:

He studied literature when he was young, but failed for five years.

Later, he changed to martial arts, shot an arrow in the training ground, and failed the middle school entrance examination, so he was expelled and ordered not to take the exam again.

He also did business, and once he encountered a scam

, encountered thieves twice, and bandits three times.

So he worked as a farmer. In one year, he encountered a severe drought. In the second year, he encountered Hongdu. In the third year, he encountered locusts.

He encountered an epidemic and was lucky to survive, but his legs were broken.

So he became a doctor and wrote a good prescription. After taking it, he died.

However, not long after he was buried, a Taoist passed by.

After seeing his epitaph, he laughed out loud and felt that Yang Yixiao was too miserable.

So he dug up the grave and took out Yang Yixiao's body.

He used the method of resurrection to revive Yang Yixiao and healed his legs.

Then he taught him the method of cultivation.

Yang Yixiao then discovered that there were actually cultivators in this world.

And they were many times more powerful than ordinary people and could fly in the air.

He also embarked on a journey of cultivation from then on.

However, because his qualifications were too poor, his cultivation progress was extremely slow.

Fortunately, before his master left, he gave him a longevity pill, which extended his life by fifty years.

Later, Yang Yixiao spent a full hundred years, and his lifespan was almost exhausted before he reached the innate realm, and his lifespan was extended again.

At that time, he felt that he should have some skills, so he went out of the mountains and wanted to make a living.

But when he got outside, he found that the world was in chaos.

Several Western countries invaded Yanhuang together, and many powerful people came.

Even some Yanhuang masters were not their opponents.

After seeing with his own eyes that a Yanhuang master who was similar to himself was beaten to death by a blond and blue-eyed Western master.

Yang Yixiao decided to hide again, practice well, and strive to enter the next realm before coming out to avenge his compatriots.

So he found an uninhabited valley, dug a cave directly, hid in the innermost part and began to practice in seclusion.

This seclusion lasted for a full 180 years.

This time, he finally made some progress. When he was still twenty years away from the end of his lifespan, he finally broke through.

The moment he successfully formed the elixir, two lines of tears could not help but slide down his cheeks.

No one knew how he had survived these 180 years. He had no friends and was left alone.

He endured the boundless loneliness alone, just to be able to come out one day and avenge his compatriots.

He had waited for too long, and now he finally did it.

With his current strength, it shouldn't be difficult. After all, he felt that he could beat himself up with one punch before he went into seclusion.

Just when Yang Yixiao was thinking about a lot of things, suddenly a babyish voice reached his ears.

"Daddy, why is that grandpa crying?"

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