The old man was very happy.

In a high-end nursing home in the south of the city, Qiao Miaoling looked solemn.

After she came back from the market today, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Because many people came today, they were all members of their Qiao family.

Even the uncle's family, who had rarely been seen in recent years, came, and her father was among them.

There was also a middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit whom she didn't know.

"Dad, uncle, why are you all here?" Qiao Miaoling went up to say hello.

"Humph, if we don't come over, I don't know what the old man will be tossed by you!"

Qiao Miaoling's uncle snorted in dissatisfaction.

"Yes, Miaoling, I'm not saying anything too much. Look, you've been taking the old man around for the past few years. Because of your nonsense, the old man's complexion has been getting worse and worse."

A middle-aged woman dressed very luxuriously and wearing gold and silver on her hands said on the side. It was Qiao Miaoling's aunt.

"If you ask me, Miaoling, you are somewhat responsible for the old man's current situation. If he had been resting, he might have woken up a long time ago, and he wouldn't be like this now."

The aunt rolled her eyes and said to Qiao Miaoling.

Qiao Miaoling's face immediately turned pale and her body trembled constantly.

Because since grandpa fell into a coma, her uncle's family only visited him once at the beginning.

After that, they never asked about it again.

In the past three years, it has been her who took grandpa to seek medical treatment everywhere, and only then did grandpa's condition slow down and prevent it from getting worse.

And all these medical expenses were paid by her company, and they didn't pay a penny.

As a result, they said that they were wrong.

"Dad, won't you say anything?" Qiao Miaoling turned to look at her father, Qiao Hongkai.

Qiao Hongkai hesitated for a long time after hearing his daughter's question, and then he stammered and said weakly,

"Miaoling, your uncle is right. You don't believe in regular hospitals anymore, and you go to those messy things. A few days ago, you even invited a Feng Shui master to exorcise evil spirits. Don't you think it's ridiculous? You have been to college and received higher education."

Qiao Miaoling felt her heart gradually cold. Her mother died early, and her grandfather raised her since she was a child.

Her father has always been cowardly and incompetent. It's fine if he doesn't help her now, but he actually blames her together with her uncle's family, which makes her extremely tired.

"Yes, I heard that you bought a talisman worth 50,000 yuan from a charlatan today. I think you are a little crazy, right?"

The uncle sneered.

Hearing this, other clan members also began to discuss. Although most people knew that Qiao Miaoling had contributed the most to the old man's illness, they now thought that she was doing something bad with good intentions.

Qiao Miaoling understood as soon as she heard it. It seemed that this guy Lin Haoran had told her the secret. It seemed that this guy was just a hypocritical hypocrite.

Although he looked bright and beautiful on the outside, he was actually dark and dirty on the inside. She couldn't help but hate him a little more in her heart.

In fact, she knew that her father and uncle had always wanted to marry her to Lin Haoran, to form an alliance with the Lin family, and then gain benefits.

Not only that, her uncle's family also thought that after marrying her into the Lin family, they could take over her company.

"Don't worry about the old man's illness in the future. Just get along well with Haoran. After the Chinese New Year next year, the Lin family will come to propose marriage. At that time, you will marry into the Lin family. Now I have the final say."

Qiao Miaoling's uncle said without question.

"Also, prepare to hand over your company. Although you are managing it now, it is the Qiao family's property after all. When you marry into the Lin family, you can hand it over to our Shao Yuan. Anyway, he will be the heir of the Qiao family in the future, and the Qiao family's property will belong to him sooner or later."

The eldest aunt said with a smile on her face.

Qiao Miaoling was shocked as if she had been struck by a bolt from the blue.

"I don't agree. I will never hand over my company to Qiao Shaoyuan. He can't manage the company well at all."

Qiao Miaoling rejected the eldest aunt's proposal without hesitation.

"You... you are simply stubborn. Do you want to destroy the company if you don't hand it over to Shao Yuan?"

The eldest uncle was so angry when he heard that Qiao Miaoling dared to refuse him.

Many clan members stood up to accuse Qiao Miaoling, but Qiao Miaoling simply didn't say anything.

Sitting aside in silence.

The aunt thought Qiao Miaoling was giving in, so she continued to promote her son,

"Our Shao Yuan has spent a lot of effort to invite Mr. Bai Lide, a master of the Baili family, a family of traditional Chinese medicine, to treat our old man. This is the most useful."

The middle-aged man in the Zhongshan suit sat in the middle with his eyes closed, looking like a hermit.

After hearing this, he slowly opened his eyes, and then walked forward to take the pulse for Mr. Qiao.

Everyone held their breath and waited for Bai Lide's diagnosis.

After a long time, Bai Lide retracted his arm, sighed and said: "The old man's body is now exhausted, I'm afraid he can't hold on for much longer. If it was at the beginning, there might be some chances, but now it's been delayed for too long, there is no other way."

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar. The Baili family is the most prestigious traditional Chinese medicine family in Yanhuang Country. Their medical skills are very famous internationally. Even the Baili family is helpless, so there is really no hope this time.

Everyone sighed and shook their heads, obviously expressing deep regret that Mr. Qiao was hopeless.

The aunt on the side breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and began to blame Qiao Miaoling: "It's all your fault. If you hadn't been messing around, you would have died long ago... Qiao Miaoling, what are you doing?!"

The aunt suddenly exclaimed.

Then Qiao Miaoling suddenly stood up, took out the Qingxin Talisman from her arms, threw it at the old man on the bed, and shouted: "Ji!"

Seeing this scene, all the clansmen felt that Qiao Miaoling was crazy and completely trapped in a demon.

Looking at Qiao Miaoling's charlatan-like performance, the uncle's family sneered beside her, waiting to see her joke.

"What a joke, how can a talisman that pretends to be a ghost solve a disease that my Baili family can't cure?" Bai Lide also shook his head.

However, at this moment, the Qingxin Talisman suddenly shone brightly, and the whole room was filled with a sense of coolness. Everyone who was illuminated by the light felt magical and refreshed.

Then the talisman turned into a stream of light and sank into Grandpa Qiao's body.

At this moment, it seemed that there was a fairy sound in his ears.

This wonderful scene immediately stunned everyone.

Before most people came to their senses, someone suddenly exclaimed,

"Look, the old man's hand seems to move."

Everyone hurriedly looked at the old man's palm, and sure enough, they saw that the old man's hand was slightly raised, as if he wanted to stretch his limbs.

"The old man is awake!" Someone shouted excitedly. Everyone looked carefully again and saw that the old man's eyelids trembled and slowly opened.

After the old man opened his eyes, he saw Qiao Miaoling with an excited face. He raised his right hand and stroked Qiao Miaoling's hair, looking at his favorite granddaughter kindly.

"Grandpa~!" Qiao Miaoling shouted with a sob. Tears could no longer be stopped.

"Silly girl, why are you crying? Grandpa is not dead yet!"

The old man smiled and patted the back of Qiao Miaoling's hand.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. Their scalps were numb. The old man was actually saved by a talisman.

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