Although Sakurai Yuta looks handsome, he is actually a complete scum.

When Sakurai Yuta was in high school, he fell in love with a girl, but the girl didn't like him at all.

As a result, he was so angry that he killed the girl directly, and finally forced her to death and took away her virginity.

Not only that, Sakurai Yuta also defiled the girls in the girl's family, and finally drove the girl's grandfather crazy, causing the girl's family to be broken up.

When he grew up, he relied on the power of the Sakurai family to be domineering and did countless illegal things.

In short, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

His life motto is that those who gave birth to me are not allowed, and those I give birth to are not allowed, and the rest are all allowed.

This of course also includes the two sisters Sakurai Yuyuki.

But he has never been able to achieve his wish. Not only that, he was seriously injured by Sakurai Yuyuki when he tried to force himself on her.

Therefore, he has always hated Sakurai Yuyuki and thought about stepping on her one day, ravaging her body and taking her virginity.

But he never succeeded.

And now, he sees hope.

Tonight, he can press Sakurai Yuyuki to the ground and whip her hard.

"Don't worry, cousin. Your beautiful body will belong to me soon." Sakurai Yuta laughed evilly.

"Beast, dare you touch me?" Sakurai Yuta shouted.

"Haha, cousin, who cares about you now? Look around, do you think there are still people in the Sakurai family standing on your side?" Sakurai Yuta sneered.

As Sakurai Yuta spoke, slight crackling sounds were heard all around.

"I might as well tell you that I have reached a cooperation with Mr. Smith.

They will help me ascend to the position of the head of the Sakurai family.

These mecha weapons are the help given to me by Mr. Smith.

It will only take a few seconds for this place to become a hell on earth!" Sakurai Yuta smiled sinisterly.

"What?" Sakurai Xixue's pretty face turned pale instantly when she heard the words. She never thought that Sakurai Yuta would hook up with Smith!

"Haha, cousin, don't be afraid, you can continue to cry after we are done playing, haha!" After that, his eyes shifted to An Ziping and others, and a grim smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "As for these Yanhuang pigs, hum, I have long disliked them. I will use them to feed these weapons later, hehe, do you think it will be cool?"

Hearing his words, the mechanical soldiers around raised their arms one after another, and laser beam cannons aimed at An Ziping and others.

"Is this Smith very powerful?"

Looking at Sakurai Xixue whose face changed wildly, Gu Huihe couldn't help asking.


Sakurai Yuxue nodded.

"He is the deputy leader of the God's Eye Organization in the United States. He is an SSSS-level psychic and a very scary existence!" Sakurai Yuxue said with a serious face.

"It is said that he can control people's minds, make people fall into hallucinations, and turn them into puppets at the mercy of others.

Even the strong men at the level of Martial Saint are no exception."

"SSSS-level?" Gu Hui frowned. This level is equivalent to the level of Martial God or God of Law.

No matter what, they can't be completely equated.

Because the various attack methods of psychics are a little different from theirs, Gu Huihe can't judge the specific combat power.

But he is sure that he is stronger than himself.

Because he has fought with SSS-level psychics before.

He failed to defeat the other party, and the other party couldn't kill him. The two sides tied and neither could do anything to the other.

Gu Huihe felt a little bitter in his mouth for a while.

Originally, he was a powerful and unrivaled person in China.

But I didn't expect that after following An Ziping for a few days, I would meet many people who are stronger than me.

I am a late-stage martial saint, but I can rarely help.

Just when Gu Huihe was still sighing with emotion, Sakurai Xixue continued to speak.

"Moreover, Mr. Smith is not best at fighting.

Because he is a strong man in the spiritual aspect.

So his brain development is quite high.

He is best at scientific research.

These mecha weapons are what he specially researched.

Each one has extremely powerful power.

And according to his research results, if he continues to study like this, he can develop a terrifying mecha that can be comparable to the attack power of a martial god-level master.

This Smith is a madman. He studies mechas.

, is to create an armed mecha that is comparable to or even exceeds the level of the God of War. "


This remark was like a bolt from the blue, and Gu Huihe was stunned.

"How is this possible?"

"Yes, although it is a bit unbelievable, it is shown in the data." Sakurai Xixue nodded.

"I don't know the details, but I vaguely heard him say that he has a lot of precious technical information in his mind, and these technologies are all from the secret laboratory in his mind. And that secret laboratory is controlled by him personally." Sakurai Xixue said.

Hearing this, Gu Huihe couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and his heart was pounding.

"This madman, can he really develop a weapon comparable to the God of War? "Gu Hui murmured.

Compared to Gu Hui and his surprise, An Ziping was quite calm.

Because there is such a group in Tianyuan Continent.

Their bodies are very weak and not suitable for cultivation at all.

Even if they use the Vein-Condensing Pill, it is not enough for them to reach the conditions for cultivation.

But their brains are extremely developed.

So their technology is also very developed. They have created a lot of technological equipment based on the operation of spiritual power.

It is a bit similar to the mechas worn by these people in front of them.

But theirs are more advanced and more powerful.

The strongest even reached the level of Luo Tian Shangxian.

However, the path of cultivating immortals is to cultivate oneself after all, relying on External objects are always suspected of being a bit tricky.

Therefore, An Ziping is not very interested in this kind of technology.

He only wants to improve his own strength, then travel through the heavens and explore the avenue.

However, An Ziping is now quite interested in those technological devices.

He did not expect that the cultivation technology on Earth has developed quite well.

For a while, An Ziping was thinking about whether to capture him and let him help Yanhuang.

Although An Ziping does not care about these, his father An Ruida is a very patriotic old young man.

He has always had a dream of a great country in his heart.

There was even one time when he drank with Oreo and got drunk, and pulled Oreo to stand outside the villa and pointed at the sky and shouted.

"Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! "

And Oreo was yelling along.

Kong Shulan was speechless.

But An Ziping could understand his father's feelings.

After all, people will be trapped by things they couldn't get when they were young.

When An Ruida was young, his various wishes were not fulfilled because of his family.

Now that they have been fulfilled, he just burst out.

So An Ziping is considering whether to help his father fulfill his wish.

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