The four great sword masters were killed.

The Sakura Shrine was destroyed.

The head of the Sakurai family surrendered to Yanhuang.

The news spread quickly throughout the entire monastic community of Japan at lightning speed.

And it is still spreading to surrounding countries.

Especially Yanhuang, a large number of posts appeared on the Internet saying that a young man from Yanhuang blew up the Sakura Shrine, one of the most sacred in Japan.

It also included the ruins of the Sakura Shrine after it was destroyed.

The post also said that the young man was a terrorist.

It called on everyone to boycott him and fight against him.

This post quickly topped the hot topic list.

The manipulators behind these are naturally the people of God's Eye.

In order to kill An Ziping and prevent Yanhuang from coming to rescue.

They are going to create public opinion pressure in Yanhuang to force Yanhuang not to intervene.

In this way, they will have more time to plan.

In their opinion, the monastic community and officials of Yanhuang must know that An Ziping is coming.

Yanhuang asked An Ziping to come this time to destroy the monastic community of Japan.

In this way, they can eliminate their potential enemies in East Asia and break through the island chain that they blockade against them.

Therefore, they must have gathered forces behind the scenes and are ready to rescue or attack Japan at any time.

So they created public opinion in advance so that Yanhuang would not be able to take action due to international influence.

But what they didn't know was that when this news came out.

Many senior officials of Yanhuang were also confused.

The news received by the senior officials of Yanhuang was naturally not the news on the public opinion posts they posted online.

But more detailed news from the monastic community.

When they learned that someone from Yanhuang had gone into the Japanese cultivation world alone and destroyed the other side's four sword masters and the Sakura Shrine.

The top leaders were also dumbfounded.

How could they not know that there was such a person in Yanhuang.

So they immediately called the captain and the four elders of Longhun to come to a meeting.

This was a major dereliction of duty in Longhun's work and needed to be held accountable.

Longhun's captain Long Ying and the four elders were also very depressed when they received the news that they were going to hold a major meeting.

They were still investigating An Ziping's affairs.

Before they had time to report, they were called over.

However, when they learned that An Ziping had actually killed people in Japan.

Killed the other side's four sword masters and blew up the other side's Sakura Shrine, which really shocked them.

Although they had already inferred that An Ziping's strength had reached the level of a martial god.

But what happened now still made them a little shocked.

Meeting room, after listening to Longhun's report.

Many high-level officials of Yanhuang fell into silence.

Yanhuang has such a powerful figure, and he is so young.

This should be an exciting thing.

But now they are not happy.

Because if this matter is not handled properly, it may cause international disputes or even war.

They can easily guess that the mastermind behind this matter is the United States.

"What do you think of this matter?"

The second leader frowned and thought for a while, then looked up and asked.


A general with three stars on his shoulders slammed the table hard, stood up and said: "I suggest sending elite forces to cooperate with special departments for rescue."

"This An family kid is great, he did what everyone wants to do. I support your decision, you must save him! Otherwise, others will think that we Yanhuang are afraid of trouble!"

Another old man also agreed.

"Yes, with such a young hero here, I believe that it won't be long before he grows up and can definitely sweep the world. We can't miss this opportunity!

With the protection of such a strong man, unless they dare to start a nuclear war, no one can stop our Yanhuang from rising!"

Another big man expressed his support.

"But, how come, this matter is obviously the United States behind the scenes.

Isn't their move to prevent us from going to rescue, and now our strength is not enough to go to war with the United States.

If we act rashly, we will only lose troops and generals. It may even lead to both of us losing! This is not the situation we want to see.

So I think we should take a long-term view! After all, this is not a small matter."

A senior executive stood up and refuted.

"Yes, talents are gone without us.

Can be trained again.

If we rashly bring the country into war, the entire nation will suffer huge losses.

Now we are at a critical stage, we still can't take too many risks, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes. "Another senior executive said.


For a while, everyone insisted on their own opinions.

Everyone was arguing about this matter.

Long Ying suddenly received a message and his face changed wildly.


Unlike the situation where the senior executives presented two opposing sides.

The Yanhuang network presented a one-sided situation.

Almost everyone supported An Ziping's approach.

"What? There are still terrorists in this era? Who are they? This is too abominable?

We must investigate and punish them severely!

Oh, it's us Yanhuang ourselves, and we are fighting against the little Japan? That's fine. "

"I woke up in the middle of the night, and the violent terrorist was actually me? ! "

"There are terrorists there, he is just a sunny and cheerful boy! "

There are countless replies like this.

And these people are all ordinary people.

But they have one thing in common, that is, they all support An Ziping to make another big fuss in Japan.

Many people have also launched a crowdfunding fund, preparing to find a way to bring An Ziping back.

Only a few 1450 and 500,000 people who walked wanted to denounce An Ziping's behavior, but they were all drowned in the vast ocean of people.

The cultivation world of Yanhuang is similar.

Most of the cultivation world highly approves of An Ziping's behavior.

Those young post-00s cultivators are even worse, and they all want to go over and fight with An Ziping in person to show the prestige of Yanhuang!

Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion.

Zhang Ziming held the mobile phone, excitedly pointed at the little Lolita that An Ziping was holding on it, and said to Master Zhang Yunfan:

"Master, this is it, this little girl, the little girl I told you about last time, a branch cut off the river! "

Similarly, at the Ye family in Beijing, Ye Feng was holding a mobile phone, talking to everyone in the Ye family about the various things he had experienced when he met An Ziping at the ruins of Lingxiao Gate and Niutou Mountain.

But not everyone was excited.

For example, the An family in Beijing.

The hall seemed very depressing.

Everyone present was either surprised, unbelieving, solemn, or indifferent, in short, their expressions were different.

The old man of the An family sat in the first seat, his eyes flashing from time to time, and I don't know what he was thinking.

Just While everyone was still excited, a piece of news came and made the Yanhuang cultivation world boil again.

The Japanese Sword God went to the Quanbu Altar and will fight An Ziping in five days!

Countless cultivators immediately went to Japan to help An Ziping to cheer.

The Dragon Soul on the border was so busy that it was almost unstoppable.

Bazhong Province, Lu City.

A little boy held a mobile phone and shed tears of excitement.

Those who didn't know would think that he won the game and cried with joy.

"Master, I finally found you."

Xingchen wiped his tears and then spoke to Chen Ansheng who was looking at him curiously.

"Let's go to Japan!"

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