The shocked purple-robed instructor was none other than Du Jun's envoy, Jiang Yan.

Most of the time, there was nothing going on in the outside world, and she was a normal instructor in the academy.

She would only go out to deal with things when she received a message.

Yesterday, she heard from instructor Liu Neng in the mountain that two peerless little geniuses had come, a boy and a girl, one four years old and the other five years old.

She had a bad feeling in her heart.

Unexpectedly, it was really An Yueke and Xingchen.

She saw Xingchen kill Duanmu Yang with one sword and Keke's breakthrough.

Although the two children were small, their strength was terrifying.

Jiang Yan's head was a little dizzy.

What were they going to do? What do you want to do?

Why do you come to the academy when you are so awesome?

Do you want to be taught by the teacher or to beat the teacher, or are they actually applying for a job as a teacher?

And there is one thing Jiang Yan can't figure out, is Liu Neng's brain kicked by a donkey or is the energy crystal broken.

Didn't they measure the amazing cultivation of these two children?

How could they let such a big devil in.

The other instructors didn't notice Jiang Yan's abnormality.

Because their attention was on the students below.

Everyone nodded with satisfaction when they saw the little Lolita and Xingchen.

They all made up their minds to accept one of them as their personal disciple.

At the same time, they also sighed at their good luck.

This test selected me to be the teacher for the inner courtyard selection.

Otherwise, I would have missed two evil disciples.

"There are a total of 8,502 students participating in our Kunlun Academy test this time. Next, I will tell you the rules..."

Xie Guangkun was speaking slowly above the square. At this time, he had restrained his breath.

He was like a happy old man in Ivory Mountain.

While speaking, he also swept his eyes to the students below.

He stayed on each foundation-building student for a while.

Then he stayed on the little Loli and Xingchen for more time.

At the same time, he was a little confused.

Because these two children gave him a very strange feeling.

But he only stayed for a moment and continued to read out the rules.

"For this test, you will enter the Ivory Mountain behind me. We have placed some monsters and puppets inside.

You will go into the Ivory Mountain to collect a blue spirit bead.

Use your trial cards. After you find it, touch it with your trial cards and your score will be recorded.

Everyone must do their best to collect the blue spirit bead.

We will select the top two thousand students with the highest scores.

If the number of blue spirit beads obtained is the same, whoever takes the shorter time will have a higher score.

Of course, there are dangers here. The monsters and puppets also have blue spirit beads.

Defeat them and the spirit bead will be yours.

You are not Don't worry about it, there is a protective formation on this trial card.

Once there is a life-threatening situation, everyone will be teleported out.

The total time of the assessment is twelve hours.

It is especially important to remind everyone that students are not allowed to form alliances.

If it is found that students form alliances, they will be disqualified.

In order to prevent cheating, several of our instructors will monitor Fangyashan throughout the process.

Parents or friends from major sects can also watch the performance of the disciples in the square.

We will use the latest projection technique to bring everyone a visual feast.

Okay, without further ado, our assessment will begin immediately! "

Xie Guangkun said, and took out a disc magic weapon from his arms.

Then he pinched the magic formula with his hand and hit the disc magic weapon.

A layer of light immediately lit up on the disc.

Suddenly, the disc began to spin rapidly.

Then all the students present found that the space above their bodies was twisted and changed.

Then a teleportation formation was formed.

"Okay, let's get ready and enter Xiangya Mountain!"

"Keke, remember, don't fight if you can after entering, just try to find the blue spirit bead that the teacher said.

If you fight, try to use skills, not brute force"

An Ziping said to the little Loli.

An Ziping was very relieved about Xingchen, but he was a little worried about the little Loli.

After all, she was still very young, if she accidentally exposed too much strength and aroused the vigilance of Kunlun Academy.

My own plan to get the wool

But it can't be carried out.

"Okay, got it, see you, mom and dad!"

The little girl said hello and jumped into the teleportation array above.

Xingchen and Chen Ansheng also said hello to everyone and entered Xiangyashan.

But the others were not as relaxed as the three of them.

Most people were nervous and nervous. This kind of assessment was their first time.

It was inevitable that they were a little curious.

After jumping into the teleportation array, the students only felt that the world was spinning and the scenery in front of them was distorted.

When they came to their senses, they were already in a dense forest.

When almost all the students entered, the eleven instructors suddenly exerted their strength together.

The spiritual power was sent to the sky together, and then these spiritual powers began to gather.

A huge golden mirror appeared in the sky.

With another wave of his hands, the mirror broke into dozens of pieces.

Then a dazzling light was emitted.

With a sound of \"hum\".

The light dissipated.

A series of pictures appeared in the sky above the square.

These pictures were like mirrors, reflecting the entire Ivory Mountain.

The parents and people from various sects below, as well as the students who failed to enter the assessment, could clearly see the situation inside.

"Okay, all the teachers, don't be distracted, our work has begun."

Xie Guangkun said to the ten purple-robed teachers with a smile.

The ten teachers also took out something like a notebook and stared at the picture above.

"How about this, it's boring to watch it like this, let's open the game as usual, and let's guess which students can win the top ten?"

Xie Guangkun smacked his lips and said.

The eyes of the ten teachers lit up when they heard it.

They all knew that Xie Guangkun was addicted again.

But they all liked it, because Xie Guangkun was known as the first money-spending boy in Kunlun College.

He always lost every time he gambled, but he was also addicted to being a bad player.

So as long as he opened the game, everyone was very happy to play with him.

"How about this, one bet is ten top-grade spirit stones, everyone can bet freely."

Xie Guangkun thought for a while and then said.

He has lost a lot recently. If he has more spirit stones, he will definitely bet more.

The instructors also expressed their opinions and placed bets.

\"Hang Menglin from the Hang family is good. The Hang family is best at sensing everything. Collecting spirit beads is her better way. She will definitely be in the top ten.

I bet five on him!"

A instructor placed a bet first.

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