The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

An Yueke ran out of the kindergarten as usual, carrying her schoolbag.

As soon as she reached the school gate, she suddenly felt someone behind her, so she turned her head and looked back.

"Daddy!" Seeing An Ziping, the little girl was so happy that she ran towards An Ziping.

An Ziping opened his arms and hugged the little girl who was running towards him.

"Daddy, why did you come so early today!" An Yueke hugged An Ziping's neck and asked sweetly.

"Because Daddy misses the baby today!"

An Ziping said softly.

The little girl giggled and kissed An Ziping on the face again and again.

Then An Ziping carried the little girl to the parking lot.

"Wow, Daddy, this car is so beautiful!" The little girl said in surprise, pointing to the Ferrari 488 parked on the side of the road.

"Well, does Coco want to sit?" An Ziping asked, gently stroking his daughter's head.

"Yes, I do." The little girl nodded obediently.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the little girl, An Ziping carried her to the co-pilot seat and fastened the seat belt for the little girl.

Originally, a child of this age should have a child seat, but this little girl has a yin and yang holy body.

Under An Ziping's guidance, plus the fact that she took the Nengmai Pill two days ago, her physical condition has begun to slowly show.

Now the little girl's physique is probably tougher than steel, and with An Ziping by her side, she naturally doesn't need a child seat.

Then An Ziping drove the little girl to the commercial district in the south of the city.

It was still early, so An Ziping planned to take his daughter shopping.

In the shopping district in the south of the city, there were crowds of people and a wide variety of goods.

An Ziping first took the little girl to the clothing area.

Looking at the dazzling dresses, An Yueke's mouth was almost grinning to her ears.

"Daddy, this one, this one looks good, this one is also good-looking..."

The little girl took An Ziping's hand and looked left and right, choosing beautiful clothes that suited her.

"Okay, whichever one Coco likes, then we'll buy it."

An Ziping looked at his daughter lovingly. He loved his child from the bottom of his heart.

This is a famous children's luxury brand counter, with all kinds of high-end goods emerging in an endless stream, and the prices are generally not cheap.

But An Ziping didn't care, because to him, money was just a string of numbers, and the speed at which he made money was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After all, he received 10 million in compensation from Li Hu, and he got another 10 million and a Ferrari from the Qin family these two days.

"Daddy, can you buy it for me? Coco likes that one..." The little Loli pointed to a pink skirt.

The design style of this skirt is a cartoon character image, which looks very cute.

"It's cute, Coco, do you want to try it?"


So, the clerk led An Yueke to change into the skirt, and brought a mirror to help An Yueke tidy up her hair.

This skirt can be described as perfect when worn on An Yueke.

"Thank you, sister." The little girl bowed to the female clerk very politely.

"You're welcome." The female clerk smiled and shook her head. Seeing this little cutie in front of her, the female clerk also smiled happily.

The little girl turned to An Ziping and said, "Dad, does this look good?"

"Yes, it looks good." An Ziping praised.

Then An Ziping said to the female clerk, "Please help us pack up all the clothes we just saw."

Hearing An Ziping's words, the other people who were looking at clothes around looked at the little girl with envy. The total cost of these clothes was at least 70,000 or 80,000, which ordinary people could not afford.

The female clerk also happily agreed, and then began to count and prepare to check out.

"Thank you, dad!" The little girl happily fell into An Ziping's arms. "

"Silly girl, why are you being polite to your dad? Come, let's take a look at other clothes."

"Yeah yeah. "

Then An Ziping took the little girl to browse other clothes in the mall, and kept buying various things for her.

The little girl was very happy. After all, she was a four-year-old child and wanted everything she saw.

In the end, An Ziping couldn't carry all the bags, so he gave up.

After putting everything in the car, An Ziping said to the little girl: "Keke, do you want a friend to play with you?

“Keke wants it!” the little girl responded excitedly.

“Then Daddy will buy you a puppy, okay?” An Ziping coaxed.

“Okay!” The little girl jumped excitedly, then hugged An Ziping’s neck and left a kiss on An Ziping’s cheek.

She had wanted to raise a puppy for a long time, but her grandparents didn’t agree before, saying that there were too many bacteria and it was not good for her health, and the family didn’t have much money, so she had to give up.

Now, Dad is willing to give her a puppy, how can she not be excited.

“Then Daddy will take you to the pet market to buy it?” An Ziping asked, patting the little girl’s back gently.

“Okay.” The little girl said sweetly.

“Then Daddy will park the car next to her first. "After saying that, An Ziping parked the car on the side of the road.

An Ziping took the little girl's hand and walked into the pet market.

Because the Pixiu spirit now needs a body, otherwise his spirit will continue to flow away.

The dog is just right. As a common family pet, it can always be with the little Lolita, guarding her, and will not attract other people's attention.

And there is no need to be afraid of the Pixiu spirit parasitizing on the dog. Anyway, when he grows up again, he can also transform back into a Pixiu.

There are all kinds of pets in the pet market, including the more common cats and dogs.

In addition, there are parrots, turtles, hamsters, etc.

They are all very cute little pets.

As soon as the little Lolita entered the pet market, she was like entering an amusement park, jumping around.

Then the father and daughter came to a place selling pet dogs.

"Sir, do you want to buy a puppy? I have a lot of cute and well-behaved puppies here. "The boss greeted enthusiastically.

An Ziping looked carefully and found that the pet dogs here were quite complete.

There were Border Collies that were said to be smarter than their owners, and Huskies that were good at destroying houses. There were Tibetan Mastiffs and Wolfhounds that were smart and brave.

There were also big golden retrievers that were warm men among dogs. Of course, there were also Thai Ritians that loved the world.

In short, these little dogs looked very cute and pitiful, which made An Ziping touch a few of them involuntarily.

The little Lolita was even more stunned, her mouth opened into an O shape, her eyes shining as she stared at the group of cute little dogs, and her little head kept moving forward.

"Little sister, take a look at which one you like, these dogs are all very cute." The boss enthusiastically promoted to the little Lolita.

This boss was very smart and knew that as long as he won the little girl, he would definitely make a fortune from An Ziping.

"Look, this is a golden retriever. Don't look at him because he is very big, but he is actually very docile! ”

“This is a Border Collie, and it is very easy to get along with. It won’t bite you even if you touch it. The most important thing is that it is very smart, the smartest dog, and it can learn anything you teach it. ”

“This one is a Maltese dog, look at it, isn’t it very beautiful? You can braid its hair and dress it up as beautiful as you!”

“Look at this one, it is a Labrador, it is very loyal, look at its eyes, it keeps looking at you, isn’t it very docile. ”


The boss talked about the advantages of all the pets in his store in one breath.

But An Yueke didn’t understand at all, just looked at the boss with cute eyes.

Finally, she walked to a cage and looked at the puppy in the cage curiously.

The hair on the top of the puppy’s head was like three sparks, and a pair of blue eyes flashed with infinite wisdom.

It was the best dog, the Husky, the king of house-wrecking.

An Yueke squatted down, stretched out a finger, poked the puppy in the cage, and then stood up with a smile.

“Daddy, Keke likes this puppy.” The little girl pointed at the Husky in the cage and said happily to An Ziping.

The Husky in the cage seemed to know that it was going to be bought, and it was so happy that it

would cry and fluttered outside the cage.

The eyes also looked more intelligent.

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