The police car was full of people, but the police car was full of people.

On the police car, the little girl looked at An Ziping with a worried look and called softly: "Dad, we will be fine, right? Will we go to jail?"

An Ziping reached out and touched the little girl's head, and said softly: "Don't worry! How could Dad let you be wronged? With Dad here, no one can hurt you!"

The little girl nodded as if she understood, and then fell asleep on An Ziping's shoulder.

And Oreo, the idiot, fell asleep at An Ziping's feet after getting in the car, and snored, which made several police officers frown.

However, they dared not speak out, after all, they had seen Oreo's mighty power, breaking Zhang Qing's limbs. This was the first time they had seen such a thing, so they really didn't dare to provoke him.

Of course, more importantly, they had just been severely beaten by An Ziping. Although they did not break any bones, they were in great pain.

Li Gang was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looking at An Ziping with resentment in the rearview mirror. As long as he returned to the bureau, he could give this kid a good beating, and then he could torture him severely and let him taste the pain.

"An Ziping, I must kill you today. I want you to be unable to live or die." Li Gang cursed in his heart.

Not only that, he had already thought about it. If An Ziping surrendered obediently, he could consider keeping his life and let him serve him as his lackey. After all, An Ziping was very skilled, and it would be a good choice if he could become his lackey.

If he refuses to change his ways, I will beat An Ziping into a cripple and put him in jail for a few years.

Then, I will find ways to make An Ziping disappear.

Just when Li Gang was thinking, the convoy quickly returned to the police station and stopped. After Li Gang got off the car, he looked at An Ziping coldly. Then he walked into the police station.

Behind him, An Ziping followed slowly in with his daughter in his arms.

Oreo shook his head and tail and jumped around, sticking to An Ziping like a dog-skin plaster. An Ziping was a little bit amused and helpless with his fearless expression.


In the Qin's Manor, since he took the elixir refined by An Ziping that day, Mr. Qin's body has become healthier and healthier every day, and he is vigorous all day long.

He even felt that his cultivation, which had been stagnant for more than ten years, had a faint sign of breakthrough, as if he was about to break through from the middle stage of dark energy to the late stage of dark energy, which made Mr. Qin very excited.

You know, among the ancient warriors, the late stage of dark energy is already a strong existence, second only to the master.

If they can successfully enter the late stage of dark energy, then the status of their Qin family will be much more stable.

In another villa, Qin Feilong is accompanying his wife Zhu Fei.

Similarly, since An Ziping helped to remove the evil spirit from Zhu Fei that day, and after taking the pill, Qin Feilong no longer went out to fool around, but stayed at home with his wife every day, enjoying the world of two people.

At this time, Zhu Fei's face was rosy and shiny, her skin was crystal clear and delicate, her eyes were bright, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. The whole person looked very charming and attractive.

But at this moment, he received a message. When he opened it, he found that it was from An Ziping, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

After seeing An Ziping's various methods that day, Qin Feilong was full of awe for An Ziping, and even worshipped him.

Although he had given An Ziping 10 million plus a Ferrari 488, he did not think he had given too much, but rather too little.

It was not because he was rich, but because he felt that it was what he should do, because a person like An Ziping could not be measured by money and wealth.

If he made good friends with him, he might get a great opportunity.

So after receiving An Ziping's message, he quickly picked it up and checked it.

But it would have been better if he hadn't read it, because his face immediately turned ugly.

Seeing that her husband's face suddenly turned very ugly, Zhu Fei asked softly: "What's wrong, Feilong, why do you look like this."

Qin Feilong didn't speak, but handed over the phone.

Zhu Fei took the phone and looked at the text message on it in confusion. When he saw the content of the text message clearly, his face changed instantly.

The message only had a short sentence: Taihu Road Police Station wants to arrest me.

And the contact person is An Ziping.

"What should I do, Feilong, Mr. An is our great benefactor

We can't just stand by and watch. "Zhu Fei said anxiously, with a panic on her face, rubbing her hands constantly.

"Wife, don't worry, Mr. An will be fine. Let's go to Grandpa now and tell him about this." Qin Feilong said comfortingly.

Then he got up and went to Grandpa Qin's villa. The old man had just finished a set of boxing and was drinking tea and resting.

Qin Feilong knocked on the door, walked into the villa and went directly to the living room.

"Grandpa!" Qin Feilong shouted.

"Feilong? Why are you here? What's the matter? "Grandpa Qin frowned when he saw his grandson's panic.

After Qin Feilong told Grandpa Qin the news he had received, Grandpa Qin could no longer sit still.

He stood up and went to the living room, wandered around the sofa for two circles, and then said to Qin Feilong: "Feilong, you notify your fourth uncle, I will call your uncle, I don't believe that Mr. An is a criminal, there must be a misunderstanding. I will gather everyone immediately, and we will set out to rescue Mr. An and find out the whole story. "

"Yes. I'll go now! "After hearing what grandpa said, Qin Feilong nodded and agreed, then turned and left.

Just then, the sound of a car roared outside. Then four military vehicles rushed into the yard.

Grandpa Qin looked outside and saw that after the four military vehicles stopped, several fully armed soldiers got off the cars.

Then a middle-aged man in military uniform and majestic walked down from the middle car.

The two-bar four-star colonel rank on the street was shining abnormally.

"Hmm? Bochuan, you came at the right time. I have something to discuss with you. Let's talk in the room first." Grandpa Qin said to the visitor.

The man was Qin Bochuan, the eldest brother of the Qin family, and the commander of the Tianlang Special Forces of the Southeast Military Region.

After hearing his father calling him, he hurried into the house and closed the door.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Qin Bochuan said puzzledly.

"Bochuan, Mr. An was arrested! "Mr. Qin said without further ado.


Qin Bochuan was shocked when he heard this.

The impression An Ziping left on him that day was very deep, especially the various magical methods of An Ziping, which made him remember it vividly.

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