The little girl was very happy.

An Ziping stood up and took the bowl of rice and helped the little girl get a bowl of rice.

He knew that the little girl had just broken through to the late stage of the Xuanti realm, and she was still growing up, so her appetite naturally increased.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, Coco's physical fitness is far better than that of ordinary people. Don't worry, even if she eats more, there will be no problem." An Ziping explained.

Seeing An Ziping say this, the two elders were slightly relieved, but they still reminded An Ziping that no matter what, the little girl was still too young, and she should pay attention to balanced nutrition and not get fat, otherwise it would affect her health.

"Humph, Coco won't get fat. Coco will never become a little fat pig." The little girl said with puffed cheeks.

Seeing the little girl's serious look, Kong Shulan also smiled happily, stretched out her right hand and pinched the little girl's pink face,

"Okay, okay, grandma is wrong, Coco is a little fairy, not a little fat pig."

The little girl smiled sweetly when she heard it.


Finally, after eating thirteen bowls of rice, the little girl patted her bulging belly with a satisfied look.

An Ziping smiled and stroked An Yueke's forehead, and asked lovingly: "Is Coco full?"

"Full!" The little girl smiled sweetly, stretched out her hand to hug An Ziping's neck, buried her little head in An Ziping's chest and rubbed it, rubbing the oil stains on her face onto An Ziping's clothes.

This made An Ziping laugh and cry, but he did not blame the little girl for her naughty behavior.

After dinner, An Ziping sat on the sofa, watching TV quietly, thinking about the next plan.

Now that the little girl has successfully embarked on the path of cultivation, the next step is to guide her parents to embark on the path of cultivation.

After all, his life span is now measured in thousands of years, and the little Loli will definitely grow slowly in the future, and her life span will increase accordingly.

An Ziping doesn't want his parents to run out of life and leave him after a hundred years, so his parents must also embark on the path of cultivation as soon as possible.

Although he knows that his parents' qualifications are not suitable for cultivation at all, it doesn't matter. It is still easy to transform his parents' qualifications with his ability.

However, before that, some preparations need to be made, such as shaping the body and changing the physique of the parents to facilitate the improvement of the parents' realm, otherwise it is very dangerous to rely solely on the accumulation of medicinal materials.

"Dad, are you going out later?" The little girl raised her head and looked at An Ziping with big eyes.

An Ziping nodded: "Well, I'm going out. Coco stays at home and listens to grandpa and grandma."

The little girl pouted when she heard this: "Coco wants to go with daddy too."

Oreo also ran over and rubbed An Ziping's trouser leg: "Awoo."

An Ziping looked at the little girl with a determined look, and his heart softened. He said: "Okay, since Coco wants to go, then daddy will take you."

The little girl cheered happily, jumped and hugged An Ziping's arm, and said coquettishly: "Daddy is the best."

"Awoo!" Oreo also circled around An Ziping, wagging his tail, with a flattering look on his face.

"Okay, okay! Oreo is good." An Ziping touched its furry head.

Then, An Ziping took the little girl and Oreo to the Ferrari and drove to Qin's Manor.

Qin's Manor was not far from their home, and they arrived in more than half an hour.

Old Master Qin and Qin Bochuan were already waiting at the door.

Old Master Qin was wearing a set of green training clothes, his hair was neatly tied behind his head, and his eyes were bright.

Qin Bochuan was dressed in military uniform, looking extraordinary and heroic, standing next to Old Master Qin.

"Mr. An is here, this is your daughter, right?" Old Master Qin looked at the little Lolita in An Ziping's arms with a smile.

"Well, this is my daughter An Yueke. Keke says hello to Grandpa Qin." An Ziping said with a smile.

The little girl poked her head out of An Ziping's arms and looked at Old Master Qin: "Hello, Grandpa Qin."

"Haha, good, good. Mr. An is so lucky. It's really enviable to have such a cute and beautiful daughter." Old Master Qin said with emotion.

"Let's go in, let's talk inside, don't stand outside." Qin Bochuan said.

Then, several people went into the house together.

In the living room.

"Please have some tea." Old Master Qin brought a few cups of hot tea.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin." An Ziping took a cup of tea and tasted it. The tea was fragrant and tasted great.

Then An Ziping picked up a longan-sized grape, peeled it, and fed it to An Yueke in his arms


The little girl also cooperated and opened her mouth to bite the grapes, looking like she was enjoying it.

"I wonder what Mr. Qin wants me to do?" An Ziping put down the grapes in his hand and said straight to the point.

Mr. Qin and Qin Bochuan looked at each other, smiled, and said directly without beating around the bush: "Mr. An, I hope you can go to the Southeast Military Region and serve as an instructor for our Tianlang Special Forces to guide their training."

"Tianlang Special Forces?" An Ziping frowned.

Mr. Qin continued to explain: "Yes, the Tianlang Special Forces is an elite force composed of elite soldiers. Each soldier has outstanding strength and very strong combat literacy. It is among the top in major military regions across the country. But..."

"But what?" An Ziping looked at Mr. Qin in confusion.

Old Master Qin smiled bitterly: "It's just that they are ordinary people after all. Although they have strong fighting qualities, they will inevitably encounter a small number of warriors, sorcerers or foreign superpowers when they are performing tasks outside. The fighting power of these superpowers and warriors is beyond imagination. They are easily injured or even killed, which is what I don't want to see."

An was surprised to hear this and said: "Our country has a department that specializes in dealing with incidents such as warriors and sorcerers. Why don't people in these departments be responsible?"

Old Master Qin shook his head and sighed: "Alas! The area of ​​our country is really too large, and the territory is vast, and the border is too long. Just defending the homeland and managing the interior has made these departments busy, so how can there be extra resources to take care of these things."

"So when we carry out ordinary tasks outside, such as eliminating drug lords and border peacekeeping, they are basically handed over to our military soldiers, which can be regarded as training them. Only when we encounter powerful warriors, sorcerers or people with special abilities will we use our special institutions of Yanhuang Country."

After a pause, Mr. Qin continued: "Mr. An, if you are willing to serve as the chief instructor of the Tianlang Special Forces, I believe we will be able to train more outstanding fighters, and we will sacrifice fewer people when facing these enemies beyond ordinary people. I hope Mr. An can help us."

After listening, An Ziping shook his head and said, "Mr. Qin, I am not suitable to be the chief instructor."

Hearing An Ziping's words, Mr. Qin and Qin Bochuan showed disappointment and seemed very frustrated.

Although they had expected the result early, the two were still a little disappointed.

After all, An Ziping is not only powerful, but more importantly, he has profound attainments in magic. If he can join the Tianlang Special Forces, he will definitely improve the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the Tianlang Special Forces.

"But... you can let her try." An Ziping pointed at the little girl in his arms and said.

"Ah? Her?"

Qin Bochuan and Old Man Qin were stunned for a moment, staring at the little girl.

The little girl also opened her big round eyes and looked at the two of them.

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