Zhang Haoran holding a scalpel, staring at Yuan Ting's abdomen, calm.

"Does he really want an operation?"

"The operation environment here is not suitable."

"I've had an operation in the hospital before, and I'm a professional in the operating room. What should I do in case of failure?"

"To be honest, I've never seen an operation in such an environment. It's impossible."

Customers are not doctors, and they don't know much about gallstone surgery, but their intuition tells them that what Zhang Haoran is going to do is something they can't imagine.

Du Yudong and Lu Ming looked on coldly.

At this time, Xu Qing acted as a spokesman for Zhang Haoran.

"Generally speaking, there are three treatments for gallstones."

"First, minimally invasive cholecystectomy, which is a method of cholecystectomy to achieve the effect of treating gallstones. In general, this method is not recommended for treatment, because cholecystectomy will cause some adverse sequelae. But in patients and more serious, that is, the gallbladder function has been damaged, or there are some other circumstances leading to the gallbladder is not suitable to continue to stay in the body, then it is necessary to remove the gallbladder at this time

"Second, drug treatment, this method is mainly through the drug to promote the stone out of the body, protect renal function and repair damage, and can change the human environment and urine properties."

"Third, minimally invasive cholecystolithotomy is a new type of gallstone surgery. With advanced equipment, such as choledochoscope, laparoscope, choledochoscope and other special equipment, it can protect the gallbladder and remove stones for patients on the basis of minor trauma. But the premise of this operation is to have a good gallbladder, therefore, the treatment of gallstones must be as early as possible

Xu Qing said so, we immediately understand.

Yuan Ting seems to be in a serious condition. It may be too late to treat her with drugs.

If we use the third minimally invasive gallbladder preserving lithotomy mentioned by Xu Qing, Mingyue jewelry has no surgical equipment.

There is only the first, minimally invasive cholecystectomy, but this method will be cholecystectomy, there will be sequelae.

Customers have no confidence in Zhang Haoran, and some even doubt whether Zhang Haoran is rich and willful, deliberately making fun of other people's lives.

"No matter which way Zhang Haoran uses, it is impossible to protect yuan ting." Lu Ming secretly sneers. God is so kind to me. What about Zhang Haoran's money? It's not that I've messed myself up. I'll poke this matter out in the media at that time. Don't mention Zhang Haoran, even Xu Rongsheng has to bear the moral condemnation!

Zhang Haoran adjusted yuan Ting's posture.

"I'm going to break the stone. Don't even talk."

When Zhang Haoran said this, everyone shut up and didn't disturb Zhang Haoran.

But they believe that Zhang Haoran can do it.

Gravel? Why don't you have enough equipment?

If it wasn't for the large number of people, Du Yudong and Lu Ming would have laughed a long time ago, and Zhang Haoran wanted to break the stone. How could they feel that they were teasing them.

"Please keep quiet." There was a noise again. Xu Qing stopped it.

Everyone is quiet.

Zhang Haoran's eyes changed and Yin Yang eyes examined yuan ting.

In Yuan Ting's body, the circulation of vitality is smooth, only to the gallbladder part of the abdomen, the vitality is stagnant, and the circulation is very slow.

"It's gallstones."

Zhang Haoran used Xuanjin Guiyuan technique to condense the vitality on his palm and wrap the scalpel.


The scalpel cut through yuan Ting's abdomen.

Strangely, the crowd didn't see the bleeding.

"And the blood? What about the blood? "

"It's not scientific!"

Du Yudong pointed to the scene, shocked and speechless.

When he was young, he worked as a surgeon in the hospital for a period of time, and he did a lot of operations. It was inconceivable that Zhang Haoran had such an operation. Now he cut yuan Ting's abdomen, and there was no bleeding. It's unreasonable.

And the most important thing is that Zhang Haoran has no anti-inflammatory measures for yuan Ting's operation. What if there is inflammation?

But it's life-threatening.

What we fear most in the operation is the complications caused by untimely anti-inflammatory treatment, which may cost the patient's life.

What Du Yudong doesn't know is that Wang Yan sealed yuan Ting's abdominal wound with vitality, which can't be compared with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The vitality of Wang Yan's Xuanjin Guiyuan technique is a panacea for yuan ting. Yuan Ting's abdomen is not only bloodless, but also perfectly isolated from all kinds of harmful viruses in the air.

It's amazing.

The customers sighed.

"How did he do it?" Lu Ming frowns, not willing to believe, but have to believe.

Wang Yan's expression is attentive, the scalpel is across the skin, probing into the gallbladder position, perfectly avoiding all kinds of organs of Yuan Ting's body.

No damage!

The customers took a breath of cool air. It's amazing.It's amazing!

Of all the people, Xu Qing is the most excited.

Her dream is to become a surgeon with a knife. Before, on the highway, she saw Zhang Haoran remove the patient's parts perfectly with a knife across the skin.

Now Zhang Haoran does the same thing, and this magic skill is displayed again. Xu Qing is not willing to let go of any second.

Some viewers involuntarily take out their mobile phones and aim their cameras at Zhang Haoran to shoot the scene quietly.

Yuan Ting is still sweating, but she feels much better than just now. Especially now, the pain in her abdomen has disappeared, and only the numbness and spasm all over her body make her feel tired.

"Found it!"

Zhang Haoran's Yin and Yang eyes lock on gallstones. What he wants to do next is the last step to protect gallstones!

At this time, Lu Ming felt that his breath was about to stagnate. As a freshman in medical college, he was very handsome and had excellent ability. Of course, he knew the significance of protecting gallbladder and removing stones.

With the rapid development of endoscopy, minimally invasive choledochofiberscope is a relatively advanced "choledocholithotomy". In the choledochofiberscope under direct vision to remove gallstones, in the realization of gallbladder preservation at the same time, stone removal rate is high, small trauma, rapid recovery, effectively reduce the recurrence rate of gallstones

"But Zhang Haoran, with a scalpel -"

Lu Ming has the illusion that the eggs are broken on the ground. It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!

"Zhang Haoran, this is to protect the courage to take stones. If you fail, can you bear the consequences?" Lu Ming roared out.

Zhang Haoran ignored him at all.

Put the scalpel in gently.

"Xuan Jin Gui Yuan Shu!"

Zhang Haoran used his strength to wrap up the scalpel and remove the stones quickly, accurately and bitterly.

Perfect gallbladder protection and stone extraction!

The customer who photographed the operation was so excited that he almost lost his mobile phone.

At the moment of cutting off the gallstones, there were some bleeding symptoms in Yuan Ting's gallbladder. Instead of panic, Zhang Haoran used Xuanjin Guiyuan technique to stop the bleeding symptoms.

Throughout the operation, Zhang Haoran showed strong control ability.

Yuan Ting feels much better.

When Zhang Haoran took out the scalpel, the Mingyue jewelry store burst into astonishing applause.


"That's great!"

"In this kind of environment, we can all have surgery, but Dr. Zhang didn't let us down."

"Yuan Ting is saved, lucky woman."

"I really don't know how Zhang Haoran did it. This kind of operation even leaves blood. Is there something strange on the scalpel?"

"What does it have to do with the scalpel? It's a technique. Do you understand the technique?"

"What technique can control antiphlogistic and hemostatic?"

"I don't know."

People marvel at Zhang Haoran's magical medical skills and are happy for yuan Ting's rescue.

Zhang Haoran asked Xu Qing to bring the instrument and sew the needle for yuan ting.

A few minutes later, Yuan Ting stood up in front of everyone and took a few steps!

"Doctor Zhang, I'm good, I'm good!" Yuan Ting hugged Zhang Haoran and said, "thank you, Doctor Zhang!"

Luo Wei on one side has been crying for a long time. He just hugs Zhang Haoran like yuan ting.

"All right, all right, let go first." Zhang Haoran couldn't laugh or cry. They were too enthusiastic and took him as a miracle doctor.

Xu Qing asked general manager Jintian to pour a glass of water.

Soon, Jintian came with a glass of water. Today, he was very open-minded and witnessed the miracle of medicine.

Xu Qing hands the water to Zhang Haoran.

"Thank you." Zhang Haoran drank it all and his face was better.

He gave yuan Ting gallstone resection surgery, and Xiao Weiwei appendectomy surgery is not the same.

Appendectomy is easier than gallstone surgery. For example, gallstone surgery pays attention to the slightest difference, and the operation process is more refined. Once there are three long and two short, the consequences are fatal.

Therefore, Zhang Haoran paid a lot of energy after Yuan Ting's operation. Continuous operation of Xuanjin Guiyuan technique to condense vitality is a great consumption for Zhang Haoran's body.

Fortunately, Zhang Haoran performed the operation perfectly, and finally did not disappoint the customers present.

"The operation has been finished, but next, you must go to the hospital and take some anti-inflammatory drugs. If the doctor says you want an injection, you must have an injection." Zhang Haoran solemnly said that vitality can only help yuan ting for a period of time. It's the safest thing to go to the hospital for anti-inflammatory and pain relief.

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang!" Yuan ting and Luo Wei are so grateful that they leave Mingyue jewelry store.

The customers clapped again.

Lu Ming is like a mouse crossing the street. At this time, he can't say any sarcastic words any more and goes away in ashes.

Du Yudong sighed. Today is really a bad start. Unfortunately, he is speechless.

After Du Yudong and Lu Ming leave, the atmosphere of Mingyue jewelry store is finally normal."Dr. Zhang, your skill is too good." Xiao Yishan can't help laughing. Today, she accompanied Xu Qing to see Zhang Haoran perform his medical skills.

"Ha ha, thank you for your praise." Zhang Haoran gave a faint smile.

Xiao Yishan made a face.

Xu Qing and Jintian send the rescue tools back to the tool room of Mingyue jewelry store.

Back to Zhang Haoran's side, Xu Qing said in a low voice: "today I will let you go. Next time I meet you, you must tell me the details of your operation."

Zhang Haoran is facing the enemy again.

The three left Mingyue jewelry shop together.

On the way.

Lu Ming is sulking. He kicks away an abandoned can at his feet to vent his anger.

Du Yudong's face was dignified.

"Lu Ming, don't worry."

"Don't you worry? You can see that Zhang Haoran is not only escorted by Xu Rongsheng, but also has that kind of medical skill. Professor Du, do you know who I am? "

Lu Ming said madly, "I'm your most proud student. I'm the best one among the freshmen in medical college. He's Zhang Haoran. Why should he show his skills in front of me? Why should he?"

"Well, let him take advantage of it without affecting our next plan." Du Yudong is stable, not as flustered as Lu Ming.

"Professor Du has a way?" Lu Ming asked eagerly.

"Before I became a professor, I was a doctor in a hospital, but don't forget what my hobby was when I grew up." Du Yudong road.

Lu Ming's heart moved. He remembered that every time he went to Du Yudong's home, he would see all kinds of precious paintings.

"Professor Du used to be very interested in the history of ancient dynasties. I know that." Lu Ming nodded. "I've seen many paintings in Professor Du's home. One of them is called" dahuantu. "

Du Yu said: "when I studied history, I once knew a feng shui master. Unfortunately, he was ill. I rescued him. He sent me a painting. It was a picture of the great wilderness."

"Do you know what dahuantu is?"

"Professor Du, please."

Du Yudong said haughtily:

"the real identity of dahuantu is a seal script!"

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