The class teacher brought the whole class to the playground, where they would collect the elves.

The playground was really crowded at this time!

All the students of the whole grade had to collect the initial elves, and they all lined up.

They lined up in squares and stood on the playground.

There was a high platform in front of them, and all the school leaders were sitting on it.

Jiang Li guessed that the leaders might have to give a speech.

Jiang Li's high school was the First Affiliated High School of Jinling University.

It can be said that if you enter this school, your grades can be called a child of destiny.

Moreover, the teaching resources of the First Affiliated High School of Jinling are also very rich, and the teachers who teach them are all trainers.

Moreover, many of them are elite trainers, and there are even professional and gym-level trainers.

It can be said that the teaching resources are very rich.

In this world, the strength of Pokémon is generally divided into the initial stage (1-9), the novice stage (11-20), the normal stage (21-30), the elite stage (31-40), the professional stage (41-50), the gym stage (51-60), the quasi-king stage (61-70), the king stage (71-80), and the champion stage (81-90).

Since the initial stage is the stage when the Pokémon just hatches from the Pokémon egg, after a few days of growth, it will reach the novice stage.

So the corresponding trainer levels starting from the novice stage are novice level, normal level, elite level, professional level, gym level, quasi-king level, king level and champion level.

"Beep beep!"

As the sound of a car horn sounded, I looked up and saw military vehicles passing by.

Soon, armed soldiers came down from the military vehicles with special large boxes.

These military personnel were only holding guns to intimidate, and their belts that stored the Poké Balls in their arms were bulging, which should be the military's military combat Poké Balls, which is their real deterrent power.

Jiang Li guessed that the boxes should contain Poké Balls.


The principal on the rostrum began to pick up the microphone.

"Students, I won't say much, let's get to the point!"

"Students, form a queue according to your class and start to receive the initial Pokémons!"

Jiang Li watched the students in front of him start to receive them one by one, but most of them got very common Pokémons such as Rada, Walker, Grass, and Pop.

"Jiang Li, what Pokémon do you hope to get?"

The one who asked Jiang Li was the team of Class 3 on the side, and the one who spoke up was Bai Lin, who was Jiang Li's best friend for three years in junior high school.

Although they were not in the same class in high school, their relationship was still there.

"It all depends on luck!"

Jiang Li replied.


Jiang Li heard the sound of "Wow" coming from the front and turned around to take a look.

It turned out to be a girl, and the initial Pokémon she received was Squirtle.

This made the students present envious. She actually drew Squirtle, one of the three starter Pokémons, from the initial Pokémons.

You should know that the probability is equivalent to winning a few million in the lottery, and the probability is also very small.

Soon it was the turn of Bai Lu, Jiang Li's best friend from the next class, and he drew Nidolong.

This is also a relatively rare Pokémon. His final evolution, Nidoking, is a Poison + Ground Pokémon.

This card draw is quite good.

Seeing his best friend happily holding Nidolong back, Jiang Li was also happy for him.

"Bai Lu, it seems that you chose it as your first contracted Pokémon!"

"Haha, of course!"

In this world, as a trainer, you can contract Pokémons, unlike using Poké Balls to capture Pokémons.

Instead, they communicate with the elves and make a contract with them. If the contract is successful, then the elves and trainers can be said to be in spiritual communication, and the trainers will also get feedback from the elves. So that their bodies can become stronger, and it is also the most basic to be free from illness and disasters throughout their lives. Of course, the elves that have made a contract with the trainer will grow faster than the elves that have not been contracted. Correspondingly, if the elves contracted by the trainer die, it will also be fed back to the trainer. At the least, it will cause great mental damage to the trainer himself, and at the worst, it will even cause the trainer to die. So most ordinary people in this world, they

The elves you get in your life are the first elves you get from the alliance.

They don't want to contract a second elf. After all, the stronger the elves you contract, the stronger you will become.

After all, elves are very precious in this Huaxia Alliance.

What's more, those more powerful and rare elves are basically out of reach for ordinary people.

If you go to the wild to fight and subdue elves for contracting, it's not impossible.

But it's very dangerous. Without the corresponding strength, it's easy to cause the death of your first contracted elf.

And once your first contracted elf dies, it is very likely to cause mental damage.

You will never be able to become a trainer, and you may even become a cripple.

And if you can't go to the wild to fight and obtain resources, then the strength of your own initial elves will not become strong.

This creates a vicious cycle, so most people can only afford to raise an initial elf.

After all, not everyone wants to be a trainer. Contracting an initial elf issued by the alliance, living a stable life, wife and children, isn't it sweet?

"Next, Jiang Li!"

The head teacher called Jiang Li's name.

Jiang Li walked forward and took out a Poké Ball from the box at random.

Jiang Li pressed the switch, and a white light flashed.

A Charmander with a round head, some stubby limbs, and a long tail burning with flames that would not go out appeared in front of Jiang Li.

Sure enough, this was a novice gift package issued by the system, a Charmander with champion-level talent.


"This is Charmander, this is Charmander!"

"It's really handsome!"

"I didn't expect that Squirtle was opened before, and this time it was Charmander again!"

Seeing this most classic fire-type starter Pokémon, the other students present, and even some teachers, were a little moved.

Looking at the initial Pokémon issued by the system in front of him, Jiang Li couldn't help but touch his head.

Pinch his little paw.

"Hello, Charmander!"

"We'll be partners from now on!"


Charmander responded to Jiang Li happily.

Just then, a male voice with a relatively deep voice came.

"My classmate, let's exchange our initial elves!"

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