Although Jiang Li was not afraid of Master Xu's family! After all, his father's Houndoom will probably break through to the Quasi-King level soon. So even if he faces the old gym-level trainer of the Xu family, it doesn't matter! After all, the gap between the gym level and the Quasi-King level is very large. Even if a Quasi-King level Pokémon faces the siege of six gym-level Pokémons, it can't be his opponent. Because breaking through to the Quasi-King level means having a domain! And a Quasi-King level Pokémon with a domain can easily suppress Pokémon without a domain. But even if he is not afraid of Master Xu's family, he can't let him go. After all, if the news was leaked, it would be very troublesome for every family with the strength of an old-brand gym to target them.

So in order to solve the problem, Jiang Li walked directly to Master Xu who was already scared.

Pick him up!

"No, no!"

Master Xu cried and begged for mercy.

There was a click, and Jiang Li instantly broke his neck.

This was his first time, but it didn't make Jiang Li uncomfortable.

He dropped his body coldly, and then put them together with the bodyguards and the old housekeeper.

Those bodyguards didn't make it in the end!

Jiang Li directly asked the wind speed dog to dig a big pit and buried them directly in the big pit of the mine.

As for Master Xu's contracted spirits, they became ownerless after Master Xu died.

Jiang Li also released them directly, after all, they could not be contracted by others.

After doing all this, Jiang Li ran to Yukira.

He stretched out his hands to her!

"Yukira, are you willing to come with me and become my contracted elf!"


Yukira stood there thinking!

Then Jiang Li released Banguilas!


After Banguilas appeared, he gave Yukira an instruction and nodded.

It was obvious that she was sure of Jiang Li and agreed that Yukira would become Jiang Li's contracted elf.

As for this Banguilas, Jiang Li was going to let his father contract the elf.

After all, with Banguilas's professional peak strength, he didn't want to die!

After all, it is very easy to fail to contract an elf that is too much stronger than himself!

And Banguilas's strength has been formed, but he is ready to cultivate it from scratch.

So Banguilas was handed over to Jiang's father. Anyway, his Houndoom is about to break through to the quasi-king level.

Now he should fill his contract!

Otherwise, a gym-level trainer like others will already have six gym-level elves.

But now he is almost at the level of a quasi-king-level elf, but his contracted elves are not full.

Wouldn't he be laughed at by others?

Jiang's father's birthday is coming soon, so this is a birthday gift from Bangilas to his father!

With Bangilas's affirmation, Youjira agreed to make an elf contract with Jiang Li.

At the moment Youjira agreed, a golden contract appeared in both of their minds.

At the moment this contract appeared, Youjira and Jiang Li began to have a spiritual connection.

Jiang Li can feel Youjira's mood through the contract, and now Youjira is very happy.

And after the contract was signed, Youjira also began to give back to Jiang Li.

After the golden energy entered his body, it turned into a hot stream to nourish Jiang Li's body.


This made him inadvertently emit a comfortable light lift.

Jiang Li clenched his fist hard and punched the stalactite next to him.

With a bang, the stalactite was smashed into pieces by Jiang Li.

Seeing that he had such strength, Jiang Li smiled happily.

If he had made a contract with Charmander before, it would have increased his fire resistance and physical fitness.

And now that he had successfully made a contract with Yukira, the thick earth power of the rock and ground system.

It immediately filled his body, greatly improving his physical fitness and increasing his ability to resist attacks.

In other words, it has comprehensively improved his defense ability!

Now, even if he is attacked from all sides by a boxer, it is just a tickle.

After successfully making a contract with Yukira, Jiang Li took them out of the mine directly.


A sound of shaking the earth came, and the whole mine was shaken.

Gray fog filled the air nearby.

Because Jiang Li, Benjiras and Windy Dog had directly destroyed the mine, the entire mine had been buried by boulders.

This was a complete destruction of the body and the traces!

After making a contract with Yujira, Jiang Li's training this time had come to an end.

This time in the Purple Mountain Forest, he was like going in a circle.

He walked around the periphery of the Purple Mountain Forest, and the rotating tour from the periphery was almost to the next city.

As for the interior, he didn't dare to go in. Even with the protection of the Windy Dog, he was not sure he could get out.

On the way back, Jiang Li set up a tent near a stream near the river to rest.

Jiang Li was going to rest here for a night, and then take his elves on a dimensional adventure.

And Yujira was going on a dimensional adventure for the first time, so he had to take care of him.

"Youyou, I apply to use the system's crossing function to go on a dimensional adventure!"

"Host's request has been received, query begins now!"

"The world that can be crossed at present is the Naruto world!"

"The spirit that can be crossed at present is Charmeleon, Yukira!"

"Host, please confirm!"

"Youyou, I'm sure!"

As soon as Jiang Li finished speaking, a burst of golden light shone.

His Charmeleon and Yukira disappeared in the spirit ball and appeared in another world.

"The spirit Yukira appeared in the Naruto world - near the Hidden Rock Ninja Village!"

"The spirit Yukira used the digging skill to successfully cross the barrier of the Hidden Rock Ninja Village and enter the Hidden Rock Ninja Village!"

"The spirit Yukira watched an unknown ninja training earth escape ninjutsu and was greatly inspired!"

Just when Yukira was watching the ninja using ninjutsu, he was directly discovered by the Anbu of the Hidden Rock Ninja Village.

Instantly, these Anbu began to hunt him down!

"Earth escape - Rock Hidden Technique!"

An Earth escape ninja used Rock Hidden Technique to instantly disappear from Yukira's sight.

"Earth escape - Heart Beheading Technique!"

The invisible ninja instantly approached Yukira, and then used the Heart Beheading Technique to trap Yukira in the ground with only his head exposed.

But such a trick didn't work much for Yukira, the darling of rock.

He just dug a hole and got out, ready to escape!

"Earth escape, Earth Flow City Wall!"

A ninja saw that Yukira wanted to escape, and immediately used the Earth Flow City Wall to form a huge high wall to prevent it from escaping.

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