The truth is, the truth will come out.

First put the blame on Jiang Li and throw him into the abyss.

After all, he was treated so badly by Jiang Li before.

He had wanted to seek revenge on him for a long time, but he just had no chance.

After all, the blind box shop owner had already hinted to him before he came that there were no surveillance cameras in the inner hall of his shop.

Then they can say whatever they want?

And as long as Xu Lin gave the blind box shop owner a false certificate, he would have the handle in his hands.

Then think of other ways, and let the blind box shop owner get the baby dragon, right?

After all, the blind box shop owner also set him up, so don't blame her or him then.

Thinking of this, Xu Lin immediately spoke!


"I'll prove that I did order a baby dragon from the blind box store!"

"I wanted to come here to pick up this elf today, but when I came, I found that my baby dragon was snatched away by Jiang Li."

"So at that time I had to let my bodyguard take action and get my baby dragon back!"

"So, this police officer!"

"This Jiang Li is lying. You must know that I am from the Xu family in the Magic City. You must believe what I say!"

This Xu Lin did not forget to mention his family background when he spoke, trying to put some pressure on the police officers present.


"Xu family, what about the Xu family?"

"Our Public Security Bureau, is it opened by your Xu family?"

The old policeman who had lectured before slapped the table and said.

After all, he also heard Xu Lin's threat, but he was not afraid and said it directly.

After hearing these testimonies, some police officers present kept thinking in their minds.

Then he observed the faces of Jiang Li, Xu Lin and others, trying to judge who was lying?

After all, they had confirmed that there was no surveillance in the blind box store.

"Officers, I can prove it!"

"They are lying. This baby dragon was indeed traded by me by opening a blind box!"

Jiang Li's words immediately made the police officers present look sideways.

After hearing this, the owner of the blind box store also changed his face suddenly.

He thought in his mind, is there any flaw in himself?

After all, he was the thief crying "Catch the thief". He led the elves to attack. Once he was found out.

What awaits him is probably a life in prison!

Jiang Li took out his mobile phone and played the scene of his transaction with the owner of the blind box store to the police officers present.

It turned out that Jiang Li had considered this situation a long time ago. He had prepared for it before.

He hung the pinhole camera he bought when he was training in the wild directly on the button of his clothes.

So he had traded Baby Dragon with the blind box shop owner before, and the owner drove Arbok to attack him.

All of these were clearly captured by the pinhole camera on his button.

After seeing this, the blind box shop owner next to him immediately stood up and jumped from the table.

He wanted to run here to snatch Jiang Li's phone, but was immediately suppressed by the police officer next to him.

Jiang Li sneered when he saw the blind box shop owner who was still struggling.

Even if he destroyed his phone, what would happen?

He had sent this video to his father a long time ago, and now there is a record in the cloud.

After the police officers present saw the video on Jiang Li's phone, the truth was finally revealed.

At this time, no matter how much the blind box shop owner defended himself, it was useless. His face turned pale.

It was as if his entire spirit and energy disappeared at once, and his eyes became empty.

He must have thought of his miserable scene in the future, but he couldn't accept it for a while.

But the police officers would not let him go!


"Wang Long, do you have anything else to say?"

Wang Long is the name of the owner of the blind box store.

"When the transaction has been successful, you dare to drive your own elves to rob other people's elves!"

"And you dare to let your own elves harm other people's lives!"

"What do you want to do? Do you still have the law..."

After the old policeman learned about the situation, he thought of the blind box store owner's previous counterattack.

With a full sense of justice, he scolded Wang Long very angrily.

But Wang Long's face has turned gray now, and he obviously can't listen to the policeman's words.

"And you, Xu Lin!"

"You are

"How dare you openly give false testimony to Wang Long? Do you think you are great because you are from the Xu family?"

"If you leave the Xu family, what use are you? Do you still take the law seriously..."

The old policeman scolded Xu Lin again.

But Xu Lin looked careless and didn't take this matter to heart.

Because he knew that his family would definitely rescue him.

After all, his father was a veteran gym-level trainer, and who in Demon City would not give him face?

"Humph, you don't want bail, do you?"

"I tell you, this is impossible! "

The old police officer said, and asked someone to take Xu Lin and Wang Long away separately.

After Jiang Li made a statement with the old police officer, he could leave directly.

Because the video on the mobile phone has proved that Jiang Li was defending himself.

So the family does not have to bear any legal responsibility, and left the police station directly after making the statement.

Jiang Li estimated that the owner of the blind box store would have to stay in prison for at least ten years before he could come out.

After all, although Wang Long was an attempted robbery, the amount of money involved was too large, after all, it was worth several hundred million!

If Jiang Li goes to a professional testing agency to get a certificate that his baby dragon's talent is a king-level talent.

Then Wang Long will probably have to be sentenced to a few more years!

But adhering to the idea of ​​not showing off his wealth, his baby dragon with a king-level talent really cannot be revealed to the outside world.

After all, although ordinary-quality quasi-god elves are relatively rare, those aristocratic families or alliances The high-level combat power of the alliance can still be obtained.

But it is very rare to have a quasi-god elf like Baobei Long with the talent of the king level.

Only those elves with the strength of the king level can have such a talent.

And such rare talents, they basically will not sell to the outside.

They are all digested internally or given to other younger disciples for cultivation.

And once you reveal that his Baobei Long has the talent of the king level, it will definitely attract a lot of conspirators to covet his elves.

At that time, his life will not be easy, unless his father reveals the strength of the quasi-king level.

Only then can it be saved!

And this Xu Lin openly gave false evidence to the owner of the blind box store to frame Jiang Li.

In addition, in public, let his elves attack Jiang Li.

For such a mistake, Xu Lin will be sentenced to a few years if nothing unexpected happens.

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