After Huang Zhiwei’s roll call ended.

Immediately the lecture began.

“First of all, I want to ask you a question, what is the difference between a field battle and an elf game? Students can speak freely. ”

“There are no rules for field battles.”

“In wild battles, opponents may use multiple elves.”

“Danger! Wild battles will have elves attacking humans. ”


After 1 minute, Huang Zhiwei signaled everyone to be quiet.

“What the students said is the difference between the elf game and the field battle, which can be summarized into the following two points.”

“First, there are no rules for field battles.”

“Second, field battles are more dangerous.”

Although Gu Yu had been to the secret realm of the Huangpu River and the secret realm of Qiandao Lake.

But one is only C-class, and one is cleared by Zhejiang University in advance.

Plus two secret places, both close to the city.

Therefore, the level of danger is very low.

But it really comes to some secret places that are far away from the city and the supervision is not in place.

The level of danger has skyrocketed!

In the face of interests, red-eyed people can do anything.



It is easiest to let the elves kill the trainer directly.

Even if you can’t kill the trainer directly.

If you can bully more and less, you will not fight each other one-on-one.

Take Gu Yu’s Menas as an example.

Menas is indeed very strong, one step away from the quasi-king.

But what if the opponent releases six elves at the same time?

A one-on-one wear six and a wild one-dozen six are two completely two concepts.

Six elves Even these six elves may only be elite.

But as long as you cooperate properly to set the fire together, it is likely to kill Menas directly.

This is wild battle!

There are no rules, just the pursuit of victory!

“The danger of field battles determines that the battlefield of field battles is chaotic and changeable.”

“Many times the trainer is too late to react, and this requires the elves to make their own judgments.”

“In addition to training your skills in field combat, the elf field battle class is to train your elves to think independently and attack independently.”

Through Huang Zhiwei’s explanation, Gu Yu probably understood the importance of this elf field battle class.

“Elves become accustomed to being ordered by a trainer to develop a sense of dependence.”

“In the first class, let’s do a little test to let everyone see how your elves will perform after losing the trainer’s command.”

“Now everyone follow me.”

After speaking, Huang Zhiwei took the lead and left the classroom.

The crowd followed closely behind and came to a training ground at Zhejiang University.

This training ground is about 500 square meters, close to Zhejiang University Breeding Garden, next to the forest of the breeding garden.

Then Huang Zhiwei released her own elf.

An elf more than 1 meter tall, with hard rock-like skin and a body covered in armor.

The Baby Elephant’s Evolutionary Form!

【Dunjia (ground)].


【Grade: LV34 (Dojo)].

[Characteristics: Sturdy (Even if attacked by the opponent’s moves, it will not be knocked down by a single blow.) One-hit kills also have no effect. )】

[Character Talent: Impatience (+ Speed, – Defense)].

[Individual Qualifications: HP (26), Attack (28), Defense (31), Special Attack (25), Special Defense (31), Speed (28)


[Skills: Random Strike, Angle Strike, Scream, Circle, Lightning Tooth, Flame Tooth, Heavy Pedal, High Speed Spin, Roll, Malicious Chase, Shoot Down, Crash, Earthquake Level, Destroy Death Light, Stand-in, Hold, Rock Blockade


[Carrying: None].

[Potential: Dojo].

“This is my elven Dunjia, and then you will release your strongest elves in turn to fight against Dunjia according to your student number.”

“You don’t need to direct, the teacher just wants to tell you through this lesson.”

“What a bad performance the elves would have had if they hadn’t been commanded by a trainer.”

Gu Yu looked at the class teacher, Huang Zhiwei, and asked, “Teacher, can I change an elf?” ”

Although this Dunjia lacks potential, it is currently well cultivated by Huang Zhiwei.

But Gu Yu’s Menas strength is indeed much stronger than Dun Jia.

Moreover, Menas was also a wild elf before being subdued by Gu Yu.

Now it has only been less than ten days since the full count.

Menas’s awareness of fighting is still good, otherwise it wouldn’t have been level 13 before it had evolved.

If so, hammer the Dun Jia

“Gu Yu, the teacher knows that your Menas strength is very strong, but the teacher also has confidence in his own Dunjia, so you can use Menas!”

Huang Zhiwei really didn’t care, after all, in her opinion.

Although Gu Yu is the champion of the freshman race.

But how strong can a newborn elf be?

And then…

When Menas was released by Gu Yu, he felt that Menas’s body emitted a more powerful momentum than Dunjia.

She felt that her situation seemed to be a little bad.

But now it’s hard to ride the tiger.

“Gu Yu, your Menas is cultivating very well, and the next teacher will attack you, so you remember not to command.”

“I remember, teacher.”

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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