Chapter 101 is hot all over the Internet! Freshmen?!!

“It’s a giant swamp monster?!” Miss Lan is so serious today! ”

“It’s over! This challenger is miserable! The last time a giant swamp monster appeared was a year ago! ”

“This challenger looks very young, but he is very strong!” Otherwise there would be no giant swamp monsters! ”

Just as the audience was talking, Shi Gulan’s voice also came.

“Gu Yu, replace the monarch snake!” If you think you can rely on grass to consume the Giant Swamp Monster, you are very wrong! ”

Shi Gulan can’t wait to fight Menas!

Gu Yu shook his head and replied, “Let’s continue to fight!” ”

“So be it! Giant Swamp Monster! Snowstorm! ”

[Blizzard: Blows a violent blizzard towards your opponent to attack, sometimes leaving your opponent frozen in a frozen state. 】

Hearing Shi Gulan’s command, the giant swamp monster that was in the water opened its blood basin and opened its mouth.

The transparent ice essence mixed with snowflakes turned into a huge snowstorm, like a giant beast that devoured the earth, attacking the monarch snake.

Feel the chill of a snowstorm.

Gu Yu knew very well that this giant swamp monster had specially learned a lot of ice skills in order to deal with grass elves.

But his purpose is not to defeat or consume the Giant Swamp Monster!

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”


From the monarch snake, a sharp blade-like blade flew out and turned into a tornado to meet the snowstorm.


The blizzard and the flying leaf storm collided, and a loud noise erupted.

After a few moments, the blizzard and the flying leaf storm dissipated at the same time.

Gu Yu’s voice sounded again: “Monarch Snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”


The flying leaf storm turned into a tornado and once again swept up the giant swamp monster in the water.

“Giant Swamp Monster! Dive into the water! Dodge the Flying Leaf Storm! ”


Hearing Shi Gulan’s voice, the giant swamp monster roared and dived directly into the water.


For a moment, the entire training ground fell into a dead silence, except for the flying leaf storm, the water droplets were constantly being rolled up and fell again.


At this time, the land under the feet of the monarch snake began to shake constantly.


The land began to crack and water began to pour in.

The Giant Swamp Monster has the strength to tow a boat and swim.

With such a force, it is naturally not a problem to crush a small area of man-made land.

The grass elves are the water elves who restrain them, but they really fall into the water.

The grass elves will most likely not be opponents of the water elves.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Shi Gulan’s mouth revealed a smile.

I thought to myself, “It’s time to go to Menas!” Gu Yu! ”

At this time, Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded: “Monarch Snake! Pick up the baton! ”

Shi Gulan’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly commanded at the giant swamp monster, “Giant swamp monster! The Power of the Earth! ”

[Earth Force: Unleashes Earth Force at the opponent’s feet, sometimes lowering the opponent’s special defense. 】

Shi Gulan’s reaction was fast, but in the end it was still a step slower!


The baton skill was displayed by the Monarch Snake, leaving three clusters of cyan light in place in an instant.

Gu Yu took out the elven ball, and the red light wrapped around the monarch snake in an instant.

The earth power of the giant swamp monster also arrived, and a huge force suddenly came out of the land.


The land of the river site was completely torn into countless pieces in an instant, completely sinking to the bottom of the water!

The people watching the battle were also confused at this time.

“Take the baton? Didn’t this young man get beaten silly by Miss Lan?! Flying Leaf Storm is a special attack to reduce ah! ”

“Wrong! Isn’t this monarch snake a contrarian characteristic?! ”

“It’s over! Confused, Miss Lan is calculated! ”

Shi Gulan also stared at Gu Yu solemnly at this time.

Obviously, she also realized that she had entered Gu Yu’s trap’!

With a flash of red light, Menas was replaced by Gu Yu.


In an instant, Menas became the focus of everyone’s attention!

“Oh my God! It turned out to be Menas! ”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen Menas in reality! It’s so beautiful! ”

“I really didn’t expect that! This challenger named Gu Yu actually had such a rare elf! ”

Shi Gulan’s voice sounded again.

“Giant Swamp Monster! A million tons of heavy punches! ”

[Million tons of heavy punches: Attack your opponent with a fist full of power. 】


The giant swamp monster suddenly jumped high from the water, his right fist covered with white light, and rushed towards Menas.

Menas has thoroughly absorbed the buffs brought by the Monarch Snake Pick Up Skill Technique!

Special Attack greatly improved!

Special Attack greatly improved!

Special Attack greatly improved!

“Menas! Charming! Then cast the Frozen Beam! ”

The enchanting skill was unleashed, and countless pink lights emanated from Menashu’s body.

The giant swamp monster’s eyes instantly turned pink, and the white light on his hands involuntarily dissipated.

Then the endless cold in Menas’s mouth began to gather.

“Giant Swamp Monster! Hurry up and break free of fascinating skills! ”

Shi Gulan’s voice was very anxious.

But in the end, it was a step too late.

A blue beam of light erupted from Menas’s mouth, enveloping the giant swamp monster.

In the blink of an eye, the giant swamp monster and the surface of the water are frozen by Menas!

“Menas! Water cannon! ”

“Giant Swamp Monster! Hurry up and break the ice! ”


The countless water energy energies in Menas’s mouth began to converge.

A three-meter-high column of water sprays directly at the frozen giant swamp monster.


The ice was shattered directly, and the giant swamp monster was directly hit to the bottom of the water by Menas.

A moment later, the unconscious giant swamp monster floated to the surface.

Although the giant swamp monster is a water system, it is because it is a dual attribute of water system and ground system.

Both the Water and Ice abilities deal 1x damage to the Giant Swamp Monster without being cut in half.

Plus three massively improved special attacks…

The Giant Swamp Monster was thus defeated by two skills of Menas!

【Ding! Menas defeats the Giant Swamp Monster and gains 60,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menas upgraded to level 42! 】

After the referee confirmed that the giant swamp monster was ineffective, he also announced the result of the game.

“The giant swamp monster loses its fighting power!” Menas wins! ”

“Congratulations to Gu Yu! Win this Dokan War! ”

The referee’s voice fell, and the scene was also a commotion!

“Oh my God! The giant swamp monster was actually defeated by two moves! ”

“The rebellious monarch snake is so rare, I didn’t expect to encounter it today, and I don’t blame Miss Lan for losing the Daoguan War!”

“This young man named Gu Yu is really very strong!” Looks really young too! ”

When Ye Mengyao saw this scene, his eyes were full of surprise and emotion.

“Gu Yu! This guy! In addition to luck, the strength of the current strength is also a bit outrageous! ”

In the next instant, Ye Mengyao’s eyes showed a hint of war intent and a hint of unwillingness.

“I won’t lose to Gu Yu all the time!”


The ground of the training ground cracked and the river field fell.

Shi Gulan walked slowly toward Gu Yu from the end of the training ground.

The staff of the Canghai Daoist Hall also walked over with a red tray at this time.

The two came to Gu Yu’s body and stopped.

A trace of emotion flashed in Shi Gulan’s eyes, and there was also a hint of incredulity on his face.

“Although I thought I would lose to you before the game started, after I actually lost to you, there was still something that I couldn’t accept.”

“I never imagined that after I became the owner of the Taoist Museum, I would lose to a freshman!”

“Congratulations, though! Gu Yu! ”

With that, Shi Gulan took a blue shell from the red tray and handed it to Gu Yu.

The blue shell, transparent throughout, is carved from a blue gemstone.

It is the proof of the success of the challenge Canghai Dojo!

Badge of the Sea!

The scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The crowd of spectators, their mouths wide open, looked at Gu Yu on the training ground with a look of incredulity!


Shi Gulan actually lost to a freshman?!!!

After a few moments, the scene is instantly frying pan!

“Sleeper! Did I hear you correctly?! Miss Lan said she lost to a freshman! ”

“You heard it right! Because I heard it too! I thought that this challenger named Gu Yu was just a long tender, but I didn’t expect it to be a freshman! ”

“Is this someone else’s child?!” My freshman year is still touching the fish, don’t say the hall, even the second elf has not been accepted! ”

“Where did this genius come from?! Surname Gu, I remember that there is no family with the surname Gu in the Dragon Kingdom! ”

+ Several people who are taking mobile phones to broadcast live, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room also shows a geometric multiple!

“Didn’t you tease me?! Can freshmen play the dojo? ”

“People’s freshman, challenge the dojo, get the badge, my freshman year, eat and sleep and play games!”

“It’s so shocking! Is this the difference between a genius and a normal trainer?! ”

“This trainer named Gu Yu is so handsome, I want his contact information!”

On the training ground.

Gu Yu took the Canghai badge from Shi Gulan’s hand.

“Stone Hall Lord, this time you didn’t use your real strength, did you?”

When I was training with Xia Pengyu before, I had heard Xia Pengyu talk about the major forces of the alliance.

Among them, the Dojo and the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance Center are the two official forces responsible for maintaining law and order in various places.

This kind of force may not be able to come up with six Heavenly King-level elves, but Gu Yu believes that it should not be a problem to come up with one or two.

Shi Gulan replied, “I do have two stronger elves, but that’s not something you can handle now!” ”

“And as far as the Dojo Battle is concerned, the two quasi-Heavenly King-level elves have already exceeded the standard!”

Gu Yu nodded, understanding what Shi Gulan meant.

After the Battle of Daoguan, Gu Yu and Shen Yuezhu left together.

And what Gu Yu didn’t know was that!

He was completely on fire this time!

Shi Gulan was already very popular, and defeating Shi Gulan made Gu Yu’s popularity increase rapidly.

And his flash Ibrahimovic video was also found by netizens!

Directly let Gu Yu fire to a burst out of control!

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