Chapter 121 The Most Difficult Type! Forced five or five open elves!!

After getting off the plane, everyone in Zhejiang took a bus to the secret place of West Lake.

The secret of West Lake, with a total area of about 38,000 square kilometers.

The internal environment of the secret place is mostly wetlands and lakes.

According to the official data released by Dragon Kingdom.

In the secret area of West Lake, the wetland area is 11,000 square kilometers.

There are 25 large and small lakes inhabited by 97 kinds of elves.

The bus drove into the secret place of the West Lake, and Gu Yu looked through the window.


In the lake, water elves such as gem starfish, dumb hippos, and small sea lions play and play.

Strike! Strike! Strike!

In the sky, elves such as Auror Swallow, Bibi Bird, and Spirit Sparrow hovered and flew.

Among the flowers, the elves such as hunting butterflies and butterflies dance.

Loomingly, there are tourists playing dinner among the flowers, and trainers taking a nap under the shade of the trees.

People and elves live in harmony, which is perfectly reflected in the secret realm of the West Lake!

Westlake University tries not to destroy the ecological environment in the secret realm as much as possible.

Directly build the venue used for the competition in the underground of the university.

The bus is parked in the parking lot of Westlake University.

Gu Yu and the others walked to the car in turn.

The students of Westlake University and the audience who came to Westlake University to prepare for the game also talked about seeing the people of Zhejiang University get off the bus.

“Is that the ace Gu Yu of Zhejiang University?” Long is indeed very handsome! ”

“Gu Yu defeated Ning Qiyun, the strength is indeed very strong, I don’t know if I can beat Master Du Jingyao?”

“Du Jingyao’s strength ranks higher than Gu Yu on the UST network, and there should be no problem in defeating Gu Yu!”

“I believe in Du Jingyao’s strength! Come on! Seventh crown! ”

Hearing the discussion around him, Gu Yu began to recall the information that Xia Pengyu had sent to everyone about Du Jingyao.

Du Jingyao is currently a senior at Westlake University.

Grandpa is Du Heng is currently the president of Westlake University.

Du Jingyao is good at super energy elves, and the ace elves are the super energy system of Alluredo and Hu Di.

Both elves move instantaneously.

Moreover, the super energy system skills also have a series of controls such as hypnosis, phantom rays or have their own additional effects.

Just imagine fighting with Du Jingyao, who had just commanded the elves to attack, and dodged it with an instantaneous movement.

The backhand Du Jingyao commanded the elf is a hypnosis that puts the opponent’s elf to sleep.

How does this hit?

UST ranked Du Jingyao above Gu Yu for this reason.

Super energy genie in the game, because it is a turn-based output, the performance may not be very strong.

But in real games, the Super Department is definitely one of the most difficult types to deal with!

As Gu Yu and the others waited to enter, one after another broadcast trucks drove into the campus of Westlake University.

As a match for the top 16 seeds, it can be called a battle of focus.

Coupled with the fact that there is no Dragon Messenger today, the eyes of the competition media of these popular tyrants naturally focus on Westlake University.

Before Gu Yu entered, there were more than twenty broadcast trucks coming to Westlake University.

Five waves of reporters who wanted to do pre-match interviews came.

However, Xia Pengyu refused on the grounds that he did not want to affect the status of the team members because of the interview before the game.

Westlake University is an underground arena that is named the Westlake Arena because it is located in the secret area of the West Lake.

It can accommodate 21,000 spectators while watching the game.

Walking into the underground passage of the West Lake Arena, you will be greeted by the shimmering steel walls.

Circular ceiling lights embedded in the top, as well as various monitoring equipment.

The full sense of science and technology and the natural scenery in the secret area of the West Lake form a huge contrast.

The crowd first went to the players’ lounge and took a break for a while.

Listening to the “rumbling” footsteps and shouts coming from outside, the people of Zhejiang University immediately became nervous.

For a moment the locker room fell into a dead silence!



Only Ibu and Laluras, two elves, chased the sound of play in the lounge.

Then the sound of the radio sounded.

“The two teams of the game are small to enter!”

Hearing the sound of the radio, Gu Yu and the others got up one after another and walked out of the lounge to start entering.

In the West Lake Arena.

A female teacher in a formal dress with black-rimmed glasses looked at the arena with a serious face.

This female teacher is Gong Suxin, the leading teacher of Westlake University.

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind Gong Suxin.

“Teacher Gong, don’t be nervous, it’s just a game.”

Gong Suxin turned his head to look at the person who spoke.

On the dark hair of the person who spoke, many white hairs were faintly visible, and the old face was smiling.

It is Du Heng, the president of Westlake University!

“Headmaster, this is my first time as a team teacher, how can I not be nervous?”

Gong Suxin is now under a lot of pressure.

It’s close to rushing out of the crazy April.

As long as Zhejiang University is won, Westlake University’s rush out of the crazy April is basically a matter of certainty.

Losing is naturally a year’s effort in vain, and everything can only come again next year!

“Teacher Gong, don’t be nervous, tension can’t bring you strength, on the contrary, tension may affect…”

Du Heng’s words were not finished, and the scene was again a stir.

Du Heng and Gong Su heard the prestige.

A figure involuntarily attracted the eyes of the two, or the whole audience.

Handsome face, straight posture, and a glittering Ibu on the shoulders!

‘Heavenly King’s successor’ Gu Yu!

The smile on Du Heng’s face remained unchanged, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

“Is this the trainer that the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King said could take over from him?”

“It seems that it is indeed a table of talents, but I don’t know the strength…”

As he spoke, Du Heng looked not far away.

A dark-skinned, burly man with his hands on his chest and hot eyes stared at Gu Yu who had just walked out of the contestant’s passage.

The man is the ace of Westlake University, Du Jingyao!

Gu Yu also noticed Du Jingyao’s gaze at this time.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the war intention in each other’s eyes!

After the referee has determined that both sides are ready, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

Ice field!

After the results came out, the steel floor of the West Lake Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a competition field of about 500 square meters, made up of huge ice cubes, slowly rises.

“The venue is ready! Now there are players from both sides to enter! ”

Xia Pengyu saw that it was a solid ice field, and his brow frowned slightly.

In these games, Xia Pengyu habitually let Ye Mengyao be the first player to appear in the team battle.

Whether it is a blazing roaring tiger or a fanged land shark, the strength is very strong.

It is easy to complete a two, or even a wear three.

Help Zhejiang University lay the foundation for victory.

But this does not change the reality that the fanged land shark is four times weaker than the ice.

In a solid ice field, the state of the fanged land shark will still have an impact…

In this way, Ye Mengyao would most likely be a blazing roaring tiger.

Therefore, it is easy to be guessed by opponents, thus sending the targeted elves.

After hesitating, Xia Pengyu finally decided to let Su Chen take the lead first.

And Westlake University directly sent Du Jingyao!

Seeing that it was Du Jingyao who took the lead, Su Chen frowned and immediately thought.

“Super energy elves, double weak insect system, ghost system and evil system, I don’t have insect system and ghost system elves in my hands, I can only send Black Ruga!”

The referee’s voice rang out: “Both players are already in place!” The race starts now! ”

Su Chen sent his only evil elf.

Level 35 Black Ruga.

Du Jingyao sent a 1.5-meter-tall green elf to look like a green vulture from the outside.

It has a pair of long white wings with red and black stripes at the tip.

It is the spirit natural bird of the super energy system!

【Natural Bird (Super Power) (Flight)】



【Characteristics: Synchronous (infects one’s own poisoned, paralyzed, or burned state to one’s opponent)]

【Personality Talent: Naughty (+ Attack, – Special Defense)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(28), Attack (31), Defense (25), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (27), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Air Chop, Glare, Peck, Teleportation, Downwind, Auxiliary Power, Strange Light, Night Shadow, Spirit Transfer, Power Interchange, Defense Interchange, Spirit Strengthening, High Speed Star, Hold, Foreseeing the Future, Meditation, Feature Interchange]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King】

The moment he saw the information of the natural bird, Gu Yu knew that it was going to be bad.

“Su Chen, definitely not the opponent of this natural bird!”

“Except for my elves, no elf in the Zhejiang University Colonel Team has been able to beat this natural bird.”

And then…

The game was just like Gu Yu thought, it was directly one-sided.

Natural birds use trait swaps as soon as they come up.

[Feature Interchange: Use superpowers to swap the characteristics of yourself and your opponent.] 】

Although Black Ruga is an evil elf, he is also a fire elf.

Moreover, Su Chen’s characteristic of this black ruga is to ignite fire.

After the ignition characteristics are obtained by the natural bird, all the Black Ruga fire skills are useless to the natural bird.

Although the Super Energy System cannot cause damage to the Evil Elves, the Natural Bird can fly the air slash of the Flight System, the high-speed stars of the General System, and the Dark Night Shadow of the Ghost System.

Fire skills are invalid, they can fly, and they can move instantaneously.

How does Heiruga play?

Don’t say that Hei Lujia, is Gu Yu’s elf, if he does not mysteriously guard, it is not good to fight this natural bird.

Du Jingyao, a natural bird, is completely disgusting man’s moves.

[Strange Light: Displays strange lights, disturbs opponents, and confuses opponents. 】

[Power Exchange: Use superpowers to swap your own and your opponent’s attacks and special attack ability changes.] 】

[Defense Swap: Use super powers to swap your own and your opponent’s defenses and special defense ability changes.] 】

There are also skills such as air chopping, which has the potential to make the hit opponent cringe, and skills such as teleportation.

If it is not really the strength to crush, this natural bird, with whom basically can force five or five.

“Black Ruga fell to the ground! Winner! Du Jingyao! ”

As soon as the referee’s voice fell, the West Lake Arena was instantly filled with cheers!

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