Chapter 124 Helpless Sigh! One step away!!

While the fire-breathing dragon attack was attracting attention, the Lizard King was performing the Dragon Dance.

The Lizard King’s body swung rapidly, and the moment of the incomparably fierce dance, the unknown runes around the body lit up.

As the more runes lit up, the momentum on the Lizard King’s body began to rise.

Just as the Lizard King’s momentum reached the peak of the lamp, the monarch snake shouted.


Immediately from the monarch snake’s body, a sharp blade-like blade flew out, turning into a tornado and pounced on the Lizard King and the fire-breathing dragon.

“Fire-breathing dragons! Dodge! ”

“Lizard King! Watch out for dodging! Cast a flash of light! ”

Zhao Yan was very clear if he did not solve the monarch snake.

The Monarch Snake casts a few Flying Leaf Storms before casting the baton skill.

The game is over!

Hearing Zhao Yan’s order, the Lizard King cast a flash of electric light, turning into a green streamer and heading straight for the Monarch Snake.

“Lizard King! Cross scissors! ”

[Cross scissors: Cross the scythe or claw like scissors and split the opponent in a trend. 】

The Cross Scissors is an insect skill, and the grass monarch snake is twice as weak as the insect system, and if this blow is hit, it can cause a lot of damage to the monarch snake.

“Monarch snake! Stare! ”


The monarch snake’s gaze narrowed, and in an instant, the lizard king stopped attacking and froze in place because of fear.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Flame Teeth! ”

As soon as Ye Mengyao’s voice fell, the Blazing Roaring Tiger had already rushed to the front of the Lizard King’s body and gathered the fire energy in his mouth, directly biting down on the Lizard King who was stunned in place!

Zhao Yan realized that it was not good and hurriedly gave the order.

“Lizard King! Hurry up and get out of the way! ”

But it was still a step too late, and as soon as Zhao Yan’s voice fell, the Lizard King’s scream sounded.

Then Ye Mengyao’s cold voice sounded again: “Blazing Roaring Tiger!” Flame Fist! ”

Red flames converged on the right fist of the blazing roaring tiger.

The Lizard King had just gotten rid of the Flame Tooth when he was hit by the Flame Fist.


The red flames instantly covered the Lizard King, and the green body instantly turned into a pitch black.

With a thud, the dark Lizard King fell directly to the ground.

The Lizard King, who was twice as weak in fire, was directly killed by the two skills of the Blazing Roaring Tiger!

【Ding! The Monarch Snake defeats the Lizard King and gains 3000 experience points! 】

After the Lizard King was defeated, Zhao Yan began to replace the elves.

At this time, only Xu Ping’s fire-breathing dragon was left on the field.

Just now, Xu Ping did not give the order to rescue the Lizard King, not that he did not want to, nor that he could not react, but that there was really no way to rescue.

Reality is not a game!

There is no such thing as a teammate exempt from injury.

The fire-breathing dragon itself is not a very fast type of elf, and it is too late to fly down to stop the time.

As for casting the skill of throwing flames…

It was really hard to say whether to kill the Blazing Roaring Tiger first or the Lizard King first.

In terms of configuration, the adaptability of the Lizard King and the Fire-breathing Dragon is actually better than that of the Blazing Roaring Tiger and the Monarch Snake.

One is a fast assassin-like elf, one can fly and can interfere with opponents from a distance.

But helplessly crushed by hard power!

After the Lizard King fell, Zhao Yan immediately began to replace the elves.

While Zhao Yan was replacing the elves, Gu Yu attacked again.

“Monarch snake! Charming! ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s order, the monarch snake body emitted countless pink lights.

The fire-breathing dragon’s eyes instantly turned pink, and its body involuntarily stopped in mid-air, flapping its wings and flying towards the monarch snake.

Xu Ping’s face changed in an instant, and he yelled, “Fire-breathing dragon! Hurry up and wake up! ”

“Blazing roaring tiger! Destroy the Dead Light! ”

Golden energy gathered in the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger.

In the next instant, a golden pillar of light erupted from the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger and headed straight for the fire-breathing dragon in mid-air.

The fire-breathing dragon, which is controlled by the charm, is simply not avoidable at this time.


A loud explosion sounded, destroying the Death Light and directly hitting the fire-breathing dragon.

With a thud, the fire-breathing dragon fell directly from mid-air to the ground, smashing the ground out of a large pit.

At this time, Zhao Yan also sent his first elf.

A giant vine of level 36!

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the Monarch Snake’s body flew out of a sharp blade-like blade, turning into a tornado that flew towards the fire-breathing dragon that fell to the ground.

Fire-breathing dragons are fire and flying elves.

Grass skills have very limited damage to fire-breathing dragons.

But now the fire-breathing dragon had been severely injured.

The flying leaf storm is likely to be the last straw that overwhelms the camel.

“Giant vines! Cast the Hold Skill to protect the fire-breathing dragon! ”

The giant vine came directly to the fire-breathing dragon and cast the Hold Skill.

In an instant, a huge white shield enveloped the two elves.

“Hold the skill to block the flying leaf storm!” What will the Westlake University side do next? ”

“Wrong! The giant vine is in danger! ”

The live commentary perfectly explains what is called a second to change faces.

On the field.

With the cover of the Flying Leaf Storm, the Blazing Roaring Tiger had already killed the giant vines and the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon got up from the ground at this time, saw the blazing roaring tiger that had been killed, and roared to attack.


“Blazing roaring tiger! Flame Vortex! ”


As soon as Ye Mengyao’s voice fell, a vortex of flames soared into the sky to envelop the three elves of the Blazing Roaring Tiger, the Giant Vine, and the Fire-breathing Dragon.

The temperature around them rose rapidly, and the grass began to wither and then ignite.

Although the line of sight was cut off by the Flame Vortex, Xu Ping and Zhao Yan still commanded the attack.

“Fire-breathing dragons! Dragon’s Claw! ”

“Giant vines! Primal Power! ”

[Primal Force: Attacking with Primal Force, sometimes increasing all of your abilities.] 】

“Blazing roaring tiger! Earthquake! ”

The voices of the three sounded almost simultaneously.

In the next instant, a huge explosion sounded, and the flame vortex was instantly exploded, and in an instant, the flames were radiant.


The grass field cracked and shook violently at the same time.

After the flame vortex exploded, the situation inside was revealed.

The fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground.

Half of the giant vine’s body was pitch black.

Although the Blazing Roaring Tiger was also injured, it had little impact.

In the game, the Ground Skill cannot deal damage to Flying Elves.

The same is true of the world, but there is a premise.

Flying elves are flying in the sky!

Flying in the sky, the ground system skill of earthquake naturally cannot hit the fire-breathing dragon, and it will certainly not be able to cause damage to the fire-breathing dragon.

But the fire-breathing dragon just now was on the ground, and there was no way to avoid it.

Destroying the Death Light, the Flame Vortex plus the Earthquake, three skills directly knocked down the Fire-Spitting Dragon.

The giant vine has eaten the Flame Vortex and Earthquake skills, and although it can continue to fight, it has been seriously injured.

When Xu Ping replaced the elves, Ye Mengyao took advantage of the victory to pursue.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Hot! ”

[Hot Wind: Blows hot breath towards your opponent to attack, sometimes causing your opponent to burn down.] 】

“Giant vines! Hold on! ”

The huge white shield once again appeared in front of the giant vine, blocking the hot wind skill.

“Spray the flames!”


Hearing Ye Mengyao’s command, the fire energy in the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger began to converge.


Red flames erupted from the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger.

In an instant, a sea of flames flooded the giant vines in mid-air.

The giant white shield carried the hot wind, but not the jet flames.

The white shield shattered, and the screams of the giant vines were heard.

Xu Ping also sent his second elf at this time.

A level 35 dumb hippopotamus.

“Monarch snake! Grass blender! ”

“Dumb hippopotamus! Water cannon! ”

Gu Yu saw the moment the dumb hippopotamus appeared, and directly took the first step.

Countless sharp blades flew out of the monarch snake, and in an instant a small tornado composed of blades enveloped the dumb hippopotamus.

The Dumb Hippopotamus itself is twice as weak grass.


The dumb hippopotamus hit by the grass stirrer screamed.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Lightning Fist! ”


The blazing roaring tiger roared, and his right fist was instantly covered with yellow lightning.

Xu Ping saw this scene and hurriedly shouted, “Hurry up and avoid!” Dumb hippopotamus! ”

Dumb hippopotamus twice weak grass, but also twice as weak electricity.

If you are hit by lightning punches, the dumb hippopotamus is basically completely cold.

But how can the dumb hippopotamus hit by the grass mixer at this time dodge?


The Blazing Roaring Tiger punched the Dumb Hippopotamus directly, and the Dumb Hippopotamus was instantly knocked out.

With a thud, the dumb hippopotamus fell heavily to the ground and never got up again.

【Ding! The Monarch Snake defeats the Dumb Hippopotamus and gains 3000 experience points! 】

Seeing the stupid hippopotamus fall to the ground, the entire West Lake Arena instantly fell into a dead silence!

Although it has long been thought that Westlake University lost the result of the game.

But when this result really happens.

Countless spectators are still looking at the arena with frustration on their faces, looking at the arena in disbelief!

“Lost! Westlake University lost! If you want to see Westlake University win the seventh crown, I really don’t know how many years to wait! ”

“I shouldn’t have expected anything else, I should have left just now!”

“Alas! It’s outrageous! Westlake University ended up losing to two freshmen! ”

Gong Suxin, the leading teacher of Westlake University, saw this scene and his eyes were full of loss and frustration.

Looking down from the arena, Xu Ping and Zhao Yan, who were full of reluctance, opened their mouths to comfort the two.

He opened his mouth, but he didn’t know how to open it.

Finally, it turned into a helpless sigh.

“Dumb hippopotamus fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! Ye Mengyao! ”

“Zhejiang University won two victories in the doubles tournament and the singles match! Successfully qualify! ”

After the referee announces the result.

Du Jingyao, who was sitting next to Du Heng, clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Then get up and walk into the runner’s passage.

Du Heng saw this scene and didn’t say anything more.

“To be young is to constantly experience failure, and I hope that this failure can make Jing Yao stronger!”

On the field.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao looked at each other and smiled, and then the two clapped their hands to celebrate the victory.



Ibu and Laluras, two elves, also shouted excitedly.

The crowd on the sidelines shouted and cheered with excitement!

Now Zhejiang University is far away from rushing out of the crazy April, and only one step away is left!

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