Chapter 131 One Wears Three! Shocked the audience!!

“Menas! Frozen beams! ”

“Armored Bird! Hurry up and wake up! ”

Xiang Tao realized that it was not good, and hurriedly shouted but it was too late.

The endless cold air converged in Menas’s mouth, turning into a blue glow and heading straight for the armored bird in mid-air.

The armored bird didn’t even have time to scream.

In the next instant, it was directly frozen into an ice sculpture, and then fell rapidly from mid-air.


The armored bird fell to the ground, and the ice on the surface of its body cracked.

The armored bird struggled to get up, and Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded again.

“Menas! Tide whirlpool! ”


With Menas’s voice sounded.

In the grassy field, the rainwater that had just been created with the Rain Seeking skill began to spin rapidly around the armored birds.

In the next instant, a vortex formed by the flow of water envelops the armored bird in the middle.

“Armored Bird! Brave Bird Attack! Rush out! ”

[Brave Bird Attack: Fold your wings and use low-altitude flight to assault your opponent.] I will also suffer a lot of harm myself. 】

“Menas! The Sound of Enchantment! ”


Gu Yu’s voice had just fallen, and an incomparably seductive voice came out of Menas’s mouth.

The armored bird in the swirl of the tide instantly looked pained.

Then it fell from mid-air, slammed it, and smashed out a big pit.

After the Dragon Dance amplification, the armored bird is hit by three skills: Frozen Beam, Tide Whirlpool, and Sound of Enchantment.

Naturally, there is no possibility of continuing the battle.

【Ding! Menas defeats the Armored Bird and gains 9000 experience points! 】

After the tidal whirlpool skill dissipated, the referee announced the result of the match.

“The armored bird fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

At this time, in the Heavenly King Arena, there was a roar of cheers like a mountain roaring tsunami!

“Oh my God! Gu Yu is also too strong! Sun Yat-sen University has no power to fight back! ”

“Is this the strength of the Heavenly King’s successor?!” No harm one wear two! ”

“Menas is so strong! Gu Yu is awesome! ”

Listening to the cheers that kept ringing out, Qiao Wei’s face became more and more gloomy.

As the leading teacher of Sun Yat-sen University, he is very clear that today’s Sun Yat-sen University has reached the edge of the cliff!

The strongest Su Qingjun had been defeated.

If you can’t beat Menas quickly, the victory of the team game will have to be surrendered!

Then Qiao Wei sent a female player named Liu Xiuxiu.

After Liu Xiuxiu came on the scene, he sent out an electric shock demon beast!

The electric shock demon beast is nearly 2 meters tall, has a yellow and black body, and has two black tails.

【Electric Shock Warcraft (Electricity)】



[Features: Electric engine (when attacked by electric attribute moves, it does not take damage, but its speed increases)]

【Personality Talent: Impatience (+ Speed, – Defense)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP (26), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (30), Speed (30)]

[Skills: Stare, electric shock, electric flash, charging, high-speed stars, electromagnetic waves, piercing sounds, lightning fists, discharges, 100,000 volts, kicks down, frozen fists, flame fists, destroying dead light, digging holes, splitting tiles, holding on, high-speed stars, mental strengthening]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King】

The game started again, and Liu Xiuxiu came up

“Electric shock Warcraft! Dig! ”


The electric shock demon beast roared, and then burrowed directly into the ground.

“Electric shock demon beast burrowed into the ground, Liu Xiuxiu player, is this ready to delay time and exhaust the mysterious guardianship of Menas?”

The sound of live commentary sounded.

The speed of the electric shock demon beast is indeed not slow, but it will not fly after all.

In the face of Menas floating in the sky, the electric shock demon beast is indeed difficult to deal with.

If you can exhaust the mysterious guardian, then rely on the electric system to double the restraint of the water system, and the game will still be played.

“Menas! Water cannon charge! ”


Menus shouted, and the water energy in his mouth began to gather.

After 1 minute.

Sensing the disappearance of the mysterious guardian, Liu Xiuxiu directly began to attack.

“Electric shock Warcraft! It’s now! Screeching! ”


The electric shock demon beast suddenly emerged from the ground.


Then a loud and piercing sound came from the mouth of the electric shock monster.

Menas instantly blushed with pain.

The water energy in the mouth is also dissipated due to the impact of the harsh sound.

“Great opportunity! Electric shock Warcraft! A flash of electricity! Lightning Fist! ”

Hearing Liu Xiuxiu’s order, the electric shock demon beast instantly turned into a yellow streamer of light and went straight to Menas in mid-air.

Above his right fist, wrapped in yellow lightning, he swung towards Menas.

“Menas! Water Tail! ”


As Menas’s voice sounded, the huge tail carried the raging waves and slapped at the electric shock monster.



As two screams rang out, each other’s attacks hit each other at the same time.


The electric shock demon beast was directly shot from mid-air by Menas with a blow, smashing a large pit in the ground.

“Menas! The Sound of Enchantment! ”


An incomparably seductive voice came out of Menas’s mouth.

The electric shock demon beast that had just gotten up instantly showed the color of pain.

“Electric shock Warcraft! One hundred thousand volts! ”

“Menas! Frozen beams! ”


Countless yellow lightning bolts appeared on the surface of the electric shock demon beast’s body.

In the next instant, a bucket of lightning, as if it were a spear, went straight to Menas in mid-air.

Endless chills gathered in Menas’s mouth.

At the moment when the electric shock demon beast cast 100,000 volts, a blue light went straight to the electric shock demon beast on the ground.


Menas was hit by 100,000 volts, and the electric shock monster was also transformed into an ice sculpture by the frozen beam.

The electric shock demon beast has eaten three skills of water flowing tail, charm sound and frozen beam.

Directly knocked unconscious by Menas.

【Ding! Menas defeats the Electroshock Warcraft and gains 9000 experience points! 】

After determining that the electric shock monster was unconscious, the referee announced the result of the match.

“Electric shock Warcraft fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

The referee’s voice just fell, and countless spectators on the scene opened their mouths and looked at the field in disbelief!

Although just now after Menas wore two, they thought that Menas might complete one wear three!

But when this scene really happened, people still can’t help but be surprised!

Do you know how many college students in the National Collegiate Elf League are facing four grade college students in Longguo?

How many players can make it to the top 16?

Looking at all the college students in the country, these players say that they are one of the best in the world, and there may be no problem!

However, it was such a player who was completed by Gu Yu in one through three!

How can it not be surprising?!

“Oh my God! Gu Yu’s strength is also too strong! ”

“Come up and wear three!” Gu Yu’s strength was truly terrifying! ”

“Worthy of being the successor of the Heavenly King!” I heard that this Menas is not Gu Yu’s trump card yet! ”

Kong Hui, president of Modu University, who was sitting in the guest seat, saw this scene.

At first, he was stunned, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

“I didn’t expect a freshman to have such strength! You can wear three in one straight line! ”

“In terms of strength, only Lin Xuan in my Modu University can suppress him!”

“If you are a freshman year, Lin Xuan was not as good as Gu Yu back then!”

Although Kong Hui was shocked by Gu Yu’s performance, he still believed that Lin Xuan’s strength was above Gu Yu.

Jia Yuecheng on the side also agreed: “Not bad! If Gu Yu is now a junior in college, I am afraid that the champion is already in the pocket of Zhejiang University! But unfortunately, Gu Yu is still too young! ”

Player channel.

Yan Siyu saw Gu Yu finish wearing three of them, and the battle intention in his eyes seemed to be burning with two flames.

“I can’t wait to fight Gu Yu anymore!”

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, a glint of essence flashed in his eyes, and then he nodded.

It seems that for the first time, Gu Yu’s strength has been recognized!

On the field.

Although Menas was of a higher level, he had eaten the electric skill twice in a row and was not lightly injured.

Gu Yugang wanted Mei Nas to perform self-regeneration to recover from the injury, and Xia Pengyu told the referee to change people.

Seeing the situation, Gu Yu put away Menas and directly went to rest.

When Qiao Wei saw this scene, he was first relieved as if he were relieved, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Menas is indeed the end.

But Zhejiang University still has four team members, not to mention the wonderful frog flower of Su Chen, the captain of Zhejiang University.

On the side of Sun Yat-sen University, the three strongest people have all been killed by Gu Yu.

The chances of Sun Yat-sen University winning the team competition next are slim!

The truth was just as Qiao Wei thought.

After Su Chen completed the limit one-for-two with the Miao Frog Flower.

This game also completely lost suspense.

“The coconut egg tree fell to the ground! Winner! Su Ying! ”

“Congratulations to Zhejiang University for winning the team competition!”

“The second singles match is about to take place! Please prepare both players! ”

As the referee announces the result of the match.

The spectators of the Heavenly King Arena showed their anticipation!

Because, everyone knows.

Then there’s the big play.

Gu Yu vs. Su Qingjun!

As soon as he got up, Gu Yu heard Ye Mengyao’s voice ringing out.

“Gu Yu, you must be careful of that woman!”

Gu Yu nodded, and then walked to the arena.

On the field.

Su Qingjun had already arrived at the arena one step ahead of Gu Yu.

Although the corners of his mouth were smiling, his eyes were like a sword, with a killing chance!

After the referee has determined that both sides are in place.

“The singles tournament is about to start! Start sampling the playing field now! ”

Live on the big screen and start the draw for the venue of the singles match!

Geotechnical venues!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a competition field of about 1500 square meters, made up of rock and soil, slowly rises.

“The playing field is already in place! The race starts now! ”

As the referee’s voice fell.

Both sides sent their own elves.

Monarch snake!

Magic frog flower!

The frog is 2 meters tall, has a blue-green body with a pair of ears on its head, and orange-red eyes.

The buds on the back now bloomed into a huge red flower, with six huge petals with white spots, supported by a brown trunk that looked like a palm tree.

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