Chapter 133 Amazing Results! The cheers that resounded throughout the audience!!

“Geng Ghost!”

The ghost shouted before the sea of flames that erupted into flames arrived.

The body dissolves into a shadow and burrows into the ground.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared at a distance of about ten meters from the wind speed dog!

At the same time, a cloud of shadows in his hand began to converge.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a fine light!

The distance is enough!

“Wind speed dog! Stare! Unleash your spiritual teeth! ”

[Spirit Teeth: Use psychic power to bite your opponent to attack, and you can also destroy the wall of light and the wall of reflection.] 】

The wind speed dog’s gaze narrowed, and in an instant, the ghost stopped attacking because of fear, and froze in place.

Then the Wind Speed Dog disappeared into the same place under the attention of nearly 100,000 spectators in the Heavenly King Arena.

“Geng ghost! Hurry up and wake up! Cast a sneak attack and hide underground! ”

Su Qingjun’s reaction was quick, but it was still too late!

She or Geng Ghost is too underestimating the speed of the wind speed dog!

Su Qingjun’s voice had not yet fallen.

The Wind Speed Dog suddenly appeared next to Geng Ghost.

Invisible spiritual power, gathered in the mouth of the wind speed dog.

Opening the blood basin mouth, he directly bit into the ghost who was stunned in place.

“Geng Ghost!”

The sharp pain made Geng Ghost make a miserable cry!

After a few moments, Geng Ghost directly passed out!

Geng Ghost’s physical defense and blood volume were already low, and it was still twice as weak as the super power.

Spirit Tooth is a physical skill, and the glares of the eyes reduce the defense of the Geng Ghost.

As a result, Geng Ghost was directly killed by the wind speed dog!

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Geng Ghost and gains 45,000 experience points! 】

“The ghost fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee announced the result of the match, Lin Xuan, the ‘Dragon Messenger’ who was watching the game, shook his head, then turned around and prepared to leave.

Yan Siyu on the side asked, “Won’t you continue to watch?” ”

“No need! Su Qingjun’s strength was very strong, but Gu Yu’s elf types were very restrained by her elves. ”

“One move of mysterious guardianship will make Su Qingjun’s Geng Ghost strength lose most of it.”

“Su Qingjun can’t win Gu Yu, so prepare for the game with Gu Yu!”

After saying that, Lin Xuantou left without looking back.

For the game that knew the result, Lin Xuan had no interest in watching it.

Su Qingjun’s elf is a very annoying torture king in the game, lacking the ability to kill a must-kill, but can constantly consume opponents.

Therefore, the most feared is the assassin type opponent.

You want to consume, the other party directly kill you!

This is the case today.

Gu Yu simply did not give Su Qingjun the opportunity to consume his elf.

It is strange that Su Qingjun can win!

On the field.

Su Qingjun looked at the ghost who had fallen to the ground, and the expression on his face was somewhat solemn.

She knew she had no chance!

The remaining elves in her were only Daoguan-level strength.

It couldn’t win Gu Yu at all!

With a helpless sigh in his heart, Su Qingjun withdrew the Geng Ghost and sent the last elf.

A level 35 Overlord flower!

The Overlord Flower is a poison and grass genie.

It is twice as weak fire itself.

The speed is not fast enough, and the dog is completely suppressed in the face of wind speed.

Wind Speed Dog ended the battle with a big word explosion!

Watching the Overlord Flower fall to the ground, the entire Heavenly King Arena fell into a dead silence in an instant!

Countless spectators, their mouths wide open, their eyes full of shock, looked at the center of the arena in disbelief!

One wears three!

The Wind Speed Dog completed a three-to-one pass on Su Qingjun!

Although many viewers, when the wind speed dog defeated the Geng ghost, they thought that the wind speed dog might wear three at a time.

But when this scene really happened, the audience at the scene still couldn’t help but be shocked!

You know, Gu Yu’s opponent is Su Qingjun!

Heir of the Kusanagi Aoki Dokan!

Lead Sun Yat-sen University to the top 16!

Top 10 players on the strength rankings on the UST website!

It can be imagined that this time Gu Yu wore three, how huge the impact on the audience was!!!

“The Overlord Flower fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Zhejiang University won two victories in the team competition and the singles competition! Successfully advanced to the quarterfinals! ”

As the referee’s voice fell.

The dead silence of the entire Heavenly King Arena was shattered in an instant!

Applause and cheers sounded like a volcanic eruption, and countless spectators shouted Gu Yu’s name!

“Gu Yu!!!”

“Gu Yu!!!”

“Gu Yu!!!”

The live commentary also roared with excitement!

“What a wonderful game! Gu Yu players use wind speed dogs to complete one through three! ”

“It’s hard to imagine this as something a freshman can do!”

“The cheers of the live audience! It is the biggest praise for the strength of Gu Yu’s players! ”

Kong Hui, president of Modu University, who was sitting in the guest seat, listened to the audience shouting Gu Yu’s name.

He sighed, “The Yuan Heavenly King is the Heavenly King in the end, and his vision is much stronger than that of us old guys!” ”

Jia Yuecheng nodded, and there was also a hint of shock in Gu Yu’s gaze!

“When I saw Gu Yu, I felt really old for the first time.”

“In less than ten years, not less than five years, we old guys are probably not Gu Yu’s opponents!”

“I just don’t know if Gu Yu will become the new generation of Heavenly King, or the second Xia Pengyu.”

While speaking, Jia Yuecheng looked at Xia Pengyu, who was celebrating his promotion on the sidelines.

“That’s not something we should care about!”

Kong Hui’s eyes also looked at Xia Pengyu.

Xia Pengyu was also applauding Gu Yu’s performance at this time.

Beside him, Su Chen and Su Ying’s two brothers and sisters directly froze in place.

His eyes stared directly at Gu Yu on the field.

There was shock on the face, there was disbelief, there was joy…

They couldn’t believe that Su Qingjun, the strongest of their family’s young generation.

It was actually worn by Gu Yu directly!

The impact of this on the two is incomparably huge!

Although the two knew that Gu Yu was likely to win, they did not expect that it was such a winning method!

Ye Mengyao applauded Gu Yu on the side, and the corners of his mouth also showed a smile.

The faces of the people at Sun Yat-sen University were more ugly than one at this time.

They didn’t fall in April of Madness, but they did fall in the round of sixteen.

Even if you want revenge, you can only come back next year!

Qiao Wei listened to the cheers of the audience and looked at Gu Yu on the field.

First he sighed helplessly, then sighed: “It’s really dazzling!” Worthy of being the future successor of the Heavenly King! One person beat the entire Sun Yat-sen University! ”

Yan Siyu, who was standing in the contestant’s passage, saw this scene.

The war intent in his eyes could not be concealed, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth was getting bigger and bigger!

“Come on! Gu Yu! See how I beat you in the quarterfinals! ”

On the field.

Su Qingyun retracted the overlord flower that had fallen to the ground, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

After knowing that the wood had become a boat, Su Qingjun’s face showed a smile again, and then walked towards Gu Yu.

Gu Yu was at this time clearly knowing the victory with Gu Yu.


After defeating the Overlord Flower, the Wind Speed Dog ran towards Gu Yu.

The big hairy head kept rubbing against Gu Yu’s body.

At this time, Gu Yu also noticed Su Qingjun who came over.

Su Qingjun just wanted to open his mouth, and suddenly felt as if he was locked by a murderous gaze.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he saw Ye Mengyao’s figure.

“I just want to congratulate Gu Yu, Ye Mengyao for such a big hostility?”


Thinking of this, the smile on Su Qingjun’s face became even stronger.

“Congratulations! Gu Yu! Got the win! ”

“… However, you guy, really didn’t save me a little face, and directly used the wind speed dog to wear three to me! ”

“As a gift! I decided to give you a headache! ”

Headache for a while?!

When Gu Yu was still in a daze, Su Qingjun directly gave Gu Yu a big hug.

At the same time, he whispered in Gu Yu’s ear: “Your girlfriend Ye Mengyao’s little vinegar jar is about to explode!” It’s a shame I can’t see your nerve-wracking look in person! ”

After Mo finished speaking, Su Qingjun left without looking back.

Looking at Su Qingjun’s back, Gu Yu’s face was full of helplessness.

“It’s really a big problem for me…”

As soon as Gu Yu came down from the arena, he saw Ye Mengyao with a cold glint in his eyes!

“What did that woman tell you?”

“I said Su Qingjun deliberately, do you believe it?”

Gu Yu now felt that it was better to deal with the situation in front of him than to let him have a big battle with Su Qingjun.

Ye Mengyao thought for a moment and said, “Trust you, but if I find out that you went to find that woman, I will definitely not spare you!” ”

“I’m definitely not looking for Su Qingjun!”

After temporarily resolving the crisis, Gu Yu was also relieved.

At this point, it was already 12:30.

It’s time for lunch.

Gu Yu and the others simply ate a box lunch.

Since there was no competition in the afternoon, Su Chen and the others had already left early.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao stayed at the Heavenly King Arena to watch the afternoon game.

The two walked side by side toward the entrance of the contestants’ passage.

Gu Yu found that at the entrance of the contestant’s passage, there was a man with a gentle smile.

The man was Lin Xuan, the ‘messenger of the dragon’.

Lin Xuan saw Ye Mengyao, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but in the end he still said hello.

“Auntie! Long time no see! My mom also called in the morning and asked me to cheer you on! ”

Youngest maternal aunt?!

Ye Mengyao said at this time, “Help me thank Sister Ping, but you must also behave well!” Can’t shame Sister Ping! ”

Hearing Ye Mengyao’s words, Lin Xuan’s mouth revealed a bitter smile.

Generations of this thing, really outrageous!

Then Lin Xuan looked at Gu Yu.

“Lin Xuan!”

“Gu Yu!”

The two looked at each other, and Lin Xuan continued, “Gu Yu, I look forward to meeting you in the final four!” ”

“Although you may be my future brother-in-law, I will not spare my subordinates!”

Future uncle!

When Ye Mengyao heard Lin Xuan’s words, two red flowers instantly appeared on his face.

“Lin. Lin Xuan! You don’t talk nonsense! And Gu Yu’s strength is very strong! He doesn’t need your men to be merciful! ”

Ye Mengyao knew that Gu Yu was fine.

A goblin Pokis could give Lin Xuan a headache.

Moreover, Gu Yu also had a juvenile Divine Beast, Gela Aura.

“I understand! I know! ”

Lin Xuan gave Ye Mengyao a look that I understood.

“Little aunt, since you have come from afar, then I will show you my strength!”

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