Chapter 135 Strong Showdown! Discoloration!!

Zhejiang University lounge.



The pressure before the big war made the whole lounge dead silent!

In addition to the sound of footsteps and shouts that could be heard outside, there were only the voices of the two elves, Ibu and Laluras.



The joyful chase and fight between the two elves diluted the tension before the game.

Then the sound of the radio sounded.

“Team members of both Zhejiang University and Yenching University! Now ~ Please enter! ”

Gu Yu and the others also got up from their seats to prepare to enter.

Ibu jumped on Gu Yu’s shoulder.

Laluras teleported directly into Ye Mengyao’s arms.

Walking out of the contestant passage, hundreds of cameras on the scene were aimed at Gu Yu almost at the same time.

Then the figures of Gu Yu and Ibu appeared on the big screen of the scene.

In an instant, the entire Heavenly King Arena was boiling!

“Is this that Flash Ibrahimovic?!” So cute! ”

“In addition to Menas, there is also Shining Ibrahimovic, I am so envious!”

“Gu Yuchong! Beat Yenching University! ”


After the referee determines that both sides of the match are in place, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

River Field!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a competition field of about 1500 square meters, more than 90% of which is composed of water and a small part of the land, slowly rises.

Xia Pengyu saw the river field, and then saw Yan Siyu of Yenching University walking towards the arena.

After hesitating, he directly chose to abandon the team competition.

“Su Ying, you go up!”

Su Ying heard Xia Pengyu’s voice, first stunned, and then nodded.

The best elves for river fields, the elves of natural water systems.

Whether it was Gu Yu, Ye Mengyao or Su Chen’s elves, most of them were not suitable for fighting in the river field.

On the contrary, in addition to Yan Siyu’s dumb hippopotamus, Yenching University has other powerful water elves.

Although Menas is strong, under the wheel war, it is inevitable that there is a possibility of overturning.

Therefore, Xia Pengyu decided to directly abandon the team battle and go all out to win the singles and doubles matches!

“The frog flower can’t stand it!” Winner! River City! ”

“Congratulations to Yenching University for winning the team competition!”

“The second singles match is about to take place! Please prepare both players! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the audience showed their expectation.

The audience is not stupid, and half of the team game knows that Zhejiang University is deliberately letting go of the team game.

And the next singles match is the highlight!

Gu Yu duel Yan Siyu!

On the sidelines, hearing the referee’s voice, Gu Yu walked from getting up to the field.

At this time, Yan Siyu had already come to the arena one step ahead of Gu Yu.

It was as if there were two flames burning in Yan Siyu’s eyes, and his hot eyes were staring at Gu Yu deadly!

“Gu Yu! Soon I will return the failure of the Poseidon Festival to you intact! ”

On the sidelines, Zhu Xinyan, the leading teacher of Yenching University.

Looking at Yan Siyu on the field, his face was full of smiles.

Obviously, she was very confident in Yan Siyu!

After the referee has determined that both sides are in place.

“The singles tournament is about to start! Start sampling the playing field now! ”

Live on the big screen and start the draw for the venue of the singles match!

Geotechnical venues!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a competition field of about 1500 square meters, made up of rock and soil, slowly rises.

“The playing field is already in place! The race starts now! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, both sides sent their own elves.

Kirby Beast!

Bosco Dora!

Bosco Dora is more than 2 meters tall, covered in hard armor, and has two sharp horns on his head.

【Bosco Dora (steel) (rock)】



【Features: Even if a hard head uses a move that will be damaged by the reaction force, the HP will not be reduced)]

【Personality Talent: Solid Heat (+ Attack, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (25)0 Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Impact, Hardening, Metal Claw, Rock Blockade, Rock Collapse, Head Hammer, Hold, Metal Sound, Iron Head, Body Lightweight, Iron Tail, Iron Wall, Heavy Impact, Sacrifice Collision, Flame Fist, Frozen Fist, Lightning Fist, Dragon Wave, Dragon Claw, Dragon Swoop, Earthquake, Hole Digging, Chopping Tile, Hard Support, Cannon Light Cannon, Slender Horn]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

After the game began, the voices of Gu Yu and Yan Siyu sounded almost at the same time.

“Bosco Dora! Body lightweight! Dragon swoop! ”

[Body lightweight: Eliminate useless parts of the body, greatly increase your speed, and lose weight at the same time. 】

[Dragon Swoop: Unleashes terrifying murderous qi that deters opponents while hitting them, sometimes causing them to flinch.] 】

“Kirby Beast! Self-motivated! ”

[Self-motivation: Motivate yourself to improve attacks and special attacks. 】



In the middle of the arena, the two elves each roared.

After casting the body lightweight, countless dragon energies emerged from the body of Bosco Dora.

In the next instant, he wrapped up Bosco Dora and transformed into a dragon with wings on its back.

With a wave of his wings, Bosco Dora headed straight for the Kirby Beast.

“Kirby Beast! Hold on! ”


The Kirby Beast let out a loud cry, and a huge white shield appeared in front of it.


Like the sound of swords colliding, the white shield blocked the swoop of the dragon of Bosco Dora.

“Keep pushing! Directly smash and hold! ”


Hearing Yan Siyu’s voice, Bosco Dora roared and continued to maintain the dragon’s swoop.


Above the white shield, a crack appeared.

Then the clicking sound kept ringing out, and the cracks were getting more and more.

In the blink of an eye, the white shield was full of cracks, and it was only half a step away from being completely shattered.

“Kirby Beast! 100,000 horsepower! ”

[100,000 horsepower: Use your full body strength to attack your opponent.] 】

The moment the white shield shattered, the dragon’s dive collided with 100,000 horsepower.


A loud explosion sounded, and smoke and dust splashed, enveloping the Kirby Beast and Bosco Dora.

“Bosco Dora! Chop tiles! ”

“Kirby Beast! Earthquake! ”

As the voices of the two men fell, the battle in the smoke began again.


Cracks appeared in the rock field, and at the same time there was a violent shaking.

And the Bosco Dora Splitting Skill also successfully hit the Kirby Beast.



Both elves were hit by their opponents’ skills and both screamed!

Bosco Dora is four times weaker than the ground, eating two ground system skills in a row.

Even with top-level physical defense, Bosco Dora was hit hard.

The Kirby Beast was twice as weak as the head, hit by the Chopper and the Dragon’s Swoop, and was definitely not lightly injured.

“Bosco Dora! Slender Horns! Pick up the Kirby Beast! ”

[Slender Horns: Attacks with sharp horns that pierce your opponent.] 】

Yan Siyu knew very well that he could not give the Kirby Beast the opportunity to play the belly drum, otherwise the game would undoubtedly be lost.

Therefore, the first shot is made directly at the beginning.

Even if it is because of the injury for injury!


Bosco Dora roared in the smoke, and then the huge body of the Kirby Beast was directly provoked by Bosco Dora.

“Beautiful! Bosco Dora! Dragon swoop! ”

As soon as Yan Siyu’s voice fell, countless dragon energies emerged from Bosco Dora’s body.

In the next instant, he wrapped up Bosco Dora and transformed into a dragon with wings on its back.

With a wave of his wings, he fanned the smoke and dust and flew straight from the bottom up to the Kirby Beast in mid-air.

“Kirby Beast! Tarzan Top! ”

Bosco Dora is very fast, and this distance is not enough time to perform skills such as destroying the Death Light.


The Kirby Beast let out a loud cry and crashed directly into Bosco Dora.


A loud crashing sound sounded.

Then with a thud, the body of the Kirby Beast smashed into the ground from mid-air, smashing out a huge pit.


The figure of Bosco Dora in mid-air then fell.

Both elves were in a bad state at this time.

The Kirby Beast, in particular, couldn’t struggle to get up.

Bosco Dora was slightly better, but also gasping for breath at this point.

“Kirby Beast! Go to bed! ”

The Kirby Beast, lying in the deep pit, heard Gu Yu’s voice, and then fell into a state of sleep, and the injury began to recover instantly.

“Bosco Dora! Chop tiles! ”


Bosco Dora let out a loud cry, and his right hand was covered with white light, and he rushed directly towards the sleeping Kirby Beast.

“Kirby Beast! Dream words! ”

[Dream Words: Use 1 of the moves you have learned: You can only use them when you are sleeping.] 】

“The Kirby Beast uses dreams, and I don’t know what skills the Kirby Beast can use?”

The on-site commentary also became curious.

Then under the gaze of nearly 100,000 people in the Heavenly King Arena.

The sleeping Kirby Beast slowly got up and crashed directly into Bosco Dora!

100,000 horsepower!

Chop tiles!


The skills of two elves, hitting each other.

Instantly knock the opponent out.

With two thuds, the two elves each fell to the ground.

Bosco Dora is four times weaker on the ground and is hit by three ground system skills, plus a move Tarzan to the top.

At this time, he could no longer hold back and directly passed out.

The Kirby Beast had been more seriously injured, but the sleeping skill allowed the Kirby Beast to barely hold on.

【Ding! The Kirby Beast defeats Bosco Dora and gains 45,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Kirby Beast upgraded to level 44! 】

“Bosco Dora fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As soon as the referee’s voice fell, the Heavenly King Arena was instantly filled with cheers!

Zhu Xinyan, the leading teacher of Yenching University, saw the smile on her face after Bosco Dora was defeated, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Instead, there is solemnity.

“One of the aces, Bosco Dora, has fallen, and the Kirby Beast, although badly damaged, can recover from the injury by sleeping.”

“If you can’t solve this Kirby beast quickly, Yan Siyu will be in danger!”

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