Chapter 143 The Headmaster Who Was Heartbroken! Advance to the final!!

This feeling…

Anyway, Jia Yuecheng is in a very bad mood now!

Jia Yuecheng glanced at Kong Hui, the president of Modu University next to him.

In his heart, he secretly said, “Kong Hui this guy can really hold his breath, if I were him, I’m afraid I would want to leave the scene directly!” ”

Kong Hui actually wanted to quit the scene.

But today Ye Hongyi and his wife Ren Manyun are there.

Kong Hui could only hold back his anger now!

At this time, Ren Manyun’s voice sounded.

“Husband! You’re about to see Yaoyao playing! ”

“I saw it.”

“Yao Yao come on! Defeat Mordor University! ”


Ren Manyun’s words were like a sharp blade, very fiercely pierced into Kong Hui’s heart.

Kong Hui’s face was ugly and a little frightening, but he was not good at attacking.

After all, is it still wrong for people to cheer on their daughters?

On the field.

With the arrival of Ye Mengyao, the game is about to start.

Mordor University sent a man and a woman.

The man’s name is Meng Shuai, and the woman’s name is Xia Cewei.

After the referee determines that both sides of the match are in place, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

Desert Grounds!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a playing field of about 1,500 square meters, covered with yellow sand, slowly rises.

The scene had already walked almost one-fifth of the audience by this time.

But the rest of the local audience still did not give up supporting Mordor University.

When the Magic University players appeared on the stage, the applause and cheers on the scene sounded again!

“Mordor University!”


“Mordor University!”


Listening to the cheering sound of the scene, Gu Yu showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: “Is this what it feels like to be a villain?” ”

“The venue is ready! The doubles tournament has officially begun! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the two sides also sent their own elves.

Crested Tooth Land Shark!


A big steel snake at level 39!

Scorpio King!

The Scorpion King is 2 meters tall.

It has the characteristics of scorpions and bats throughout the body gray-purple.

In the ears, arms and abdomen are red with large bright yellow eyes.

Behind it is a huge patch of black bat wings.

【Scorpio King (Ground) (Flight)】



【Features: Poison therapy (HP when it becomes poisoned)】

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(227), Attack (31), Defense (26) Special Attack (30) Special Defense (20) Speed (31)]

【Skills: Broken Head Pliers, Throwing Sand, Shooting, Poison Strike, Lightning Tooth, Frozen Tooth, Flame Tooth, Lightning Flash, Continuous Chop, Surprise Blow, Acrobatics, Dark Attack Key, Cross Scissors, Piercing Sound, Sword Dance, Heavy Heaven Fist, Steel Wing, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Splitting Tiles】

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Dojo】

“Scorpion King! Sword Dance! ”

[Sword Dance: Dance the battle dance fiercely to increase momentum. Dramatically increase your attack. 】

“Big steel snake! Quicksand hell! ”

[Quicksand Hell: Traps your opponent in an overwhelming sandstorm and attacks for a certain amount of time. 】

As soon as the two men came up, they attacked first.


The Scorpion King let out a loud roar and immediately performed a sword dance.

The Great Steel Snake also cast the Quicksand Hell at the same time.

In an instant, the yellow sand of the desert field began to turn rapidly!

Then under the gaze of the live audience.

The yellow sand of the desert site flew up, completely enveloping the entire venue in yellow sand!

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao’s voices sounded almost at the same time.

“Menas! Rain! ”

“Toothless land shark! Dig! ”

The fanged land shark burrows directly into the ground.


With Menas’s voice sounded.

Dark clouds began to gather above the arena.

In the blink of an eye, the downpour fell.

Although it is a world of elves, it also has to obey some laws of nature.

The rain-watered sand obviously cannot be lifted by the big steel snake.

The quicksand hell skill is sealed.

“Scorpion King! Lightning teeth! ”

Xia Tse-wai’s order.

[Lightning Tooth: Bite your opponent with teeth full of electricity.] Sometimes it makes the opponent cringe or fall into a state of paralysis. 】

At the same time, Meng Shuai also ordered: “The big steel snake aims at Menas!” Cannon Light Cannon! ”

The steel energy gathered in the mouth of the Great Steel Serpent, and just then Ye Mengyao’s voice sounded.

“Toothless land shark! The Power of the Earth! ”

[Earth Force: Unleashes Earth Force at the feet of your opponent.] Sometimes the opponent’s special defense is lowered. 】


The desert beneath the Great Steel Serpent’s body split open, and a huge force gushed out.

The huge force directly knocked the large steel snake away, and the fanged land shark also drilled out from the ground.


Then the huge body of the big steel snake fell from mid-air and slammed into the ground, making a loud noise.

The big steel snake was twice as weak as the ground, and the fanged land shark caused a lot of damage to the big steel snake.

At the same time, the battle between Menas and the Scorpion King had also begun.

“Menas! Charming! Cast a frozen beam! ”


Menas shouted, and countless pink lights emanated from his body.

The Scorpion King’s eyes instantly turned pink, and he involuntarily stopped his attack and flew towards Menas.

Xia Cewei shouted anxiously, “Scorpion King! Hurry up and wake up! ”

The Scorpion King was four times weaker and was hit by Menas’s frozen beam of light, which basically announced the end of the game.

The endless cold air gathered in Menas’s mouth, turning into a blue light and heading straight for the Scorpion King in mid-air.

The Scorpion King had no time to dodge, and directly transformed into an ice sculpture and fell from mid-air.

Four times the weak ice plus the level gap, Menas directly killed the Scorpion King!

【Ding! Menus defeats the Scorpion King and gains 7,000 experience points! 】


A loud crashing sound sounded.

The Great Steel Snake and the Toothless Land Shark engage in a fierce confrontation.

“Big steel snake! Iron Tail! ”

“Toothless land shark! Reverse scales! ”

[Reverse Scale: Attack in a random manner for a certain period of time.] After making a big fuss, you will also fall into chaos. 】

The tail of the large steel snake appeared with a metallic glow, and it swept directly towards the fanged land shark.

Countless dragon energies appeared on the surface of the fanged land shark’s body, roared, and directly met the iron tail.


A loud explosion sounded again.

The big steel snake instantly looked pained, and the huge body drive was directly hit by the fanged land shark and began to retreat.

And that’s not the end!


The fanged land shark crashed into the big steel snake again, and this time the big steel snake was directly knocked away!


The huge body of the big steel snake smashed heavily on the desert field, and then the huge head of the big steel snake slammed into the ground.

Although the strength of Modu University is very strong, it is all based on Lin Xuan.

After Lin Xuan lost the singles match, the departure of some of the spectators was enough to explain the strength of the others!

Meng Shuai and Xia Caiwei saw their elves and were knocked down so easily.

The faces of the two instantly darkened.

Especially Meng Shuai, beads of sweat with large beans slid directly from his forehead.

The life and death of Mordor University are now in the hands of the two.

Although the sound of cheering can bring strength to the players, why is it not a kind of pressure?

Xia Cewei’s breathing also began to be rapid, and it was obvious that her current pressure was not small.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes, despair and a hint of reluctance.

Then the two sent out their last elves.

A level 36 fire-breathing dragon and a level 38 nine-tailed dragon.

“Menas! Tide whirlpool! ”


As Gu Yu’s voice fell, Menas’s voice sounded.

On the desert field, the rainwater that had just been created with the Rain Seeking skill began to spin rapidly around the two elves.

In the next instant, a vortex formed by the flow of water trapped the fire-breathing dragon and the nine tails in the middle.

The on-site commentary saw this scene and shouted: “The two elves of the Modu University players are trapped in the water vortex formed by the tide whirlpool, if they can’t get out in time, Modu University will be in danger!” ”

Meng Shuai and Xia Cewei were obviously aware of this and began to direct the elves to rush out of the whirlpool.

“Nine Tails! Use your magic power to rush out! ”

“Fire-breathing dragons! Use the dragon system to fight a way out! ”

“Toothless land shark! Earthquake! ”

The little Kirby Beast heard Gu Yu’s order, jumped directly, and then stomped on it!


The desert field was cracking, and at the same time there was a violent shaking.

After being hit by the earthquake, the Nine Tails in the whirlpool involuntarily appeared pained on their faces.

The fire-breathing dragon had just broken a way out of mid-air, and it hadn’t had time to be happy.

Menas’s water cannon once again sent the fire-breathing dragon into the vortex.

At the Contestant Passage.

When Su Qingyun saw this scene, the smile on his face became even stronger.

“Magic University has lost! Next, you can look forward to Gu Yu’s match with the tyrant! ”

“A Pokkis has been hiding for so long, I don’t know if Gu Yu has any other hole cards?”

Yan Siyu’s eyes also showed curiosity.

“When you say that, I’m looking forward to the next final!”

There is no longer any suspense in the game on the field.

After 2 minutes, the vortex formed by the Tide Spinning skill dissipates.

The unconscious Nine-Tailed and the Fire-Spitting Dragon were revealed.

“Nine Tails! The fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! Ye Mengyao! ”

“Zhejiang University won two victories in singles and doubles! Successfully advance to the finals! ”

As the referee’s voice fell.

In the Heavenly King Arena, applause and cheers rang out.

More than a quarter of the audience has already gotten up and started to leave.

At this time, some cameras were also aimed at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan’s eyes were fixed on the arena, and there was unwillingness, helplessness, and regret in his eyes.

Peng Xing’an, the leading teacher of Modu University, saw this scene and came over and patted Lin Xuan’s shoulder to comfort Lin Xuan.

“Man always has to pay for his youth!”

“It’s just a game, not your life, and we’re going to look forward.”

“If we lose, we lose, and the teacher hopes that you will remember the pain and unwillingness of the present, which will become the driving force for your future progress and constantly spur you forward!”

“The teacher knows that you and Ye Mengyao are relatives, now go and congratulate them!”

“They win beautifully, and we can afford to lose!”

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