Chapter 145 Plot! Happy wind speed dog! The final begins!!

After the entourage leaves.

Xia Pengyu quickly searched and made sure that there was no listening device before he spoke.

“Heavenly King, what are you looking for me?”

The gentle smile on Yuan Hanhai’s original face had disappeared.

Instead, it was serious, and the eyes were more full of sharpness.

“I mainly want to ask about Gu Yu.”

“He’s growing up a little too fast!”

Xia Pengyu was stunned at first, and then nodded.

Recalling Gu Yu’s growth, Xia Pengyu’s eyes also flashed a trace of shock.

Gu Yu’s growth rate is too fast!

Looking at the champions and kings of the world, just look at this age.

No one can be stronger than Gu Yu!

The two mysterious droplets obtained at the Poseidon Festival are the best proof!

“I can’t understand Gu Yu’s growth rate.”

“Logically, even if he gets the resources of the organization, he shouldn’t grow so fast.”

Yuan Hanhai nodded, and then said his thoughts.

“His current strength is stronger than many senior players!”

“At this rate of growth, Gu Yu may grow into a Heavenly King-level trainer before graduating from university!”

“If Gu Yu can really do it, it will inevitably become the focus of the world!”

“When the time comes to use Gu Yu, you can attract a lot of attention, which will also make our plan more convenient.”

Xia Pengyu instantly understood Yuan Hanhai’s meaning.

Yuan Hanhai was ready to let Gu Yu be a target and divert some of the attention of the alliance and the major forces.

Then it is convenient for them to plan behind the scenes.

“This is a good idea, but whether Gu Yu can become a Heavenly King-level trainer before graduating from college, I am not sure.”

“No problem! Even if he couldn’t become a Heavenly King-level trainer and have a juvenile Divine Beast Terra Ola there, Gu Yu could become the focus of everyone’s attention! ”

Yuan Hanhai was already confident about his plan.

May 9.

Today is the day off before the final.

Gu Yu did not train today, but flew to the Huangpu River Secret Realm on a Poké Keis.

Dense forests that shade the sky, clear streams…

Looking at the familiar scene, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a trace of memory.

The first time he came here, he was still carrying the little Kirby beast.

Now the little Kirby beasts have evolved into Kirby Beasts.

He himself became a formal trainer and received many awards and honors.

The wind speed dog is also very happy to return to his hometown.

“Woohoo! (* ̄︶ ̄)”

As he quickly followed Pokkekigu in the sky, he shouted excitedly.

Come to the undeveloped area.

Walk through the dense forest to a cliff.

The cliff that was originally fought for charcoal, which led to the Jiaoshi, is now a green place.

On the cliff, five or six Katy dogs were chasing and fighting, and two or three wind-speed dogs were lying on a resting place.


Seeing the clan again, the wind speed dog began to accelerate while shouting happily.

The people of the Wind Speed Dog heard the familiar voices and also made excited and increased barks!




Then the 2.5-meter-long wind dog leader also ran out of the cave in the cliff.

More than a dozen wind speed dogs and Katy dogs surrounded Gu Yu’s wind speed dogs.

Gu Yu now rode Pokkis from the sky.

Seeing Gu Yu, the Wind Speed Dog leader shouted, with doubts in his eyes.


Is this really my son?!

Gu Yu instantly understood and looked at the wind speed dog whose body length and strength exceeded his father’s.

Then he nodded at the Wind Speed Dog Leader.

“Although the strength of the wind speed dog has improved a little faster, he is indeed your son.”


The wind speed dog leader shook the dog’s head up and down.

Although it is not clear why his son’s strength has increased so quickly.

But the Wind Dog leader was still happy that his son could go home.

Start preparing food for the Wind Speed Dog and Gu Yu and the elves.

Gu Yu also released all the elves he was carrying this time.

Kirby Beasts, Menas, Monarch Serpents, Terraora and Ibu.

Under the leadership of the Wind Speed Dog Leader, the Kati Dog Clan found various flavors of tree fruits for Gu Yu’s many elves.

Caught a few fresh fish for Gu Yu.

After eating, Gu Yu and the elves found a place to rest in the shade of a tree.

After the Kirby Beast lay down, Gu Yu habitually leaned on the soft belly of the Kirby Beast.

At this time, Menas and the monarch snake also came.


Menas shouted, rubbed his head on Gu Yu’s cheek, and then placed his head on Gu Yu’s chest.


The monarch snake also learned from the same, and after rubbing Gu Yu’s cheek, he put his head on Gu Yu’s stomach.

Just a little bit up with Menas’s head.

Two snakes, one white and one green.

One up and one down.

Gu Yu instantly felt Xu someone’s happiness.

And then…

Gu Yu had to let the two elves get up.

The standard weight of Menas is 162 kg.

The standard weight of the monarch snake is 62 kg.

Gu Yu’s two elves were better developed and larger.

The combined weight of the two elves was about five hundred pounds.

Even if you only count the head, you must have at least 40 pounds, or even heavier!

Gu Yu was really overwhelmed and had to let the two elves get up from him.

“Menas! Monarch snake! Hurry up! I’m going to be crushed to death by you!” ”

Under Gu Yu’s constant urging, the two elves reluctantly got up.

While rubbing his chest, Gu Yu sighed.

“I don’t know why stupid things are so non-human, is this the protagonist aura?”

After Menas and the Monarch Snake left, Gu Yu continued to rest on the Kirby Beast.

The Wind Speed Dog is talking to his father, the Wind Speed Dog Leader.

Keep telling yourself what you’ve seen and heard in the human world.

When the wind speed dog finished speaking, the wind speed dog leader shouted.


My baby! I’m so proud of you!

The wind speed dog heard his father’s praise and kept smirking.

Then he ran to the place where Gu Yu was resting, as if he wanted to share his joy with Gu Yu.

The speed of the wind dog was very fast, and after a few moments, he saw Gu Yu and his companions lying under the tree resting.

The Kirby Beast lay under the tree, and Gu Yu leaned against the belly of the Kirby Beast.

On the left hand side is Menas, and on the right hand side is the monarch snake.

Ibu lay in Gu Yu’s arms, and Terra Ola slept on the belly of the Kirby beast.

The wind speed dog also stopped when he saw it, afraid of waking Gu Yu.

Cautiously, he came to Gu Yu and found a place to lie down.

When Gu Yu woke up, it was already 3 p.m.

At this moment, Gu Yu’s heart was unprecedentedly peaceful.

The final of the National Collegiate Elf League is about to begin.

Gu Yu, as one of the protagonists, said that there was no pressure, and it was estimated that no one believed it.

During this time, Gu Yu’s phone calls and chat messages were about to explode.

Even Xia Pengyu was putting pressure on Gu Yu to tell him that he must win.

Gu Yu was very clear about the importance of this game to himself.

But the more times like this, the more you can’t put yourself in a state of tension.

Otherwise it will only backfire.

After bidding farewell to the Wind Speed Dog Leader, Gu Yu rode Pokkis back to the Cloud Hotel.

May 10.

In the early morning, the golden sunlight illuminated the magic capital.

After Gu Yu and the others simply ate breakfast, they got on the bus to the Heavenly King Arena.

After getting off the bus, even Gu Yu had been mentally prepared.

When I saw the front of the Heavenly King Arena, nearly five hundred broadcast trucks, black pressure pressed a piece of reporters.

Gu Yu also had to say the terrible influence of the National Collegiate Elf League!

When the reporters saw Gu Yu at the end, they swarmed like sharks smelling blood.

The long gun and the short cannon were also aimed at Gu Yu.

“Gu Yu! Can you talk about today’s game? ”

“Do you have a certain certainty of victory over Kong Xingyu?”

“Do you think you’re going to be a champion?”

The game began to no longer accept interviews, which Xia Pengyu had already explained.

Therefore, in the face of the reporters’ questions, Gu Yu chose to ignore them all.

With all the effort, Gu Yu walked into the Heavenly King Arena and came to the lounge.

When the locker room door closes for a moment.



In an instant, it began to spread throughout the locker room.

As the captain of the Zhejiang University Colonel Team, Su Chen’s breathing has begun to be short, and his palms have begun to sweat.

Subconsciously, he looked up at Gu Yu.

Su Chen saw Gu Yu with an indifferent face, and was gently caressing Ibu in his arms.

Not knowing why, Su Chen suddenly felt that the tension in his heart had dissipated a lot in an instant.

Gu Yu had already noticed Su Chen, or the eyes of his teammates.

The competition was played in front of nearly 100,000 people on the spot, millions of people across the country, and even audiences around the world.

He said there was no pressure at all, and that was definitely false.

But as the strongest person in Zhejiang University!

He had to be calm!

At this time, the sound of the radio broke the tense atmosphere of the locker room.

“Team members of both Zhejiang University and Jilin University! Please enter now! ”

Gu Yu and the others got up one after another and walked out of the lounge.

Walking to the entrance of the contestant passage, the Zhejiang University people just met the people of Jilin University.

The distance between the two sides became closer and closer, and finally they stopped very tacitly.

Ji Da, a young man wearing gold wire glasses and full of bookish air, instantly attracted Gu Yu’s attention.

‘Tyrant’ Kong Xingyu!

When Kong Xingyu saw Gu Yu, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he took the initiative to open his mouth.

“Gu Yu! Get to know me, my name is Kong Xingbao! ”

“I’m curious, do you really have any hole cards to keep?”

“In singles matches, I send my Bangira at the beginning.”

“If you have a hole card that can solve my Bangila, use it!”

“None of the elves you’ve already played out of the game will be able to beat my Bangira if they don’t take the baton skill boost!”

“And I’m not going to give you a chance to use your baton skills.”

Hearing Kong Xingyu’s confident words, Gu Yu pondered for a moment, and then agreed to come down.


The war spirit in Kong Xingyu’s eyes began to rise, and his face was full of expectation.

“Good! Then let’s have a real showdown! ”

After speaking, Kong Xingyu led the Ji people and took the lead in walking out of the contestant channel.

Leave Gu Yu the finale.

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